the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
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Ambassador's log, Stardate 000825.2

Well, after putting this li'l darlin' to the test I have to talk to the TO and thank him. It's an excellent ship! Just a few small adjustments, and she'll be perfect! And the seats are hardly worn at all. Oh, I like this bird, I surely do.

Ahh... I am however very hungry after this joyride around Casperia Prime. I think I'll head over to the cook and see if he's got some Mystery Stew left. That sounds like an adventure!

I noticed some strange force fields on the opposite side of Casperia Prime. My ship reacted as if there was a huge deflector shield active there. I have to talk to the Astrometrics Officer Coolbrz about this. Might there be cloaked ships on the other side... Hmm... I wonder...

I'm off to dinner. I'll hopefully run into someone on the way. I hate eating alone.

I noticed this is log entry no 300 since the departure of the USS Eternaty. I have to arrange a party in my quarters to celebrate this event!

[Log - end]


Nov 24, 1999
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Plan on invasion of USS Eternity by alien bimbos

Queen Amidada's log, stardate 12345654321:

An alien craft has been detected in Sector 65432123456 approaching our system at 12.3456 astronomical units per unit stellar time. Attempts at communication have proven unsuccessful but our reconaissance scouts have ascertained the presence within the ship of large numbers of highly intelligent alien organisms all belonging to the same sex and species. It has been determined that the aliens are undergoing excessive psychological trauma on account of long periods of sexual deprivation. Many of them have resorted to aberrant sexual acts as a result. I am in this respect considering Commander Leia's proposition for an assault on the craft by sending in a platoon of our elite troops to overcome their defenses through sexual gratification via intimate physical contact. Further suggestions shall be solicited.


New Member
Apr 30, 2000
Personal Log

As I staed earlier, I was on my way to the planet of Casperia Prime, When in the loading dock I met up with Commander Vortex. Nice fellow actually, and he told me he got his shipped fixed. I still have to take my ship out for a run around the planet in search of Dickard. I will be back shortly...

Damn I figured I would have a liesurely jaunt through space to work out the kinks and I picked up something on radar...

...It seems a ship of unknown purposes has entered our area!! I tink they are outta range for the USS Eternaty to pick it up. I gotta head back and talk to the captian(if he is feelin better) or commander vortex!! I will break out my database on this star system on the way!!


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 316887.79

That was a great DM-Match I had yesterday on the holodeck.

While I was on the bridge, I asked the captain if we shouldn't get out of orbit. We're already here since more then 2 weeks. It is tme for this baby to fly again or its warp dirve will turn rusty.
However, the captain didn't respond to my question. I suddenly saw this red flash in his eyes. I suppose it's this red flash the others were reporting.
Then, the captain laid his arm around my shoulder and started to talk something about the lorg. He told me that even if people tell you the lorg are a hostie species, they are in fact a very powerful one and their goal is the same as the goal of other species: survival. It was all rather incoherent, but I was scared of the captain talking about the lorg as they were some kind of Messiah. I tried to put his arm away from me, but his strength was inhuman so I was unable to free me from him.
When he was finished with his speech, I felt some sort of needles enterning my neck, although it didn't hurt.
I am wondering what that was, but I have to talk to the other crewmembers about this incident.

After this incident, I headed to the doctor for an inspection, cause I don't know what these needles were.
However, what I heard when I was in sickbay lets me fear the worst: the captain's not the captain, he's a lorg. Oh my god. Now I know what the needles were: I've been injected lorg nano bots which are going to assimilate me.
The doctor made a scan of me and discovered that the nano bots already had started to assimilate my tissues.
I hope he can help me or else I'll be lost.
I don't want to be lorg...oh my god NOOOOOOOOOO

End Log

Note: before continuing posting, see the USS Eternaty Stroyline thread. I got a question about the story.

[Edited by RizMan|PuF on 08-25-2000 at 04:55 AM]


New Member
Apr 30, 2000

I aint got time for stardates :(

I just made it back to the ship and was met right away by by Bozo(thats a funny name, sounds like a...nevermind) and he explained to me this so-called force field on the other side of the planet. Damn I think we have a full fledged army waitin at our doorstep!! I gave him the database for the starsystem and told him of the ship and to it take up to the deck and I hurried back to my ship!!

I rounded the planet and my ship did hit something, just like Bozo said....hmmmm! I am gonna have to run some tests on this matter.. I hope Bozo told someone about the other ship I had come across....


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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first officer's log stardate :p

I just recieved some bad news from our doctor 0shadow0 (sp). He carried out an inspection of the captain that revealed that it is not actually the captain but a highly sophisticated clone sent to infiltrate the crew and perhaps lorginate us at the same time. Unfortunately this also means that the location of CaSCaDe are still unknown. If he has been lorginated then I can only assume we will encounter him again, although not in very favourable circumstances.

Now, in the absence of our captain I have to take charge of the Eternaty for the time being. Haha, I have the power! Anyway, while I was sitting in the captain's chair, marvelling at how comfortable it was, I got a messsage from our star charting (astrometrics?) people stating that we will soon intercept an alien vessel if we keep continuing on our current route. We cannot let this chance past as there may some real woman onboard. If so, then I can't wait!

End log!


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter Chief's log : Stardate 456254

I've just heard that the captain isn't really the captain! He's a lorg imposter! and I beamed him onto the ship...
I met a strange person in the corridor looking out the window, saying "Wow, i'm really flying through space" anyone would think he'd never seen a starship before, let alone flown on one. He had very old fashioned dress sense though...
Our acting captain has said that there is a ship approaching, and that it may have women on board. He said to be ready to beam them aboard if there are women. I hope there are! can't wait to beam them aboard, and I'll be the first to meet them wahey!


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate al lot of trouble ahead

I received alarming reports from a few cremembers!
Doctor OShadow0 told me that he found Lorg nano probes and implants in the Captain's alcohol system. Using some highly sophisticated pre-dissection neural bio scan technology he found out that the Captain was replaced by a clone!
However the clone somehow escaped from sickbay and is moving free on the ship. I warned everyone not to come into contact with him. I hope Security Chief Beerbaron can deal with this. On my way back to the bridge, I met Lt. RizMan. He ran through the corridor and screamed "NOOOO. We are doomed. We will all be lorganized!" If I only knew why he reacted this way. Some people can't cope with stress.

Then Astrometrics Officer Coolbrz and Ambassador Bozo both reported of a mysterious deflector field on the other side of Casperia Prime. First scans with the atrometric sensors indicate that it may be a cloaked Lorg fleet (I didn't know that the Lorg use the cloaking technology). But maybe it's not that worse: For all we know it could also be a cloaked Hirogen fleet of the wavy air guy!

And if all this isn't enough Coolbrz detected an unkown vessel heading directly to our position on high warp. I heard rumors that this ship has females on board. Hmm.....interesting...

What should I do...........AHHHHH.......I don't know..... ..stress......PANIC......AAAAAARGGGGGHHHHH...

Now I know! I adviced Commander Vortex who is now in charge of the Eternaty to go on orange alert! As we don't know what happened to the real Captain we must get the ship ready for combat.......

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-25-2000 at 09:07 AM]


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's log, stardate 794654.46

After I realized what happened to me, the doctor gave me some stuff to calm down. I was in panic, running through the ships corridors and yelling: "We are doomed, we'll all be lorganized".
Now, I'm lying here in sickbay with lots of scanners around. The doctor definitively recognized lorg nano bots in my alcohol system. The lorganization process has begun. If I remember academy well, the lorg start lorginate your brain, thus making you able to communicate with the collective. I'm still able to think on my own, but I start to hear their voices, hundreds of voices: "We are the lorg, you will be lorginated, resistance is futile".
I don't know if I will be able to keep making logs for long anymore if the doctor doesn't help me.
Pleas OshadowO help me...please. I beg you.

The voices start getting stronger...I can't think


> Start command chain
>> Initiate connection
>> We are the lorg. You have been lorginated
>> your designation is 8 of 12, tertiary unit of unimatrix 25
>> Primary objective: Lorginate Etern...
> Connection interrupted

I am not totally lorginated yet...I can handle to fight against it...but not for long...Help me before I'll be totally...lorginat...

> Connection reestablished
>> Primary objective: Lorginate Eternaty
>> Command: enable internal system scan of 8 of 12, tertiary unit of unimatrix 25
>> System Scan result: Lorgination not yet completed
>> Lorgination Process...37%
> Disconnect

Oh my god...they are already in my head...I can hear them...please help me...please

End Log


New Member
Apr 30, 2000
Personal Log Stardate:We in deep poop!!!!


I ran some tests on the shield belt thingy on the other side of the planet...much to my dismay it has the same molecular structure that matches the wavy air guy!!! I beleive this is a Hirogen armada just waiting in the wings for some order!! So, with this new addition we have now three threats to our well being...the armada,possible lorgs on the planet, and an unidentified ship just outside of our scanners! I am on my way back to the ship...

I met with Commander Vortex, who is charge because the captain is still acting strange(some say he's a possible lorg, thats just great...aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..tension breaker)

I also seen Rizman, our helmsman, and tried to discuss possible routes to take through this system. He looked at me and his eyes flashed red...hmmmm....we are in trouble I feel. I think I can fly this ship but it would take days for me to learn all the settings(wouldnt want to try and warp through casperia prime).

The ship I detected is now within our scanner range, I need our ambassador to talk to them cause I aint no good at communications, I wonder where he went...

[Supplemental 2]
All this time and I havent even tried the lunchroom yet.. I went down to try and calm myself and tried some of the food, it was actually pretty good, I commend Butress on the food..I also had a chance to meet Bozo in the lunchroom and told him of the goings on, I hope we can do something about this sh!t....I think after things settle down a bit I gotta see the shrink...........


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
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Ambassador's log, Stardate 000825.3

Upon return to the USS Eternaty I ran into Astrometrics Officer Coolbrz. He had noted an inbound alien ship! I told him of my encounter with the force field. This seemed to interest him, 'cause he asked me to tell the TO and FO about the ship he had detected, and then he took off to investigate the force field. I sure am curious as to what that might be.

I managed to get hold of TO 8-4-7-2 and FO Vortex, and I told them about the alien ship and the force field. Strangely though, the alien ship didn't seem to worry them when I told them that Coolbrz had detected a crew consisting of only females. They even seemed to think less of the forcefield. Hmm...

They also had some disturbing news about the Captain. Apparantly the Captain who's on board is a lorg clone. The real Captain's whereabouts are still unknown. At least my senses were right about the clone...

I'm off to see the cook. Does anyone want dinner?

There's going to be a party in my quarters at 2100 hours Lima tonight, I expect all who are not on post to come. I'll talk to the cook and see if he can fix some snacks and drinks.

[Supplemental II]
AO Coolbrz just joined me in the lunchroom. Apparantly he picked up similarities with the way air guy in the force field. This does not sound good... He also wanted me to seek contact with the unidentified ship with an all female crew before they come too close to the Eternaty. I will do that as soon as I've finished eating.

[Log - end]


Feb 10, 2000
Medical Officers Log
Stardate : 2536th year of our lorg
Our helmsman has logis alcoholitis....his alochol had miniscule lorg implants. I found him lieing on the floor outside sick bay whispering "help"
I quickly bought him in and a quick prognosis revealed that dissection was out of the question as the good helmsman could still be saved.
I proceeded to adjust the lumbar modulator to a frequency of 2.3561 nanoHz, adjusted teh fibulator to "oh"-"seven" degrees north-south, polarity par three, I did a complete check for the nibulus tibula, followed by a process where I isololated the dircet link to the collective in the gyrous fibula. I followed it up with blocking of the lorg system in the homo-horous torsus, then prayed ten times to the monkey gods of dweezil to give lt rizman a hearty appetite, and finally by polishing the calciumus bitumus, or his teeth to add a little omph.
Rizman is now safe however not for long. The lorg is strong within him. It fights back my blocks and implants will soon takeover his body again. Unless we find the collective and destroy the link in the ship there may be no way to save him...ofcourse what helps in maintiaining his humantiy is mad sex with real live females, a pity we don't have any around. I might recommend the Rizman wear this big square cardboard box over his head to garble the signals being sent to him by the lorg , it'll help slow down the process of being re lorginated...but it's optional.
If only our communications officer could run a trace to find out where these lorgs are using the signals being sent to captain cascade and rizman we might be able to locate the lorg nerve center....
Now I must go back to watching holo babes from mars and their two left footed's a classic.

Starlog:101001010101 (Thats binary code for those of you who don't know)

After being back for only a few days, I decided I might want to find out who some of these new arrivals are. So far they seem like a fairly decent bunch.

Whoa, the new cook has been a welcome change in my book, no more nasty replicated food.

Also, due to some recent downtime of my starlog device, I haven't really been able to keep tabs on security around here, thus, I ask anyone who is interested and doesn't have a rank already (that could get confusing) as a Security Officer 2nd in command or something. Sort of like an extra set of eyes for me.

The captain is starting to get on my nerves. Its like hes not human or something. But hearing from other crew members I have found out he might possibly by a lorg. I advise everyone to keep a close eye on this "captain" until its true identity and intentions can be discovered.


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
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Ambassador's log, Stardate 000825.4

Well, my compliments go out to the cook. That was by far the best meal I've ever eaten on a spaceship. I don't think I want to know what's actually in the Mystery Stew though... It was filling, none the less.

Now that my belly is full, and my ship is resupplied, I am off to investigate the alien ship that is approaching us. I feel very excited about meeting this species, since it's been a while since I had an encounter of the 3rd degree with an alien. I will report back as often as possible, but I have high hopes that this will turn out beneficial for us all.

The party I had arranged turned out to be pathetic to say the least. Not only did the cook fail to dig up some snacks, but noone showed up! It's like they've all disappeared. I doubt that everyone's on post but me...not that I have one... Or maybe I need to give them more time to think about these things and schedule it into their full calendars. Oh, well...

[Supplemental II]
Before I flame the crew for not coming to my party, maybe I need to check with the ships computer so that my watch is set to the correct Lima time. Dang! I knew I should've told the crew Zulu time instead...

[Log - end]


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter Chief's log : Stardate 4562576

Our ambassador(sp?) Bozo invited the crew to a party. Only problem is, it was at 2:30 in the morning! I don't know what he was thinking!
I've completed all of the maintainance on the transporters, and am now eagerly awaiting the chance to beem some real ladies aboard. I'll be the first person here to meet them! I bet the others are sooooooo jealous!


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactaical update Stardate 592352415.5

Ambassador Bozo took the Omega Flyer to meet with the yet unidentified alien vessel with the real women. We all hope that he will bring good news when he returns. Transporter Chief D-Stroya is already waiting to beam them on board. When they arrive i will stand by to greet them, as Commander Vortex is really to busy for that. I'm looking forward to the alien greeting rituals!

Astrometrics Officer Coolbrz73 scans the Hirogen fleet (at least we think it is one) in the orbit around the clock. Until now he reported no signs of hostility. But their presence is threatening enough. We are still on orange Alert.

I shortly visited Lt. RizMan in sickbay. He feels better after the Doctor's treatment, but the Lorg is still strong in him. Doctor OShadow0 tried to explain this treatment 3 times, but I didn't get it. All I understood was some complicated neural adjustment and praying to a monkey God. And RizMan was wearing a strange box around the had. If I only knew what this was for! But hey, I'm Tactaical Officer, not a Doctor. I only hope RizMan is strong enough now! If Neo_Skinz is able to locate the Lorg interlink center, we could do much more for him.

Supplemental I
Security Chief Beerbaron came to the bridge and aked for an Assistant Security Officer, as he said that he can't do the whole work alone. We could also need an Assiatant Engineer, as the CE Temporary Account is missing (perhaps he lies drunk on the planet). However we have no recruits to assign this positions, but we'll see how all this develops.

Supplemental II
Astrometrics Officer Coolbrz73 wondered what's the job of an Astrometrics Officer. I told him that he mainly sits in the Astrometrics Lab and scans the universe for various stuff, like ships and lifeforms. Then he evaluates if they pose a threat, thinks of adequat counter measures and reports this to the bridge. I fully trust him an I'm sure will do great work! I also adviced him to sent a subspace transmission - in ancient time known as e-mail - to the allmighty Yellow 5 to ask for his "Astrometrics Officer of the USS Eternaty" badge.

Supplemenatl III
I heard that Bozo organized a party last night. Damn, nobody told me about it! I would have come.

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-26-2000 at 09:31 AM]


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
the captains lorg clone log stardate 0

damn the fewls of this soon to become lorg ship have discovered my intentions!!!

i have take the captains yaght to disapear from the ship!

ha ha ha~!!!!!!

they will be loginated by us!!!!!!!!

resistance is futile!!!!!!!!

bocutas of lorg will reveil him self to his former crew soon!!!!!

MWUHAHAHA (subtitled evil laughter)

the captains lorg clone out


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Jun 6, 2000
Stockholm, Sweden
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cyborg canonball's log. Stardate: 435....something

i am having a humungous hangover (after the huge bbq i had (on the planet i dont remember the namne), with my android pals). And when i woke up i noticed that whole my room/cabin was vandalasied....
and when i checked my memory recordings i noticed that i have punced a few buttons (one of them was a huge red button) on the bridge. And i have eaten a few bolts from the engines....i hope that this doesnt make things too difficult.......
Starlog: Lost count again.

Due to the "captains" recent log, I have come to no other decision than that the captain is a lorg. No, I did not just find this out, actually, I always suspected that there was something wrong with him, ever since the first day I met him. Anyway, I'm advising everyone to prepare for attack. If you need weapons, you know what to do. For those new here, come to me. Now all of my electronic items have been EMP shielded, so electrical surges are no longer a threat. Like I said before, get ready, everyone. I got a feeling some bad sh!t is going down pretty soon.


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
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Ambassador's log, Stardate 000827.1

[Intercepted radio communication]
.....tion alien vessel...
Attention alien vessel...
This is Bozo=MD=, ambassador of the USS Eternaty, approaching in the Omega-Flyer. I come in peace, we wish you no harm.
You are now in close proximity of our ship, the USS Eternaty, and are heading straight towards her. I therefore wish to communicate with your leader about your intentions.
I come in peace, we wish you no harm.
Please respond, alien vessel...
Please respond, ali............

[Log - end]
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