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Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Just play with whatever HUD they dish out, then customize it however you like it. Customizing a HUD isn't brain surgery. Especially in 2K4, where there are tutorials on how to do it. Christ this is like a broken record now.

And people crack at Brizz for speaking his mind. I think he's an idiot, a retarded idiot.. who also has brain damage.. and.. a severe penis deformation which explains why he writes such vomit on a daily basis. He's pissed off at God. But regardless, I still like reading his posts because like em or hate them he makes good points (sometimes) and if you can't take everyones opinions into consideration, or at least appreciate where they are trying to come from.. you have absolutely no right to voice your own in the first place.

Brizz, I hate you, but I love you. But not as much as I love Raccoon. Nobody can ever share what we share!!!!


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Having finally seen an Onslaught HUD (thanks Brizz), I gotta say that sucks! Minimap placement sucks, even if it is transparent (how much more difficult would it be trying to see a one-pixel high Ranger on a ridge halfway across a level through that?) Again, never having played ONS, I'm going to ass-u-me the mini-map doesn't turn like XMP's radar, you have to figure out which way the little green arrow is pointing. Yeah, lots easier than having the top of the radar ALWAYS being where you're looking! This part wasn't aimed at you Brizz, I read what you said, it's aimed at those that said, "Yay! ONS style mini-map!"

On to Cascade's new HUD: I like the old HUD-minimalistic so it doesn't block my view, and not hard to figure out (health/shield/ammo labelled and everything else easy to figure out). In fact, the only thing I didn't like the placement of was the kick/ban message, right in the freakin center. But I wouldn't mind the new version, with a few changes:
1-I like the suggestions to make health/shield/ammo the same color as the supply stations to make them less confusing when all bunched up in one corner like that.
2-Use symbols for energy and icons (because it looks better).
3-Make the time counter smaller and /or move it to the extreme upper right corner where apparently no one ever looks(?)
4-Get rid of the score (like everyone says-it's a team based game, your personal score shouldn't matter).
5-The current weapon selection works fine, without taking up too much fov during fights.
6-The death messages seem odd in the upper left, but I'm not sure if that would be more or less distracting than the current location.
7-Of course, the radar needs to be bottom center.
And thanks for adding a "You are here" to the HUD. I just don't have time to memorize the name of every portion of every map like some people (Fireball).


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
GotBeer? said:
5-The current weapon selection works fine, without taking up too much fov during fights.
This isn't limited to XMP, I have been begging EPIC to allow the OPTION of having your weapons named in a list format rather than having the pictures with the ammo levels in UT. I think it make sos much more sense to have a TEXT list of your weapons with weapons that have ammo highlited and weapons that don't dimmed...

I would prefer it that way at least.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hey all.

Lots of good ideas and suggestions here. My 2 cents:

I think I can put up with ANYTHING as long as the radar is bottom center.

It's very intuitive there so ppl coming from UT / ONS etc should be able to pick it up no problem. I picked it up as a total FPS noob without even trying. The ONS map is awful. Reminds me of trying to drive a car and read a paper road map at the same time... While heading south, with the map upside-down, during rush hour. After that, the ONS folks will have no problem adjusting to XMP style radar in the bottom center.

Can't wait for the release. Huge props to the Free Monkey folks!


cXp coder Tak®
Feb 5, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:

Refer to the Attachments.
And he went on to list all the differences between the XMP and ONS huds...

myself said:
I'd have been whining about changing that HUD
ackownledging the differences, I admitted I didn't like the ONS hud.

Sir_Brizz said:
you hate it for the same reason you like XMPs? that's odd.
now he's saying they are the same... :2thumb: you win, I give up
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
takwu said:
And he went on to list all the differences between the XMP and ONS huds...

ackownledging the differences, I admitted I didn't like the ONS hud.

now he's saying they are the same... :2thumb: you win, I give up
omg :lol:
takwu said:
the HUD is organized nicely and simply.
me said:
the HUD that everyone liked because it was small and out of the way? you hate it for the same reason you like XMPs?
Looks like I was asking a question. Everyone liked the UT2k4 HUD because it was...
takwu said:
[...]organized nicely and simply.
and you hate it because it's apparently not
takwu said:
[...]organized nicely and simply.
? So you hate the UT2k4 HUD for the same reason you LIKE the U2XMP HUD. Unless you disagree with the rest of the Unreal community?

I don't care to look back and see who said it (I'm guesing it was you) but look at my screenshot of UT2k4 again.

Bottom - Player information; Top - Tactical information.

Where is the difference?


Reach out and torch someone
The ONS radar worked because it was a MAP. You looked once, and then ignored it until an under attack message appeared (if you even bother helping out your team :p)
The XMP radar however, does not show the entire map at once AND shows objects that move, so you tend to look there a hell of a lot more often. As such, centered is better.
The rest of the HUD looks fine.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
when someone plays XMP for the first time they go like this.

First look at Green area:
"WTF is this? Am I dead? Where's my health? What are those stupid icons? WTF is that big plus?"

Red area:
"WTF is this thing? Is it a radar? WTF are those icons on it? Where is it pointing? How do I use the thing?"

Blue area:
"WTF??? Is this my health? WTF are all these icons? Why are some green and red? Whats with the lightning bolts? This HUD sucks!"

Light Blue area:
"Oh there's my Ammo...WTF is it doing up there?"

Yellow area:
"Oh there's my Health...I'll never see it up there... WTf is shield??"

The U2XMP HUD has the health, sheild, ammo and the clip labled. How much clearer can you get? In any case, I don't think any UT2k4 player is going to have a problem working out these dispays where-ever they are placed.

I'm with the people that want the mini map in the bottom centre. I use it a lot to work out what is going on around me, so I don't want to look all the way to a corner to see it. Also ONS map is badly placed (IMO) as it blocks the side of the screen. I've never felt the XMP map has got in the way of my view, but that ONS map would

For me the biggest problem with the U2XMP hud for new players are the energy bars. Energy is the most confusing part of xmp for a new player, so making that clear is important. I'd like to see the bar change colour depending on if the energy is going up or down, and have it start flashing when it drops too low.

Edit: Sorry CaSCaDe, but I started typing that before you did your post :p
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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
CaSCaDe, you can't reach a _consensus_ of any kind in just a few pages.
I agree arguing should go. But stating ones opinion once or clarifying whatever... should help reach consensus and help the game play.

Back in a week.. hopefully to a nice UTXMP surprise!



Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Chr0m - If you have read the past seven pages it has been 99% "Leave the HUD the same or you will [insert expletive here] the game!!!!" and 1% "New HUD looks good guys :tup:"


cXp coder Tak®
Feb 5, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
Unless you disagree with the rest of the Unreal community?

I don't care to look back and see who said it (I'm guesing it was you) but look at my screenshot of UT2k4 again.

Bottom - Player information; Top - Tactical information.

Where is the difference?
I do not think the ONS hud is organized nicely and simply. Yes I would be disagreeing with whoever that think it is. But I do not think that is the rest of the Unreal community. You, Sir_Brizz, do not represent the rest of the Unreal community. Nor do I believe you know what would represent the rest of the Unreal community. Oh boy.

As for the differences between the two HUDs, I think that's what you explained. Everything is placed differently. I explained all reasons why I prefer the U2XMP organization, such as putting fight-relevant information higher up, where the fight is usually seen. I could go on and repeat myself all over again, but at least one person has said something already.


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
Chr0matic said:
CaSCaDe, you can't reach a _consensus_ of any kind in just a few pages.
I agree arguing should go. But stating ones opinion once or clarifying whatever... should help reach consensus and help the game play.

i would agree if it wasnt for the fact every thing is getting repeated over and over again


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Sorry, but I just had to point this out :D

CaSCaDe said:
i mean 7 pages of the same, is it realy needed to restate everything all the time?

CaSCaDe said:
i would agree if it wasnt for the fact every thing is getting repeated over and over again
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