True Scale 29

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Jan 27, 2002
Wow! Thanks a lot SaraP, you've just driven away 5eleven and Bushwack :D

geobob that didn't make much sense, Inf is a total conversion, TS is just a mutator. I doubt they worked as hard on it as beppo worked on Inf (since it's based on RA286 itself based on RA).

About the forums driving some players away, I disagree. It's well known that, a few months ago, all those left here were die-hard RAv2 players. And the release of 2.9 didn't change that. Since it's closer to RA, many thought they should mod it to be a little different (TOAD and Spooky for instance). Those complaining about that are the old RAv2 players. Since they're a majority here, it turns into a flame war. :)


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
Im not saying it will solve everything But it would mean there was a specific place for this sort of discussion and thus I for 1 would not even visit that part of the forum since i have NO INTEREST in playing something that Completely changes the whole feel/balance to this Exallent game
Then genaral Discusion could become a place to Discuss Infiltration .. Instead of a waring Ground over what People think Infiltration should be


Freon said:
Since it's closer to RA, many thought they should mod it to be a little different (TOAD and Spooky for instance). Those complaining about that are the old RAv2 players. Since they're a majority here, it turns into a flame war. :)

I dont suport changing the game .. Im infavour of addidng some things and possibly some small mods But not anything that changes the gameplay completely
If your refering to The Statbaord Thats asking to add someting and has nothing to do with changing how 2.9 the game itself

I did at first want a stamina mod that would make it what i think is more realistic on another forum
But thats 1 very small tweak .. However since playing 2.9 alot more now I Not dont even care about that Im comfortable with the stamina as it is now

Im from the vanilla communtiy and some of that side of the community have started to come to this forum again But many dont/wont post
Ive tried to encroage more but threads like this one and attitudes from many poeple here make it an almost impossible mission Even though Beppo himself has asked for this kind of thing
Ive even be asked why i bother posting here on the Rav forums as its seen by some :(
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Freon said:
geobob that didn't make much sense, Inf is a total conversion, TS is just a mutator. I doubt they worked as hard on it as beppo worked on Inf (since it's based on RA286 itself based on RA).

Keep in mind I made this statement on the idea of "taking" some's else work to change it. Yes I also doupt they worked as hard on it as beppo worked on Inf (and please let me be clear on that... i never said/thought otherwise).


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Spooky, I agree with you on that. A forum for additions and new game types would be welcome on my side to.

But from what I read here, people get emotive not because something they don't like gets posterd here, but because they think the community is getting divised. This action risks only to, imo, divide it furthermore.

But putting that risk asside (because I don't wan't anymore then you to divide this community), I think the idea is a good one.


Da sharpest man around!
Jan 29, 2002
The Netherlands
All this discussion, and still noone has been able to answer me; why do people feel the need to reply with flames to this mutie? If you dont like it, ignore it. AFAIK we're all people with a free will, instead of a mindless obeyer of "what the community wants".


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
geogob said:
Spooky, I agree with you on that. A forum for additions and new game types would be welcome on my side to.

But putting that risk asside (because I don't wan't anymore then you to divide this community), I think the idea is a good one.

Look around .. Its clear to me There is already a split/devide In the community
We just all post in the same place and argue over what is or is not good/bad real/not real

So atleast by having a place assigned for this sort of discusion, there would be No need for any arguments about what is or is not Good for Inf
Also it would be more clear for any Newbs what is what and maybe then more people would post on thease forums
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I think that people tend to be somewhat concerned by the size of the community and seeing they feel could devide it tend to make them emotive. It is understandable but nonetheless over-reacting IMHO.

People aren't stupid... they can choose wisely for themselves. I for one, won't play any modifications like TS online for a while because I don't think I'm ready for it and I am currently very happy with 2.9.

On another topic, what I don't get is what you all in Europe do up this early in the morning... go damnit I'm not even in bed yet and you are all up and posting! :D


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
I Live Infiltration and i have done for about the last 3 years
I just didnt come to thease forums much But since 2.9 Ive made an effort
Yep its early .. Ive been out to work already and soon have to return so im killing time ;)


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
Freon said:
Wow! Thanks a lot SaraP, you've just driven away 5eleven and Bushwack :D

Yeah, that'll teach them to defend a buddy and to post elborate posts. Trying to be constructive and intelligent, and all.

Now if someone could drive you away, i would make him a large paypal donation. By "drive away", i mean "permanently".

I never played ra286, and agree that it's too early for TrueScale or whatever. But the violence with which people react, mainly SaraP, forces me to side with Toad, 5eleven and Bush. How can you call people arrogant and, in the same post, tell them they are mere ants on the shoulders of giants ? :con: To push the thing further, if you were humble yourself, you'd let Beppo and Yurch state their respective opinion themselves, for they are grown-ups and don't need attack dogs like you to defend themselves.

In a nutshell : i don't like much the kind of gameplay in either ra286 or truescale, and it's far too ealry to release mutators imo. But on the other hand, i am one of those lucky few who don't have a gun pointed to their head and are forced to play on servers they dislike, as it seems to be the case for most of you. Live and let live.

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New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
Da_Blade said:
All this discussion, and still noone has been able to answer me; why do people feel the need to reply with flames to this mutie? If you dont like it, ignore it. AFAIK we're all people with a free will, instead of a mindless obeyer of "what the community wants".

I’m upset because Toad knew full well that Beppo had said not to make mutators of this kind and did it anyway.


One chance
Feb 15, 2002
Visit site
Beppo said:
Ok guys and gals...

To all... I guess I made my point clear and most of you interpreted my other posts correctly. Any kind of addition is welcome so that the whole community can enjoy new additions made to the game but changing ballistics and other things that affect the balanced game we developed and needed a year to 'only' balance out is nothing I can support. You change the general gameplay and new folks that then grab such a mutator automatically from a server they play on will think that INF 2.9 was designed this way. And that false impression is the key thing here that annoys me.
I can only speak for myself but I guess many team members do not want that anyone out there can take the work of someone else as our work - especially if it changes base elements of the game.
INF 2.9 is not even one month released... do I really have to say more?

Beppo, I don't just tweak things out of the blue. I spent a great deal of time looking for ballistic data such as velocity at muzzle, 100m, 200m, and so on then I tweak the INF ballistic to match it up. TS29 contains the exact ballistics that was in RA286. I know you put in Yurch's ballistic system from rav2, which I did log the value and they didn't quite match up with the data I was finding. I admit that I didn't test the new ballistics in 2.9 but why do that when I already have a sure thing. Besides, you guy included the "slow bullet" mutie, that's tweaking the ballistic isn't not... so what makes mine so different? Lastly I don't see it is too early to get TS out, it is simply an upgrade of RA286 so that it's compatible with 2.9. Really I don't want to argue anymore because it's already getting really ugly. I'm going to continue to do this for myself and for those who likes this mutator.

To SaraP, bash my mutie all you want, that's your opinion, but if you start poking at me... this Toad will bites back.


May 24, 2001
Visit site
First off just tested the mutator ... the "zoom effect" is done way better than ra286, but I personally think 45 FOV is to much have you tried 60? Seeing as the Inf FOV is 90 and the zoom simulates the closing of one eye when aiming (right?) the vision cones overlap so it ain't half but a bit more (at least that's my resoning). You need to lock the gunsight to only be available while in aimed mode. Good work!

I do agree, should have waited abit for this but hey tis here now. Also please make it into a gametype that way it'll show on the gamebrowser without having to be in the server name (with 2.86 it got confusing never knew who was running what).

There already is a forum for new gametypes and such IFAIK it's called developement.

People stating opinions, no problems, people mud-slinging and insulting in temper tantrum like maners annoys me and drives people away. Quit doing it watch your attitudes people. I would like the forum moderators to be a little less permissive on the general forums (delete anything that looks like a personal insult directed specifically at someone, cursing etc , children read these boards too ...) , you want fisticuffs use pms take it out on the servers irc whatever not here ...




Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
I would like the forum moderators to be a little less permissive on the general forums

Since this is a thread about a devlopment made by Toad
why is it being discussed In general Discusion ?
This is not discusing Infiltration its discussing something Toad is developing :stick:

Atleast thats how it seems to me :confused:

Another part to this forum that was for this kind of discusion would only help matters IMO
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New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
DamienW said:
To push the thing further, if you were humble yourself, you'd let Beppo and Yurch state their respective opinion themselves, for they are grown-ups and don't need attack dogs like you to defend themselves.

Hypocrite. If I shouldn’t express my agreement with Beppo, you shouldn’t express your agreement with Toad.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
relax folks...

If I now would quote or support one side or another then I would step on all the toes that stepped in here, so I will only state the reason for why TrueScale stepped on mine imo.

Toad, nothing against your work really but you said it yourself. You took the data from RA286 and used them fully or parts of'em in your new mutie TrueScale.
This way you replace the ballistics aso that were designed based on INF 2.9 and that do balance the game quite good. Now using values based on 2.86 in 2.9 is something that needs a lot of testing before implemented blindly. For me the time needed to 'convert' the 286 version into a 2.9 one was simply too fast to really check out how it all works out in the end. Ie a 40mm that can be fired the 400 meters or your version of the rolling nades reimplemented ... the 400 meters will affect the balance, your rolling nades... well... only implies that yours are 'better'.

Now think about what I said before already. A newbie joins a server, automatically grabs your mutator and then thinks that the game he or she is playing is meant to be this way. That is the only real concern I have.

A mutator that adds GPS, another compass, a new statboard at the end of the match or some new weapons and equipment only adds to the gameplay and does not change its basic rules like your own ballistics system or your rolling nades.

So, make it an own gametype - I offered my help for the case you don't know how to - and all those newbies out there will not be able to mix up the different 2.9 versions at all.

[edit] moved to development ... the proper place for mutators and other additions btw :) [/edit]
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
make it an own gametype - - and all those newbies out there will not be able to mix up the different 2.9 versions at all.

A good point that Everyone should take notice of

Anything that Directly changes gameplay should be its own gametype
And IMO if its not, then I would interpratate that as a way of saying "Up Yours SS"
Especialy as it has been Directly requested

I hope anyone who makes "Adjustments" to 2.9 will Implement Beppos request

Over and out ..
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Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
Oh and btw ,Freon , you are a flame boy