Chief Engineer Temporary Accounts Log: Startdate - 31337.h4x0r
Since returning from the surface of Casperia Prime, I've been busy in engineering finalizing the repairs that I left unattended before our vacation. Seems I was just in time too, as things have heated up. No one seems to have bothered me much, which has given me time to work on our defense systems, which are finally at full strength. In addition, I've been studying past battles between the Federation and the Lorg and have made some modifications to our shields which may give us an extra 15-20 minutes of time before they find the right frequency to disable them.
I've passed these instructions along to 8-4-7-2 who's applied them to the shuttle craft for the boarding mission. I've also come up with some theories about how to use the knowledge gained from the Lorg Nanites to pick up track down Captain CaSCaDe in the Lorg Collective. I'll need to get medical records from Dr. OshadowO, and consult with the Asrometrics dept. to see about adjusting our scanners. Once this is done, I think we can pinpoint a location where the captain is being held, and make a rescue attempt. I'm assuming that there is a Lorg presense on the surface of Casperia Prime, as this Pyramid has just warped into the system. We'll have to be quick about it though, for if the Pyramid comes withing transporter range of the planet, they may beem him aboard, which will make the rescue mission that much more difficult.
I'll also have to ask the Doctor how his work goes with synthisising the anti Lorg Nanites that he got from the Hunter goes. If he's managed to synthisise enough, we may be able to take those as an offensive weapon on our rescue mission.
On a final note, I've prepared the Redeemer in the manner suggested: adapting the rear cargo bay to hold the maximum amount of Nihilistic Crystals, in the event that all our plans fail and we need to use the Henke-Redeemer manuever.
Lots of work to be done...
Computer, end log...
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