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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
takwu said:
I do not think the ONS hud is organized nicely and simply. Yes I would be disagreeing with whoever that think it is. But I do not think that is the rest of the Unreal community. You, Sir_Brizz, do not represent the rest of the Unreal community. Nor do I believe you know what would represent the rest of the Unreal community. Oh boy.
See UT2003 HUD.

The only difference I can see in your description of the difference between the HUDs is that in XMP player information is at the top and tactical information is at the bottom (unlike any game) and in UT2004 player information is at the bottom and tactical information is at the top (like every other game out there).


cXp coder Tak®
Feb 5, 2004
and it's also not my fault Sir_Briss doesn't read.

Sir_Briss, just exactly what is the point in asking me to explain over and over why I prefer certain HUD design?

I explained extensively the XMP hud, and you know it.
And now I need to explain extensively the ONS hud, the UT2003 hud, and normal UT2004 hud? just because I said I'd be complaining the about the ONS hud?

Fine, forget whatever I said about ONS. Please just leave me alone and stick to the topic of UTXMP huds.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
takwu said:
and it's also not my fault Sir_Briss doesn't read.

Sir_Briss, just exactly what is the point in asking me to explain over and over why I prefer certain HUD design?

I explained extensively the XMP hud, and you know it.
And now I need to explain extensively the ONS hud, the UT2003 hud, and normal UT2004 hud? just because I said I'd be complaining the about the ONS hud?

Fine, forget whatever I said about ONS. Please just leave me alone and stick to the topic of UTXMP huds.
I'm asking how the two HUDs are any different other than the location of information being swapped. Because both HUDs are infitesimaly simpler than the UT2k3 HUD, which is what UT players were asking for (and got). I've heard of no one complain about the UT2k4 HUD taking up too much of the screen or not being able to see enemies or anything like that. You claim that in some way the U2XMP HUD is superior to the UT2004 HUD but haven't given me a specific reason WHY yet. (and forget the Radar/Minimap argument. That's not what the discussion is about)


cXp coder Tak®
Feb 5, 2004
like I said, forget any comparison with UT2004 hud. I official declare I take back my one line of comment about ONS.
lets stick to comparing the proposed HUDs and the original. Which, with any luck, shouldn't need any further explanations on my part.
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