DieHard if you are reading this, there is a trouble here regarding your S3TC textures, I didn't download your packages for a long time, download low end and ate most of my space, plus I was susprised that you removed some original S3TC textures and replaced them with new ones, I am used so much to the UT originals, anyway here is some bug with E1L1B sky I noticed (skytstax texture from Skbox.utx):
Yes its a known issue, that was dicovered quite a while back in UT. But recently it was also discovered in Unreal which rules out a render issue. I still have to investigate the causes and may also turn to the Old Unreal team, Smirftsch in particular. Its not an error in the Drawscale function, because it is automatically calculated by the Mergertool.
That said, i asume its a (kinda) similar problem to the skating player glitch. Somehow it is triggered on certain maps, and may ly in the fact some setting in those skybox clouds differ from other maps.
To solve the issue, i plan to remove the involved S3TC textures from the packages. Which than means that one or more cloud textures return to low resolution. In the meantime i hope that the issue can be solved otherwise. That otherwise might be limited to Unreal, since it could be implemented in the 227 patch.
What are moths doing on that light?
I thought it was a nice touch, and i asume that the insects on Na Pali will behave similar to the Earth inscts and are drawn to lights, and effctively they could be a mix from Earth insects(Vortex Rikers being an Earth ship) as well as Na Pali insects that also were drawn to the lights after the ship chrash landed.
Also please send me the tutorials as soon as possible, for the proper texture resizing, with photoshop and gimp
Most is complete, but still missing parts. Photoshop mostly is done, but i need to take screens from The GIMP as well. But as soon as Photoshop is finished i will already sent that part.
The original UT S3TC textures are not true to the original non-S3TC textures (have a different hue etc.), thus they were replaced.
Very true, and on top of that, lots of them were plain ugly and/or had a wrong design. But even worse, the 2nd CD S3TC textures do not exceed the Low End packages. To be able to create the High End and Extreme End they had to be made from scratch. And in time this will also go apply to all other remaining 2nd CD S3TC textures in (mainly) the Ancient and PlayrShp package.
I am sure if you play a while with the new textures you will adapt, and if not, you always can return to the 2nd CD textures. But as said, at the end ALL 2nd CD S3TC textures will have been replaced.