Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 46598.69
Still in sickbay. I can't do anything except do some short log entries. The lorg are still in my head, although the doctor's headset is protection me from the worse.
I was told that the Q-like being who calls himself yellow5(a stange name, isn't it?) manifested himself and gave us a riddle we have to answer within 24 hours or we'll lose something. So far, nobody found an answer to it, but as I'm in direct contact with the lorg, I could make use of that and access their database to try to find a solution. It's risky, but it will probably work. I have to focus, find the answer and then disconnect from the collective again.
I won't tell anybody about this, cause I know that TO won't allow me to do that, however I know that this is the only possible way to protect the Eternaty from another threat. We have enough problems and I can't help as long as I'm stuck in sickbay. If I can help protection us from y5, then I got to do it.
> Connection established by subject himself
>> Lorgification process not yet done
>> Command: query
>>> "At night they come without being fetched,
>>> And by day they are lost without being stolen."
>> query in process...
>> 1 match found: "Star"
>>Primary objective: Take off proctective headset from subject's he...
> Coonection interrupted by subject
OMG, that hurts damn it. However, I managed to find a problable solution to the riddle. The answer is: "Star", sounds plausibe. I got to tell TO ot FO or whoever I see about it. I am wondering how we can contact y5? Perhaps Doctor OshadowO has to make a Voodoo ceremony.
End Log
Note: Kristina and LordKhaine: No offense, but if you want to post in THE thread, then only if you contribute to the story and in form of Log entries. Only the Q-Like being y5 is allowed to post in a non-log-entry form. Post this sort of stuff in one of the other Eternaty threads.
However, thanx for the answer. I hope you gave us the right one