Unreal PSX

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Yes it stands for Unreal Playstation Beta.

But...the UPB prefix is intended for maps that are being retextured, your version is not, therefore your fixed file shouldn't be named like that, instead it should be named E1L1CPSX or something like that. Just note, the LEONEW directory, I don't know why delacroix included it in his files, those files are simply backups or developement stages, those were not meant for public consumption. Latest one of that is UPB-E1L1Aold.

EDIT: I checked your conversion, it seems to work only at versions 226 plus, but you only fixed some bsp hole, that is not acceptable, if you want to make fixed version and not a full retexture do it under 220, besides I am going for 225 plus compatibility (even 224 should work) of the final files.

I will take over E1L1A next and finish it up..
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Damn it!

I am working on E1L1, but this laptop...it just turns off, the battery is practically gone...I don't know how long it will last, bur running any game or unrealed makes things far worse....


Mar 22, 2009
dying computer ...uhmmm... just make sure you have backups somewhere near ;)

I don't even use the battery in my laptops. Battery out, cable in = no worries about dead cells.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
dying computer ...uhmmm... just make sure you have backups somewhere near ;)

I don't even use the battery in my laptops. Battery out, cable in = no worries about dead cells.

I have only the cable for recharger, don't have standalone cable.


Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
The cable for recharger works fine. Plug the cable into the recharger. Plug the recharger into the slot. Eject the battery to avoid "burning" it out (it will decrease battery longevity if you leave it) and KEEP it plugged.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I got a new adapter now, that one was broken totally. So the situation is saved now.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Thanks, although for this project I would just need the maps of John Anderson (since he based his PSX map(s) on those old levels and I don't have his latest stuff) and the original different cryptic textures. If you want give him my email adress also, you could have pmed me about this though.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I will do additional update on E3L6D becasue of a client crash online on Unreal, issue with blockalls, it is really stupid there. AT UT it doesn't happen surprisingly. It makes no sense at all but it is really nasty crash, it is when you face the mover with the blockalls around it.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006

Fixed map, better for online play without client crashes, I didn't have to redo the mover thankfully.

Also I changed the last lines with Hari too.

Also had included a fix for psxshield.

EDIT: One last fix here, for mcoop servers:

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006

Celine uploaded those scans for me, I never knew there was article, apparently there was even an episode of cybernet featuring unreal psx.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Posting new screenshots here since I can't at UnrealSP anymore and I got banned again, although I say it is misunderstanding this time, to my defense. And I am not allowed to post only at my project thread either, so here I go, this is becoming main source of news thread again.

Here are the new shots from the progress then:



I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Btw I wanted to originally post this back at UnrealSP but decided not to, just as kind of warning/statement:
Anyone who uses the content I made or salvaged without my/and/or the original authors permission is breaking copyright laws.

The entire official "new" team is following:

Leo(T.C.K.) (conversions, retexturing, coding, additional stuff and detail)
Master Unreal (skins, possibly maps in future too)
DieHard (textures)
Qtit (working on new jrath stuff)
Lightning Hunter (for bot pathing/fixing of the deathmatch maps)

And Turboman and Feralidragon as potential team members to be working in future on this if they decide to.
UBerserker as well, if he would want to do it.
Delacroix is nowhere to be heard of for three months and he was supposed to do a texture package/repack of additional textures, but he was no longer in the decision making of the project.

Also I want to thank Casey again, for the earlier support and the converted elecrtic lamp mesh and for providing the fix so I can run the WOT build of E1L1 on Unreal.

I am proud of the decisions I made, they weren't wrong and I didn't make drama stirring over UnrealSP as many community members claim. I had to take actions to save my project and to get in touch with people who were in contact with Delacroix and provided him stuff, without my knowledge. For example zacman wasted all his work, because it wasn't compatible with mine and his work won't be used. So it had to be brought public, but I wasn't acting abusive, you can read the unreal psx threads at UnrealSP and see yourself. I don't get why so many people jumped on the bandwagon that I screwed up over it. But you people who critize my actions don't understand it at all. You were only fed a pack of lies and jumped on the bandwagon.
But I had to listen to the ramblinds all the time over at chat from many people that everyone thinks I am jerk for the Unreal PSX thing, etc. Please, next time check your facts. Because you only act on bias and hearsay.
I am not flamming here, I am making a statement.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006

I made one more fix for E3L6D, no floating weapon in the Hari cutscene in oldskool anymore and also fixed one mover so it can't be blocked in coop by malicious players.

I am almost done with the E1L1 and E1L4 maps too, but I am waiting on a skin to be delivered and do additional testing, don't wanna rush these like I did with E3L6D.


New Member
Hey Leo,

Ill move the file in place as soon as possible, but it may take up to a week or so. After the site got hacked, my computer got hacked as well about a week ago. They used it to setup torrent accounts and used it as a file server.

Right now i am in the process installing new drives and move all data to the new drives. Theres now a total of 7 Terabyte of data that needs to be re-organised over a 14 Terabyte of drives. Needless to say that consumes time and that includes reformating all drives. Than i am gonna test a few operating systems XP 64bit and Windows7 64bit real fast to see if Photoshop will work better with those.

After that i reinstall my FTP and do what you asked.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Hey Leo,

Ill move the file in place as soon as possible, but it may take up to a week or so. After the site got hacked, my computer got hacked as well about a week ago. They used it to setup torrent accounts and used it as a file server.

Right now i am in the process installing new drives and move all data to the new drives. Theres now a total of 7 Terabyte of data that needs to be re-organised over a 14 Terabyte of drives. Needless to say that consumes time and that includes reformating all drives. Than i am gonna test a few operating systems XP 64bit and Windows7 64bit real fast to see if Photoshop will work better with those.

After that i reinstall my FTP and do what you asked.
Yeah that sucks really bad.
OK no problem.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Most of the E1L1 and E1L4 is pretty much finished, only some textures need to be solved and resized mostly and E1L4A is not yet much optimised and rescaled at parts.
This project is still going though and I might get some other stuff recovered soon, so it can be more complete overall. Pretty busy these days though.

Although my involvement with the unreal community overall ended, I will still provide updates on my projects and be in contact with several people and help them with stuff.

However don't expect me to engage in these petty politics and corruption that seems to prevail at some places these days.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Posting some new screenshots:



Jan 20, 2008

Pretty much this is first shot which comes to mind when thinking about UPSX. Was one of the few made available about the game before all this stuff came out.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Pretty much this is first shot which comes to mind when thinking about UPSX. Was one of the few made available about the game before all this stuff came out.

There was never a shot like that (unless it was the lost official shot published in 1999) , unless you mean the video Nathan Silvers recorded with that part in it.
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