Unreal PSX

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I tried a lucky shot and tried to contact David Kelvin (from RTNP) and ask him if he has any unreal beta stuff with him, or at least the additional textures, like the real crypt2 package, non low res one.
He said that he had acess to it only at Legend Entertainment office back then and doesn't have that stuff. But that I could ask Epic, because he said they should have it at their vaults.

Well...I just emailed Jay Wilbur, since I talked to him before about the addon pack where Eric Reuter worked on and he said he tried to do a research and couldn't find any mention of that work. Well it sounded kinda weird, why would they erase records of the Intel bundle deal work?

Well I hope this turns out well.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Thanks, yeah I wonder if he will respond on that.


Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Well, I browsed through the design docs and the maps from our contributors up till now and it seems we're missing only: E1L6 which is heavily unfinished, E1L8, E2L4, E2L8, E2L10 and any cutscenes that were planned. This doesn't look bad.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
That's not everything, there are other map parts missing from the chain. E1L5 for example (we only got part A from the latest version and some unspecified part from another version), and other maps, also the ones by Jeff Rubin, E2L2.

E2L10 got integrated into E2L9 for space saving purposes, sure the level got smaller but that's it. Don't forget we don't have a complete design doc, just the russian overview version plus more detailed overview of Ilya's maps and only the E3L4-6 ones.

What I would need also is the dialogue part of other characters from other maps, all we got is Jack's lines mostly. Not the lines of other characters from the missing maps or where they were not added yet.
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Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Please advise: what's the status on contacting Jason Watkins and John W. Anderson?

And, what about Jakub Kisiel? Anything new?
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Jason Watkins was sucesfully contacted year ago (and he wanted to share his stuff), but since then he didn't get back to me and didn't reply. John Anderson is known to not be active in online communities anymore, I tried to contact him nonetheless, but most of his email adresses didn't work.

Nothing about Jakub Kisiel, I asked few people, also other mapper on vortexq, but nothing, maybe some more people from unreality.dk or vortexq would know. All of three old email adresses to him didn't work though. The third email addr was at mindless.com.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
On a side note, who made E2L9: CraterGo?

Nathan Silvers.

There is also version with monsters in the prepacked archives stuff. Although it is not the latest one either.

As for contacting Jason again, I tried last month last time I remember. I might try it again or send from different email, maybe there is some block as happened once with Eric Reuter and he couldn't get any of my email messages.

Right now I am working on the map for the 20 brush contest and I am not very far into it plus only few days left, so I would rather concentrate on that first.

EDIT: Ok I sent him message again, this time from my alternate acount.
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The Banhammer Cometh
May 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Anyway, I've looked at E1L1C (Map with crashed Vortex Rikers in) and I've found a BSP Hole at the start area (Where the bullet box is) and I'm trying to fix that.
EDIT: Seems I've fixed it....I'll test it extensively when I get home from work.

On keeping this all organised, I think that keeping a full list of all the recovered maps and ticking them off as they are fixed would be much easier than uploading the whole thing with random folder names and such. Maybe a tick-chart as to what needs doing and what is fixed?
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Gizzy, what are you trying to do? I'm not touching the original filenames and stuff, if you fix some file on the original 220 and not for the remake, please rename the file to some unique name as well. And well, the main raw release is taken down, it will be released next month along with the stuff that Jeff Rubin might have, for historical purposes, but with a great directory system, organised by zeurkous, only install file needs to be written, but all paths and everything are set right.

Don't pull any more chaos into this, please. The release delacroix made with all that is not the "official" one, in fact it was not even known by me that he uploaded and sorted that stuff himself.

I have finished E3L6D of the conversion, only the skin is not final yet, but expect that map to be uploaded soon along with the needed texture and system files.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006

This is finished up remake of Ilya Isaykin's last map in the game, this is one of the final maps altogether. I hope this map will remain final, it was pain to align, also the skin might change further, depending on feedback.

If you wait until the door opens to the humidity system and then press it and then lure bot into that greenhouse area to the humidity the bot will change into green blooded slow reaction one.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Yeah I updated the package now, sorry for that. The file is included now.


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
Interesting map, the very least I did expect was a deathmatch single player map. Its strange to see some kind of communication between humans, since you are used to read translator messages of .. mostly dead humans on your journey.

edit: huh the scripted human pawns remind me of.. ONP somehow.. is this really from the psx version?

Although I have set a UMaleTwo pawn to evil, he just look stupid in my direction instead of attacking me, actually I always wanted to use "evil" humans as bots. Nothing against Skaarjs and co, but sometimes it is just not enough. Have you examined the map more in detail to know how this works?
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
You are not supposed to be there in that room with that umaletwo, I have put him there for cutscene only (the room was not there in the original, it belongs in E3L8 in fact), besides that script is from ONP, it is just modified, I took it from the RYS maps, since it was myleveled there, I only removed the spacemarine references. There is more you need to set for him to be evil right away, as I said his purpose is for cutscene only and you aren't supposed to ghost into that room lol.

Also the dialogue comes from the russian design document, only IIRC I had it checked by Mr. Prophet and he changed the lines a bit, but he suggested me to scrap that altogether, since it seemed somehow lame and unfinished, the dialogue parts. They had voice acting though but only voices of main player character were saved and I don't know who voice acted it, so I can't use it and can't give credit.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
I have placed one of them by myself. Figured it out
HateWhenTriggered to True and this Friendly Setting to Hate.

Would be nice to have such pawns for sp maps, since fighting them is much more interesting than a mass of troppers for example. I mean in all those years nobody ever considered to release a "human scipted pawn" pack or something like that. Ok yes it was in ONP and co, but never somehow as standalone and it would have requiered only "some coding", no new modells etc. Only the text lines at the end would be need to removed. Would not want to read them for each killed enemy.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
The end lines are required to get the meaning of the next map though (you won't fight Hari at all, infact he is too cowardlish as enemy, he doesn't want to risk dying, he is kind of a douchebag, you can kill him in E3L8, but you can choose not to and just later leave him to his fate or throw him out of airlock later on the spaceship) and I didn't want to left E3L7 out, although in the real map it was linked right to E3L8, E3L7 is a final fight with Jrath and Iris possesed by Jrath, what did Hari do is activate the signal to resurrect her and Jrath to posses her and well it transports you into this another realm where you have to do the fight.
It was left out even though E3L7 is done and it is too nice of a level to be left out I believe, that is why this was needed to set up.

Trust me, I don't like the storyline that much, but well, it is really required to tie those maps together sadly.
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The Banhammer Cometh
May 30, 2009
United Kingdom
The E1L1C I have fixed runs in 227 perfectly. I'll PM you the updated level.

Just curious, what does the UPB- suffix stand for? "Unreal PSX Beta" I'm guessing. I'll add it to the E1L1C map and send it.
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