Weird Poll: Do you cheat in INF online?

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Do you cheat in INF online?

  • Yes - All the way

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Yes - But mostly wallhacking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - But mostly using radar or similar

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Yes - But mostly minor tweaks

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • No - But I am considering it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - and I never will

    Votes: 54 84.4%

  • Total voters


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
ok this must be one of the weirdest poll ever on this forum and I think it might create some...mmm... discussion. Please stay civilized :eek:

But lately we've seen a lot of problems and "BS" in online matches.

So here is a poll to respond to my curioisty. Please be honnest. This is a secret poll. Let me explain the choices:

Yes - All the way :
You cheat all you can... Aimbot, wallhack, tweaks... everything you can use to help your luck.

Yes - But mostly wallhacking :
You mostly do wallhacking, either using faulty renderers or various external hooks.

Yes - But mostly using radar or similar :
You mostly use a radar, that is a tool to clearly display enemy and friendly locations. Map, radar, beacons... anything.

Yes - But mostly minor tweaks :
You only use minor ini tweaks... gamma whoring, changing ambiant glow... anything to help you see players better in dark, hide decos, stuff that give you a major advantage to and "untweaked" player. Excludes stuff for performance if you have a low-end system. It depends on what you use the tweak for really. If you honnestly think you are cheating.... then... you probably are.

No - But I am considering it :
Please tell me you're not...

No - and I never will :
Pretty much clear... no you are not and you are not even considering it.

EDIT: changed the tweak definition. That was at least after Crowze voted... so i guess it's -1. Sorry for the confusion.
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Yes, but *only* these two minor tweaks. I have Coronas and Fog turned off. Apart from the performance issue, I do this because I have no way of knowing whether anyone else has the same settings on or off, so I'm prepared for all occasions. It's like ghosting - put two similar teams against each other, give them both TeamSpeak, but let one team talk only when their in-game player is alive. There's no question which team would win. Basically, I'd turn them on only if everyone else was forced to do the same - I would welcome such a move.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Ok that tweak question wasn't the best... I should have asked this differently. It should have been "Major tweaks"... but compared to the rest they look minor to me ;)
If it's performance related you don't have much choice I guess.

EDIT: yep... I should have kept coronas out of there... I was more thinking about tweaks that give you a huge advantage... like changing the gamma, the ambiant glow and stuff like that.
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Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
Visit site
Well it depends on what people consider 'tweaks'.

My setup lets me switch between M67 and 'best Weapon' with a Keypress and I reduced Mousespeed to 50% while "holding breath"... (I'm used to extreme mouse sensitivity for work, but I can't fineaim with those settings propperly). I usually (ab)use the G3 for sniping, since I don't like the Scope/ACOG implementation.

(new Logitech mouse MX 518 lets you switch between 400, 800 and 1600 dpi on the fly)

All eyecandy is maxed, coronas 'on', gamma usually on 6 or 7 which gives decent brightness without washed out textures...
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Jan 11, 2001
Well, taque and duke do cheat a lot. At least it's what everybody's saying :lol: .


The Cult Of Personalities
Apr 23, 2004
yea like people are really gonna admit they are cheating. :rolleyes:

as of my opinion, i do think some of these "good" people are using something.people doing 500 meter shots with a iron sighted weapon is total bull****, especially when they hit the first few times they shoot.good shooting? i think not.unless some of these people have 21 inch moniters or play this game on their big screen tv, theres just no way.


arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
Visit site
i suspect duke (sometimes) taque, i think hes not cheating just carrying 50 m203 and shooting everycorner.
i suspect some guys like evil or noxum


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Saying stuff like "that guy is cheating" is a bit useless. This is not the point.

CFA I don't expect people to admit they are cheating... this is why I did a secret poll. I am not asking people to post in here and state "Yes, I am cheating".

As for shooting a target at 500 m with iron sights, IMO you are wrong. If the target is clearly distinguishable, it's not that hard... espeically with the G3A3 or the FAL.


Sep 5, 2004
Ohio, USA
I have made a few 500+ m shots with the G3A3, I once hit PBJ with a single shot and he asked me if I cheated(twice), but I don't. And don't expect for people to openly admit to cheating in INF.


Jan 18, 2005
Please be honnest

****. I voted before I read =/

Chances are I never will. The only way to feel good with inf to to have fun, not just to get frags. people who go for frags, fraggers, usually lose their "r" and then their respect.

Oh, except weapons that arent released to the public, I have used those online though.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
I'll gladly turn up monitor brightness on dark maps. You don't stand a chance if you don't, and that's true for basically any game. It's worse because my monitor has some low gamma issues, which I didn't realize until I saw my friend's monitor running with its higher gamma movie/game setting, and realized I was pretty much blind when everyone else wasn't.

Otherwise, no.


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
All those "performance" cheats make me wish you could hardcode brightness, coronas, fog and stuff into a game without the ability to turn them off. Even the poor people who can't afford a decent PC are cheating with their low res textures and graphic glitches that allow them to see footsteps, clipping and make people stand out against plain walls instead of staring into the beautiful mess of pixels that a forested wall texture can provide.

Like HL2, the people with good PCs get reflections on their water that look near photorealistic. The people with weak PCs, see right through the water. I don't think game developers are ready to drop support for old technology because they need every dollar they can get. Maybe in 20 years when everything is absolutely "real", performance "cheats" will cease to exist. That still leaves hacks, bots and hooks. :)

Besides, there is a degree of satisfaction to be enjoyed when you don't cheat and destroy a team of cheaters. One victory for every three defeats is good enough for me!


The Cult Of Personalities
Apr 23, 2004
geogob said:
Saying stuff like "that guy is cheating" is a bit useless. This is not the point.

CFA I don't expect people to admit they are cheating... this is why I did a secret poll. I am not asking people to post in here and state "Yes, I am cheating".

As for shooting a target at 500 m with iron sights, IMO you are wrong. If the target is clearly distinguishable, it's not that hard... espeically with the G3A3 or the FAL.

hitting a still target in a open field with neon camos, maybe.but a moving target or someone that is prone or 3/4 hidden, no.this is what im talking about.