please fix where oponents set to 11 only gives you 9
Thanks for the patch
Oh and please fix how bots take 5 secconds to see an enermy player if the bot is defending at a defence point.. they just take so long to respond you can frag them before they respond to you I would like to add defence points to my map if ya fix this![]()
So true, I hope that they will fix that. Once and for all, the bots are stupid when playing D. Or ask a bot to cover you, ha big joke there, you get shoot in very near range, and the bot that is supose to cover you, is looking at you.
Not even looking in the back to see whou is shooting (in UT3 even when you change the level it is the same) Like said above, when you take the flag, it is like they don't see you at all. And about 5 seconds later oop's where is my flag
Try the UT99 bots and see the difference. Best bots UT99 (depending on your settings of course)
And what about the aim of the falk?
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