the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's log, stardate 79898865.66

We are preparing to get into the battle against the lorg. There's not much time left until boarding time.
Some crewmembers cqme up with different strategies and I wonder which one Vortex is going to chose. Whatever he does, he can count on me. I have an escape maneuver for all situations. Also, if he wants, I can fly this damn shuttle. I'm the best pilot around man. I learned from Tom Paris, the best starfleet pilot ever. I know I can fly this baby into the lorg fleet without being discovered. Because I was partially connected to the collective, I know how they act, how they think. I can pass their scanners. The only thing I need is a multi-phased plasma modulation converter device.

Elrod seems to have found the answer to y5's riddle, although I don't understand why it is the answer.

[computer voice in background]
T minus 2 hours until lorg attack
[/computer voice in background]

We have to decide about a tactic: Vortex, do something!!!!

End Log


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Lt . Cmd. 8-4-7-2's log Stardate 597951.4

I had a reason why I wrote no logs in the last days. I was in my room, studying the Starfleet tactical maneuver database, as well as the databeases of at least five other cultures. Now I think I'm well prepared for the upcoming battle against the Lorg. I will use various maneuvers from the standard Omega 2 evasive maneuver to the Picard maneuver. If it comes to the worst we will us the Kobayashi Maru maneuver, but I won't go into too much deatils. I think we can defeat them. But we have to be careful: Capatin Cascasde is still on on of the Lorg ships. Altough the lorg now have all is knowledge about the secrets of the Eternaty we can't risk to loose him. I suggest we change all accees codes to the Eternaty mainframe, especially the autodestruct sequencer!
[note to myself: change the code for personal database: Alpha-Beta-Gamma 1234] I don't know who came with the plan using this nihilistic shuttle bomb, but it's a great plan.

I also worked out a plan to save the Captain. We will use a standard Danube-class shuttle (I would have used the Omega-flyer, but Bozo is still on this woman ship). I adjusted its shield phalanx and the shuttle now has a multi adaptive shield device. Therefore it is virtually invisible for the Lorg.
Then we'll use some cloaking devices of beerbaron and beam on the ship. I still need to find volunteers for this suicide mission, but Commander Vortex has already announced his paticipation.

I just noticed that Coolbrz73 begins all his logs with a sad or a mad smiley. I wonder what this is about! Does have depressions? Pehaps he should talk to the counselor about this?

Supplemantal II
I heard that Elrod founs the solution the Yellow 5's riddle: 'E' It's so easy if you think about it. All words begin or end wih this letter!
Now the Doctor must prey once more the Y5. I also heard that Butress had contact to him. about monkey breeding. Perhaps he can help to. I'm still curious what we will loose if we don't answer!

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-31-2000 at 11:56 AM]

Temporary Account

Temporarily Permanent
Jan 25, 2000
Chief Engineer Temporary Accounts Log: Startdate - 31337.h4x0r

Since returning from the surface of Casperia Prime, I've been busy in engineering finalizing the repairs that I left unattended before our vacation. Seems I was just in time too, as things have heated up. No one seems to have bothered me much, which has given me time to work on our defense systems, which are finally at full strength. In addition, I've been studying past battles between the Federation and the Lorg and have made some modifications to our shields which may give us an extra 15-20 minutes of time before they find the right frequency to disable them.

I've passed these instructions along to 8-4-7-2 who's applied them to the shuttle craft for the boarding mission. I've also come up with some theories about how to use the knowledge gained from the Lorg Nanites to pick up track down Captain CaSCaDe in the Lorg Collective. I'll need to get medical records from Dr. OshadowO, and consult with the Asrometrics dept. to see about adjusting our scanners. Once this is done, I think we can pinpoint a location where the captain is being held, and make a rescue attempt. I'm assuming that there is a Lorg presense on the surface of Casperia Prime, as this Pyramid has just warped into the system. We'll have to be quick about it though, for if the Pyramid comes withing transporter range of the planet, they may beem him aboard, which will make the rescue mission that much more difficult.

I'll also have to ask the Doctor how his work goes with synthisising the anti Lorg Nanites that he got from the Hunter goes. If he's managed to synthisise enough, we may be able to take those as an offensive weapon on our rescue mission.

On a final note, I've prepared the Redeemer in the manner suggested: adapting the rear cargo bay to hold the maximum amount of Nihilistic Crystals, in the event that all our plans fail and we need to use the Henke-Redeemer manuever.

Lots of work to be done...

Computer, end log...

<end of log>


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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Nothing Now And For Ever Sam The Man's Log, Stardate: Time To Get A Watch

I resign. I am leaving the ranks of the USS Eternaty and joining the ranks of those who don't get it. I seem to be completely unable to get into the plot of the thread at all. So I'm going to shoot myself and not go through some convoluted way of getting back to the ship as I have been doing for the last 10 pages or so.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter chief's log, Stardate 346437353

No one seems bothered about the fact I can hear the lorg in my head. I went to see the acting captain and he just said not to bother him as he was busy.
I dared to try the mess hall coffee again. It was actually quite good this time. Apaarently before, the damned robot got the wrong cup.
I hear there's a rescue mission afoot to save captain cascade from the lorg. I'm volunteering my services on the transporters, in case anyone needs pulling out fast. I suggest the people boarding the ship take pattern enhancers, to make it easier to lock on to them through the interference aboard the lorg ship.

I just saw the strangest thing. Someone ran down the corridor screaming "I don't get it!" and then he shot himself in the head! I think it was Sam the Man, who already died at least once. Afterlife must be good, that's all I can say...

[supplemental 2]
I'm not going to be tempted to go to the afterlife though, I will fight the lorg, and live my life!


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
>start transmission sequence
>>unabble to start sequence
>>not allowed to acces transmision protocols
>bypass tru main core>
>>server bypassed
>set destination: combage tactical officer uss eternaty 8-4-7-2
>>destination set
>start sequence
>sequence started
>start message>>



>>transmission terminated by main core
>>unabble to reasstablish connection


New Member
Apr 30, 2000
Astrometrics log Stardate:Happy Happy

On my way to the bridge I ran into the shrink and he said that he was approached by someone on the ship was worried about my mood, so we went and had a little talk. We found that the root cause for my depression was my failure in the academy many moons ago, also that my runnins with Capt.Dicard have left me a bit nervous. We talked for some time and now I feel great. I also had some time to talk with our chief engineer and we are working on the scanners to adjust to a lorg tracking device to find our captain, we need some samples from the doc though. If we find the captain, I will volunteer for the suicide mission, if need be. All in all I'm just so happy now that I really don't care what happens:)

Doh!! Did I just say that? I think the shrink might've screwed me up worse, but at least I'm happy:)


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Lt. Cmd. 8-4-7-2's log Stardate 42666.5

Not much to report. The crew prepares for the upcoming battle against the Lorg. Weapons, shield, shuttles... everything is upgraded to gain as much advantage as possible. I'm very busy now with studying tactical maneuvers. This knowledgew may soon determine all our lifes. The crew counts on me. I must not fail. UAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH......./me feels tired.
What's this. I must not sleep. UAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.
I'll go to sickbay.

[activate combadge]8-4-7-2 to Doctor ....................
..........................[transmission interuppted]

[note to CaScade: I got it. The crew destryoed the Borg cube by hacking into the Borg regeneration process]

I noticed that Coobrz73 is happier since he visited the shrink. I like him much more now. Not that I didn't like him before, but...

Supplemental II
I heard somone say that Sam_The_Man shot himself. If he hadn't done it, I would have helped him! One traitor less.
It's good that he's dead forever now.
starlog: New weapons...

With very little time to go before the attack, I have thrown together a pantload of weapons.

1. Chainsaw Sword (Really long chainsaw)
2. Electrical Repulsion Shield
3. Over/Under Shotgun (Over fires buckshot, under fires grenades)
4. XP-80 Chaingun (Regular chaingun but with a center based plasma cannon)
5. Flame Thrower (Using the fuel pump of a 1998 Ferrari F50, the napalm is injected at a blinding speed into the main pilot light at the end of the barrel)

So, it might not be a pantload, but it sure is close I think.

I heard that Sam_the_Man ate a bullet, yay, never liked him anyway, I had a feeling he was a traitor. Oh well, more bullets for the rest of the crew.


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 798654.25

The batlle against the lorg is upcoming really soon. The countdown is almost over. Everybody is getting more and more nervous during the last hours, which is totally normal. It could be our last hour, but it also could be our finest hour ever if we manage to defeat the lorg and rescue Captain CaSCaDe.
I volunteer for the rescue mission. If we have to use the shuttle, I will fly it. Otherwise,I will stay on the ship and try to avoid the lorg fire. It's up to 8-4-7-2 to decide who's gonna go on the suicide mission. Whatever role I'm gonna be assigned to, I will fight until death if I have to. The Captain saved me back when the USSArabella was destroyed and I drifted in my shuttle in outer space, so the least I can do is risk my life to save him.

I heard 8-4-7-2 talking about a plan to hack into the lorg regeneration systems. That should at least weaken the lorg. Without their regeneration systems online, they can't live.

Today, I went to the Butress to eat my perhaps last meal, although I hope that I will be able to continue enjoy his talents after this is over.

Apparently, Sam_The_Man shot himself. Well, I don't really care. He was a traitor.

End Log
Personal log - Starfate 2100.

I've been pretty busy lately with everyone all stressed out due to the impending battle with the Lorg. I've told everyone pretty much the same thing: go to the holodeck and play some DM, both to alleviate the stress, and to improve combat skills.
As for that Sam_The_Man guy, I didn't realize we had anyone that unstable on board this ship. Oh well, it's probably for the better; someone like that would probably abandon their comrades in battle anyway.

[Side note: seems I had a bit of a Freudian slip with the stardate :D]


Feb 10, 2000
Medical Officers Log
Stardate: (Appo)Lorgo-calypse Now

Oh dear, oh dear. Oh great god of the dimwitted, two footed, khafjah ul jindat. What ever did I do to diserver to be rescused by this miserable ship. Destined for one disaster after another. Manned by the most inept crew I have ever come across. Ok stay calm doc....pray..
Ayyyyeee yaaiiii yeee, oh leh man ho na te do rey me fah so lah te do.
Ahhh much better.
Sam the Man shot himself. A pity the young fellow showed so much potential. A few more years and he would have been the perfect specimen for clulessness. Ofcourse he did escape from the llama farm, a feat unmatched to my knowledge. Never the less I shall dissect him tonite to get my mind of this lorg invasion. Maybe I will learn something about how he got his clueless genes. Or what ever within him allowed him to escape the farm.
The one who goes by Temporary Account came by and asked for the captains medical records, I gave him what I had, very little. A few brain scans, pre dissection reports and a record of the captains reaction to monkey pr0n.
They want me to try and contact the Yellow one again. Why me? I mean am I the only voodooo maniac aboard this ship?? Whynot 8472.9865?? Fine I prayed again, who knows if that thing even tunes in to the prayer channel.
And I swear if one more sick person comes to me I...I...
*sick crewman enters*
Oh hello how are you?
Feel tired?
Oh it must be take these...oh excuse me a minute my log is still recording.
End Log.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Lt. Cmd. 8-4-7-2's log Stardate 8455669.2

With my last power I made it to sickbay. Doctor OShadowO was not very pleased to see me. He was in a strange mood and constantly cursed and sung strange voodoo prayers while he searched for some pills. Nevertheless his pills helped me a lot. Now I have the strenght I need in the next hours. With one thing the doc is right: We come from one disaster into the other, and nothing normal does ever happen on this ship.

With Chief Engineer TA's and Communication Officer Neo_Skinz's help I found out what happened to me. They tracked a Starfleet transmission into into a Lorg frequency. We believe that Captain CaSCaDe's own consciousness slowly brakes through and that he tried to contact me! But the Lorg discovered his intentions and activated his regeneration cycle. However this sleeping signal somehow affected me too! I think it was because of my neural implant I received after accident back at the Academy (it also seems that we all had accidents there).

I finished the plan to free CaScaDe. I, Commander Vortex and perhaps Lt. RizMan will take the modified shuttle and beam on the cube where the Captain is held. We will need lots of time and luck to find him!
Once we are back, we could try a tactic I read in the logs of another Starfleet ship, nearly as famous as ours: the USS Enterprise-D. The lorg regeneration systems are not guarded as well as the main power systems. Using the Captains Lorg interlink transeiver,we could manage to put all Lorg in the fleet to sleep. Then their shields are deactivated and we can destroy them. This is a job for Neo_Skinz.
We might still need the Nihilistic shuttle bomb,as I don#t know how many Lorg cubes and spheres we face! (I'll go to the Astrometrics lab and find it out!)

T Minus 1 hours 5 minutes 23 seconds until interception


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter chief's log, Stardate 34643736

I've just finished a game on deathmatch in the holodeck, practising my shooting skills for the lorg attack.
I've just been to Beerbaron to get a weapon, I'm now the proud owner of a ferrari flamethrower :)
I'm off to make sure the transporters are clean and working fuly, in case anyone needs beaming up in a hurry


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 7984651.6546

The tension is building inside me. I feel fear, but also hope to save our captain. I'm not in the condition to record a long log, so I'm gonna be brieve this time.
8-4-7-2 considered me to be part as a member of the rescue mission. I know I volunteered, but I reconsidered it: We will probably face a gigantic fleet of lorg ships, thus being the main target for all their weapon systems. So I think it should be better for me to stay at the helmsconsole. I know this ship's capabilities inside out, studied hundreds of offensive, defensive and evasive maneuveurs during the last couple of days. I think I will prbably be the only person here on board to keep her out of the ennemy fire. Note that I don't think the others can't fly a ship, but I made this my whole life.
I would recommend beerbaron as a member of the rescue team instead of me. As security officer, he is probably more confident with outdoor missions

Only 50 minutes to go. May the allmighty Q-like being yellow5, lord of all monkey p0rn and worst ennemy of all llamaness be with us.

End Log
Starlog: Don't know and don't care

Starlog: Don't know and don't care.

First off, I would be more than happy to lead a rescue mission to save our captain. It would give me a chance to test some of my more powerful weapons that can't be used on the ship.

Also, while I was looking around in the engine room, I found some parts that I could use to make a replica of my 1970 GTO I left back on Earth. I could use that for quick retrival of the captain. I should have it done before the lorg invasion. Since I am going down there, I ask 3 people come with me. Anyone with ANY hunting experience at all is more than welcome to join me. If the wavy air guy reads this, I ask for his help, I think we could use someone like him to kick some lorg ass.

UPDATE: I am 98% complete on the restoration of my car, all I need is 2 four barrel carbs, high flow air-intake, and a nitrous oxide system. So far I have found all but the high flow air-intake. I ask all people on the ship to look for one, it may give me the extra 10-25hp that just might come in handy.


Nov 24, 1999
Visit site
Kashya's personal log, stardate 12345654333:

Commander Leia has given orders to dispatch a radar-invisible minicraft to the unknown alien vessel for our reconnaissance mission. Two sisters and I have accordingly gone aboard our Millennium Chicken and travelled to the alien craft where we entered an airlock undetected.

Aaaarrrrgh!! Those men!! They're so fat and ugly!! And they've got pimply faces, bad breath, a foul body odor, yellowish teeth, dandruff, and whatever else one may care to mention. We were expecting men like Mark Hamill and Leonardo DeCarpio, and instead what we've found are this bunch of toads!!My sisters agreed fully, and I argued with Commander Leia that this batch of males would be the worst choice possible for the continued procreation of our all-female species via copulation, but Commander Leia remained unconvinced. All the same, she said she'd discuss it with Queen Amidada, whom I understand is anxious for more gigolos to add to her 5,000-odd collection. Meanwhile I have orders to search out every male on the vessel to ascertain if there might not be at least a few good men. I remain pessimistic...


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Update

T minus 45 minutes until contact with the Lorg

Lt. RizMan came to me and said that he would prefere to sit at the helm console instead of joining me with the Captain's rescue. I won't interpret this as an act of cowardice, as he is really a talented pilot. Yet another sign that the Starfleet Academy creates galaxy's best pilots!

I'm not sure if Commander Vortex will join, or if wants to lead the Eternaty into battle.

Security Chief Beerbaron volunteered to participate. I never tought of him but it's a good idea to take our weapons expert on this mission. But before I was able to tell him any details, he ran in the general direction of Engineering. He whispered something about a car and a hunter. If I only knew what this was about!

Speaking of the Hirogen hunters. I wonder where their fleet is and if we could make an alliance for the upcoming battle. Maybe their century old experience with hunting, lead to some knowledge about the Lorg, we don't have.
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