Next sequel they should hire Hourences as project leader for a UT game. He knows the Unreal feel.
I will prolly dump this online when I am done with it so any mapper can download it and use it as a premade sky thing.
Beta release, unless someone complains, this will be the real release. Will launch for real in two days or whenever the rest of my upcoming update is done.;9780681;/fileinfo.html
-Clouds move in 2 base layers with 6 distortion layers behind
-Clouds have subtle distortion for wind simulation
-Clouds sometimes open up and you can see the stars behind
-Suns rotate and have subtle clouds on top, same for the moon
-The mountains on the horizon receive shadows from the clouds going over
Free for use, credit me and my site when you use it.
Level also has some sunlights you can use if you want a decent light setup to start with.
The mountains in the distance are backup mountains, you should place 3D mesh rocks around the level. The stuff on the horizon is just back up in case you can look quite far, but they dont look as good as real 3D mountainsl.
7 Hours of work, the whole thing.
Try post processing on the stuff, it looks great if you modify the colors slightly and get a reddish version, or a blueish one.
No offence Hourences of course -- it looks awesome -- albeit from the screenshots you took it appears as if you could have used just a bit higher resolution. See just a minor amount of texture artifacting from being stretched too far.
Next sequel they should hire Hourences as project leader for a UT game. He knows the Unreal feel.
And that sky is just awe-inspiring. Makes you realize what this engine is capable of.