No, I haven't learned 3d max or maya (too expensive for my budget). BSP is fun anyhow.
No, I haven't learned 3d max or maya (too expensive for my budget). BSP is fun anyhow.
No, I haven't learned 3d max or maya (too expensive for my budget). BSP is fun anyhow.
*cough* blender *cough*there are some free options you know, if you care to get some information
Looking good, but those high tech meshes feel out of place.
The angle of the shot makes it all look terribly messy but in regular angles it looks a lot better. That's the best shot i could take because that's the only part i have finished right now. I'll post a better shot once I get more done.The first shot looks sort of bizarre to me, with the curved wall on the right, or curved wall pieces, and then 45 degree angular pieces elsewhere. Possibly it would all feel more as one if you standardized the curves you use in your level?
For some reason I had the thought that every single map I see you post screens of has the same cold colours/stark material contrasts type thing going... I'd be interested to see you explore other themes and styles. Looking neat as usual though.