Having finally seen an Onslaught HUD (thanks Brizz), I gotta say that sucks! Minimap placement sucks, even if it is transparent (how much more difficult would it be trying to see a one-pixel high Ranger on a ridge halfway across a level through that?) Again, never having played ONS, I'm going to ass-u-me the mini-map doesn't turn like XMP's radar, you have to figure out which way the little green arrow is pointing. Yeah, lots easier than having the top of the radar ALWAYS being where you're looking! This part wasn't aimed at you Brizz, I read what you said, it's aimed at those that said, "Yay! ONS style mini-map!"
On to Cascade's new HUD: I like the old HUD-minimalistic so it doesn't block my view, and not hard to figure out (health/shield/ammo labelled and everything else easy to figure out). In fact, the only thing I didn't like the placement of was the kick/ban message, right in the freakin center. But I wouldn't mind the new version, with a few changes:
1-I like the suggestions to make health/shield/ammo the same color as the supply stations to make them less confusing when all bunched up in one corner like that.
2-Use symbols for energy and icons (because it looks better).
3-Make the time counter smaller and /or move it to the extreme upper right corner where apparently no one ever looks(?)
4-Get rid of the score (like everyone says-it's a team based game, your personal score shouldn't matter).
5-The current weapon selection works fine, without taking up too much fov during fights.
6-The death messages seem odd in the upper left, but I'm not sure if that would be more or less distracting than the current location.
7-Of course, the radar needs to be bottom center.
And thanks for adding a "You are here" to the HUD. I just don't have time to memorize the name of every portion of every map like some people (Fireball).