Beppo said:
Originally Posted by TOAD
... At 45 FOV, I can see and hit them fairly well but still not as well as the case IRL... so I still don't think 45 FOV is too much unless you're playing on a 36" monitor at 3200x2400
ehh you know that you've implemented a 2x zoom this way do ya... how real is that if everything else is based on the real thing in your mutator?
Well, well, well...
Lets take a 21" monitor - its about 16" wide (measure yourselves if you dont believe me).
Your face is about 20" away from the screen (measure yourselves if you dont believe me).
So, you observe your screen at
Which is about 43-44 degrees (most people use even smaller monitors though)
If you use 90deg fov ingame you can see crap at 200m distance, while in real life you can see a person 200m away pretty decently (assuming your eyes are ok).
Now how real is that?
Yeah, i agree, 45 is 2x zoom
in comparision to 90
but NO WAY 45 is like 2x zoom compared to real life vision, in fact, 45 is MOST exactly like real seeing, but because of screen limits you walk like a horse with eyecaps, and thats when 90fov comes in handy.
You cannot simulate real seeing with a monitor, but implementing both fovs is way more realistic than just one of them (IMHO the best solution would be not restricting fov in 45-110 range)
I thought it was quite obvious thing, so i got quite suprised to see Beppo's statement about 2x zoom.
But i am not suprised that Inf2.90 is not as real as it gets, not anymore.