1. ClanMapList
2. Client Access Nones
Warning: UT2VoteMenuPlayer Package.UT2VoteMenuPlayer (Function GUI2K4.UT2K4Tab_PlayerLoginControls.InternalOnPreDraw:00D2) Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
Warning: UT2VoteClient Package.UT2VoteClient (Function UT2Vote52b6.UT2VoteClient.PostRender:0064) Accessed None 'myHUD'
i have about 6 mb of those in 5 minutes, but this might be due to my compiling-tests. Maybe i changed a standard-file, i'll reinstall the org. files...
3. Setup Save
a few things on this: It seems, that the left part of the menu isn't saved. Things like password and botmatch aren't saved. Is this by design?
4. Map Prefixes
for now, seems to be fine, no problemes yet.
But in the clanmatch-maplist there is no countdown, just "loading maplist".
In ingame gametype-switch it is correct with countdown.
3 big red crosses
5. Menu Opening
6. 500 Maps
sorry, i don't have such an amount of maps for one gametype, even not for all together
other things:
in a bot-practice, the match starts imidiately, even if i choose players must be ready. I know, this was allways the case, but with the actual anticheat-tools this is somehow anoying. Not a big thing...
another thing which we had in earlier versions too:
your files are a bit too much windows-specific
means: in the ini-file there are control-chars for lf-cr, which on linux make trouble. I always have to delete them, or delete the whole ini and let the server generate a new one.
The other thing is, your class is called UT2Vote52
b6 and your package is named UT2Vote52
B6. This is causing trouble with the redirect on linux.
Funny thing is, this only happens in betas, as there is no "b" or "B" in finals
nice work
i see you use ut2voteclansetup and ut2voteclanlast.
so if theese are 2 different parts, could it be possible to decide, if a clanmatch should be the saved one or not?
i could think of many clans, whishing one clansetup for most of their games and modifiing it only a bit, and reloading always that setup, and that other matches like 1on1 or funmatches etc should not overwrite it.