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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I'm not concerned with the Radar. It doesn't matter where it is because it's a prominent part of the HUD. I'm more concerned about the spattering of information that the old HUD had. Why do you think Aaron Leiby likes the newer design better? Because he wished he would have had more time to make it look like that!


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
I'm not concerned with the Radar. It doesn't matter where it is because it's a prominent part of the HUD. I'm more concerned about the spattering of information that the old HUD had. Why do you think Aaron Leiby likes the newer design better? Because he wished he would have had more time to make it look like that!

Nor am I. I'm just concerned with my visibility, and the radar being in the top portion of the screen cuts out alot more information than it would being in the lower portion of the screen.. ALOT more. The other crap involving the hud, I don't care about necessarily. As I don't bother looking at it :)

Any HUD till do. If worse comes to worse, I'll just disable the damn radar on my screen if it gets in the way! \o/


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
yeah, we managed without a radar in XMP, I don't think I would miss it here.

Maybe if there were a pop-up orthographic map like Onslaught has, for refrerence, that might be a good alternative.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
XMP definitely needs an orthographic map like ONs has. It has needed it since day one (for respawn points). Cycling through the respawns visually is just dumb, imo.


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
Zaknafein said:
I would say have an option between the new 'classic' and Indian's HUD for the final release.
Someone agrees with me! :tup:

*Edit: Btw, only time I ever used radar was to figure out if something near me was owned by my team or something worthy of being hacked. As for guiding and directing me it didn't do much, especially on maps like Kaminari. A translucent ONS-style map might actually do some good.
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Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
\/\/0RF said:
The radar was a total non-factor for me. It gave me zero relevant information imo, and I ended up never looking at it.

Oh, ok I gotcha. I don't know, I used the radar alot to look at where the enemy was. If I saw the left side being the team colors I knew it was a safe bet that that's where enemies were, of if I was around a corner and I hear a raptor/jug/whatever and I look on my screen and I see none in my vicinity I know that it's an enemy one/etc. Just little crap like that I found to be very useful, especially the vehicle noise versus radar icon for when I play defense..


Dork online, since '99
Jun 19, 2001
It's amazing how differently people play the game. I consider the radar is as defining a part of XMP as the classes, hacking, and sprint-dodge-jumping.

When playing the classic merc role of gen and deploy hacker, the only way to see which need hacking and to work out an optimal route to them is to study the radar.
For anyone defending, once in position (base, generator, or whatever) watching the radar is at least as important as the main screen.

Sure, an orthographic minimap could do all this. In fact it would make it all much easier but, in my opinion, would also make it not XMP.
A minimap is independent of your position so is fine in any corner of the screen. With a radar the centre represents your position (I don't know about other people but I play from near to the centre of the screen). ONS has a minimap, XMP has a radar. ONS is not XMP.


Jan 22, 2004
orthographic map is to time consuming to deploy, there's another thread about that and somebody made a good suggestion, i think it was mort, check it out you and you're hunger for orthographic maps


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
No it's not. It's no more time consuming than in any other game that uses an orthographic map for respawn.

I've seen the other thread. I brought it up in this thread BEFORE that thread was made which is why I'm discussing it HERE.

No argument against an orthographic respawn map is a good argument. First of all, it's familiar, since every other game with respawning and respawn points uses an orthographic view to do so. Second of all, it's not confusing. If you have NEVER played another game with respawn points, then an Orthographic view is the easiest to figure out. You know WHERE in the map you are respawning, and (depending on the game) you know what kind of allies are around where you are respawning. It is easier to figure out where to respawn, it is easier to figure out where the respawn locations are, it is even easier to respawn FASTER because you get used to where things are in the map when you can see the entire thing over and over and over again.

I tried to make a mod for this in u2xmp but the radar class was too native. It wasn't practical to continue once everyone quit playing the game, either.


Feb 24, 2004
Skatcher said:
classic look? :hmm:


Oh Yeah this is it.

I don't know how you can effectively play without radar. It is vital IMO. I can't stand wandering around in a map trying to find everything. I use the radar extensively to get to energy and nodes. I go from one energy to the next and take the most direct route. It must be located bottom center so it doesn't block view and has a more natural feel.

When navigating with a compass I hold the compass at my waistline not up above my head to read it. Radar at the top just plain goes against natural instinct for me.

In u2xmp I rarely used the bars at the top but the things that I needed and used the most were right there at the bottom nice and organized and uncluttered. I like that.

eh what do I know.


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
No it's not. It's no more time consuming than in any other game that uses an orthographic map for respawn.

I've seen the other thread. I brought it up in this thread BEFORE that thread was made which is why I'm discussing it HERE.

No argument against an orthographic respawn map is a good argument. First of all, it's familiar, since every other game with respawning and respawn points uses an orthographic view to do so. Second of all, it's not confusing. If you have NEVER played another game with respawn points, then an Orthographic view is the easiest to figure out. You know WHERE in the map you are respawning, and (depending on the game) you know what kind of allies are around where you are respawning. It is easier to figure out where to respawn, it is easier to figure out where the respawn locations are, it is even easier to respawn FASTER because you get used to where things are in the map when you can see the entire thing over and over and over again.

I tried to make a mod for this in u2xmp but the radar class was too native. It wasn't practical to continue once everyone quit playing the game, either.

He makes a good point.


Puppet Master of BBF
Mar 28, 2004
Webster, NY
Yeah agree with Brizz about the respawn.... even tho I have no idea what orthographic means o.0 although if there is a redeploy wait time like XMP had (and there should be) you should be able to view from the spawn point you have picked.

Additionally but separatly....yes we need radar/mini map as well. of those two I prefer a scalable translucent mini map like 2k4 has but put it in lower center like XMP...

The rest of the hud.... I'm with Tenacity on that one... I don't really care what it looks like as long as the same info is in roughly the same place.
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New Member
Sep 23, 2004
I like the classic HUD by far. I suggest focus on reproducing it accurately. The radar is VERY useful, anyone not using is not playing to their full potential, period. Yes it needs to be centered in the bottom middle just like the classic.

The people who don't use the radar are the ones who are too lazy to ever map/figure out the radar zoom level button in 99 out of 100 cases. AKA noobs!


New Member
Apr 10, 2004
Kaladryn said:
I like the classic HUD by far. I suggest focus on reproducing it accurately. The radar is VERY useful, anyone not using is not playing to their full potential, period. Yes it needs to be centered in the bottom middle just like the classic.

I cant stress how much i agree with this comment ... and as of late (no offence) i cant help but feel this conversions gone a little off track ... maybe its just my narrow view but i sorta viewed this project as a bunch of very talented people helping to export a game that in all rights and senses is a work of art and a testiment to legend ... so that other people can see it ... while im sure little tweaks need to be made .. maybe a few balancing issues with the help of legend .... Arguement or discussions about "maybe we should change this or maybe remake that" cant help but make me feel your not trying to convert a game but make a new one ...

All the new hud designs look very nice, but i'd prefer the old one, it was slim, and gave all the info i needed without consuming 2/3's of my viewing space ...
I understand that you needed to get the best interests of the avid nostalgic gamer (me), and with the the apeal to attract new users from teh UT community etc, who would prob drool at the aspec of a shiney big HUD before they even try the game....

Anyway i'll end this cause i feel myself getting a little disheartened,

Keep up the good work and try not to stray too far from the original, least ye lose sight of what you originally intended to aim for ...

The Peoples Mouse
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