the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 321656.65

Today, I went to the shrink because of my evergrowing paranoia I suffer from. I don't know why I trusted him, but Elrod seems to be a nice guy. Good to have him onboard. He told me to go to the Holodeck and practice some DM to relax and get rid of all the stress(the cause of my paranoia). That's what I did. I played godlikes holobots: man, these are really minigunwhores. I tell you, godlike bots + minigun = :instagib:
After the game, I didn't feel relaxed, far from that, I was mad cause I lost. Man, I never lost a game against these bots (note: I don't really get mad while loosing and I don't own the godlike bots)
However, it seems that now I can focus on my angryness and thus my paranoia is gone for the moment.
Later in the day, I was asked by the doctor to visit him and so did I. He asked me why I was looking at him in this suspicipus way, as like I didn't want to trust him, so I told him that's because I suffer from paranoia and that I won't do that again because the shrink is curing me. However, I didn't feel comfortable in the doctor's presence: he played with his scalpel during the whole meeting. Fortunately he didn't dissect me.

I also went to the casino, as I heard we got a cook: Butress he calls himself. I tried his food, and it really tastes better then the replicator food, although it could be spicier.
I also welcome our new Transporter chief D-Stroya and a guy called Bozo, our ambassador.
Also, there's a guy named Raptor who claims to be security chief, however, beerbaron already is in this position.

Talking about beerbaron: his cloaking devices aren't working at 100% cause I saw 8-4-7-2 hunting the wavy air thing also he was wearing a cloaking device. Probably that's why he wasn't able to catch it, as it could see him.
If beerbaron doesn't show up to hunt it down, I'm gonna help 8-4-7-2 if he retries to catch it. I told him to call me if he goes for it.

We are still in high orbit above Casperia Prime waiting for the captain to beam up. I heard from rumours that he was seen lying in his own vomit, disgusting. Perhaps D-Stroya could scan for him and beam him in so that we'll finally be able to leave orbit.

While in orbit, I don't have anything to do, so I'm gonna go for another DM game. Perhaps I'm gonna use the Excessive mod against 15 godlike bots.. That should help me relax.

End Log


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!

where the **** is my crew?
i'm still stuck here at casperia prime!!!!!
the hacve left with out me!!!

i am trying to contact them to come and pick me up, so far not much luck.

as i wander around this planet (i have nothing else to do) i found some disterbing sites.

i saw a lorg encampment with a few dozen of the damn mechacial/biological things!!!

what there are preparing an invasion!!!!!!!!

i have to contact my ship now!!!!!!!!!!
they need to know!!!!

we will need to stop this invasion be for it is to late!!!

oh no they have spotted me!!!!!!!


fhgdksjlghfjklsdhgfdjlksgn.......(computer malfunction)


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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That was annoying. I thought I had got the captain's attention when he ran off into the jungle. I hope he has not been brainwshed and is running off to join some strange cult. Just to be safe, I'll follow at a distance to see where he is going.


Hmm, he appears to have stumbled upon a Lorg outpost. Oh crap, he has spotted and some Lorg are converging on his position! I'll have to return to the Eternaty for some backup as I do not have any weapons with me.

Hold on captain. I hope there lorgification process takes a long time.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter chifs log : Stardate 567365

I've got a new pad! The stardate works now, at last! :)

I've just been asked to scan the planet for the captain, and beam him back to the ship. I've beamed him to transporter room 1, and it's a good job I did, as he was facing capture by the dreaded lorg.
I've recommended he goes to see the doctor for his hangover.


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
captains log stardate arg!!!!:

i thought i was being rescued but nothing is more untru!
when they heared my crew tryed to beam me up the immidiatly placed a clone in mypossition!!

thwe lorgination proces is still procceding!!!!!

IT HURTSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
GET IT OF, GET IT OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(dfhgjkssdkajf.....cracking noise)

>log: reset status
>status of owner reset to : "Bocutas of Lorg"
>>> end transition.
>start command chain
>>>chain started





> set computer to backgroundsound
> mode set
> end command chain
>>> chain ended


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
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Ambassador's log, Stardate 000823.1

[UniTrans - on]
I wish to thank you all for letting me be your ambassador. I promise I will not dissapoint you <hehe>.

I also wish to request a personal vessel that will enable me to conduct my errands with ease. I recommend the NUS-AT-21ENT "BigBird", since it is a small, fast, sleek, well armored ship, with some offensive capabilities, and also has room for a crew of 1-4 and 10 passengers. If I get this ship I will be able to start operating on my own, thus leaving the USS Eternaty out of harms way.
Please respond in a timely manner.

I also wonder what the official language is onboard the USS Eternaty. Maybe I don't need to use my UniTrans while onboard... That would make my job easier.
[UniTrans - off]

Maybe I can persuade the Lorg on Casperia Prime who apparently are planning an attack on us to join us in our struggle against the rumored "wavy line people" that I've been hearing about. It might be a tough one though...

[Supplemental II]
I have to talk to the ship's cook. I feel an incredible craving for Diet Cherry Fudge Coke. Maybe he has some cans stashed away...


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Lt.Cmd 8-4-7-2's log Stardate 58955.5

I went to the mess hall where our new cook Butress began with work. I ordered a pizza. Well it tasted much better than the replicator's, but it can still be improved. I suggest that we make a stop at some planet to collect fresh ingredients. But that's the cook's job.

When I enjoyed the pizza, Butress began some small talk, asking me about my "strange" name. I told him the truth:
I'm no human, even if I might look like one. In fact I'm a member of Species 8-4-7-2. As my real name is by far to difficult for humans to pronounce I allow everyone to call me 8-4-7-2 (or just 8472. Speak:"eight-four-seven-two").My species is from another far away galaxy known as fluid space.
We use quantum singularities to travel between our galaxies. Due some misunderstandings with the Ministry Of Finance I was forced into exile and somehow found my way on the Eternaty. Using some highly advanced and complicated metamorphing technology I'm able to morph into a human!
[Note: see Star Trek: Voyager "Scorpion","Prey","In the flesh"]


There were again troubles about the positions on the ship.
Officially Butress is now cook and Bozo ambassador.

Raptor asked if he can be Chief of Security because we already have a Chief Engineer(Temporary Account). But Beerbaron is COS.
[Note: see "What do you think about the Eternaty thread"!!!]

So I'll ask Raptor if he wants to be the guy who sits in our astrometrics lab and scans for various stuff. I haven't found a name for this position yet!

We have to find for coolbrz(sp?). Perhaps he can be Science Officer as replacement for Skumboy!

Supplemental II
Ambassador Bozo aked for a special diplomatic shuttlecraft.
I'll show him our Omega-Flyer. I once used him to rescue Science Officer Skumboy from an asteroid. He has nearly all the abilities mentioned by Bozo, so we don't need to buy a new shuttle.

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-23-2000 at 01:24 PM]

AOC CableGuy

New Member
Aug 18, 2000
The Cook

I noticed you at the Eternity dont haev a Cook ??

How can you live without food
Make me the Cook and i will whip up tasty treats and kill the Alien bastards with my buthcer knife.

I also have a Wicked Swing with a Frying pan!

f33r |\/|3


f00k C4p1t4l1sM
Aug 8, 2000
u gotta engineer yet?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


New Member
Mar 6, 2000

:mad: Why don't read the last posts? We have a cook: Butress. We lived from replicated pizza, but it tasted aweful!
You MUST post in log form like all others!
And the most important: it's: "Eternaty" with "A".
If you want to join do it, but post any further comments into my "What do you think about the Eternaty thread?"(the last 2 pages) thread!

The same goes for NEUTRON: Please read BOTH threads first! You will find a list of the crew in the "What do you think..." thread!
Delete the pic! You spelled Eternaty wrong!
Read how the others made their first appearence here! They all did a great job. You not! :mad: :mad: :mad:

8-4-7-2's personal log

I the last days I ate more pizzas than usual. As consequence I gained a lot of weight! I think I got addicted to pizzas. Well, I will now go to our Elrod. Toghether with him I may find out what's wrong with me. I heard that he did a great job with Doctor 0Shadow0 and Lt. RizMan.


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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Nothing Now Sam The Man's Log, Stardate... goddamnit who cares

I have made it back to the Eternaty. The rift I managed to persuade the damned llamas to create luckily went straight into a corridor of the Eternaty. The only explanation I can think of for this is that I can't be bothered writing any more logs about getting back to hte Eternaty.

I am officially requesting a post on this ship, so I will finally have something definite to put at the start of my logs. I think I will spent almost every penny on personal reflective shields and absorbtion field devices so I don't get killed in someone's log again.

Ah, it feels good to have next to nothing to write.


The Bearer of Humpage
Jan 13, 2000
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ILL-TEMPERED COOK'S LOG stardate 56094

Well, my pizza seems to be goin over jus' fine. the TO seems to like 'em more than most everbody. whadda horse. he puts these bad boys away like he ain't human. oh wait... we had that talk already. well some lowly helmsman says my pizza werent spicey enough, heh. I went ahead and put a nutra-pepper from the infeiro 80 sector into his last pie. I reckon he'll have a while to sit on the waste processor and think about jus' how spicey he wants things.

Some feller, called cable-something, came in here and tried to pry the cooks position away from me. well thet aint happin'. I just grabbed up one of the left over monkey arms from roast monkey day. A few raps on the noggin' with a oven hardened monkey fist will change anyones mind. haw haw. wadda laugh.


food's in the ole slop bucket, ladies.
take it or leave it.

there's no Diet Cherry Fudge whatever. And if I did have some o' that crazy soundin' sludge. I'd shove it straight up yer <cough> never mind.......


Beware two things: me and what i'm carryin'


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter Chief's log : Stardate 456373

I decided to pay a visit to the ship's mess hall today. I went in, ordered a coffee, and sat down. The coffee was disgusting!! The cup didn't seem to have been washed, and there was too much coffe powder and sugar used! I did complain, but the cook chased me out with a cleaver, pointing to a sign reading "Complain at own risk"
I think I'll stick to replicated coffee!
I'm off to clean out the transporter buffers now, can't have any of the crew beaming back and merging with bacteria or something.


The Bearer of Humpage
Jan 13, 2000
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ILL-TEMPERED COOK'S LOG stardate 56095

the ships transporter stopped by today. hehe.

that poor bastid came in and ordered coffee. Well the mech-waiter came into the kitchen and grabbed the first mug that it saw. What i didn't know was that the waiter grabbed the mug that I use for misc. tasks. i.e. holding cleaning solution, spit cup, etc., etc. I guess knowing that, its not surprising he came storming in hollerin' aboot the java. kinda sorry i chased his arse out so quick. not really, he ran like a girl. haw. haw.

I'm sure once he gets a cup o my fresh brewed, made from the best cafi-coffee beans (the only kind I carry), he'll change his tune. If he don't, I guess I can warm up the monkey fist.....
8-4-7-2 stopped by my quarters today, and expressed some concern over his recently developed addiction to pizza, and the resulting gaining of weight. I explained to him that while I don't really know anything about his species, if it's anything similar to human addictions, the only way to get over it is via willpower (which I said that I could try to help him with over the course of several future consultations) - unless he wanted to try the contoversial 'pizza patch', which has supposedly helped millions of humans get over their pizza addictions. Otherwise, the only thought was that he be more active (or go to doctor Oshadow for liposuction :D); perhaps play some deathmatch on the holodeck...
On another note, some time after 8-4-7-2 left, I was given a nicely furnished 'office' for my duties as the ship's psychologist. It has everything, and even looks the the setups typical of the early 21st century, with the big cushy chair for myself, and a big couch for the patients. I wonder how I got so lucky as to have some of the best furnishings on the ship (excepting the personal quarters of the highest ranking officers of course).


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter Chief's log : Stardate 456345

I've just finished cleaning out the transporter buffers. Man you sohuld've seen some of the gunk in there! I'm surprised we didn't get any mutations at all from using the transporters.
I think I'm going to have to visit the resident shrink. Operating these transporters is bringing back bad memories of the academy incident. I still get flashbacks now...
it took ages to clean up the mess...
Funeral was alright though...

...wh, what, oh, drifted off a bit there. Time to book myself in me thinks.


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's log, stardate 64569.26

I think I won't complain anymore about the cook's abilities. T told him his pizza wasn't spicey enough first time I ate one. However, I won't do that again. The second one was spicier then everything I had ever eaten. My mouth burned like hell. And I had to run to the toilet like never before. I sad there for about 2 hours without interruption. Man, this cook is the most dangerous person on this ship, even more dangerous as the doctor.

Back on the bridge, I finally saw the captain again. It has been a while since the last time I saw him. However, he semed a little bit confused: he didn't seem to notice me entering. I wanted to ask him where he was hiding on CasperiaPrime, but it seemed like he didn't really understand my question. He started talking about his family on earth and things that happened before Casperia Prime, but he didn't tell me what he did on Casperia, like he didn't remember what happened there, or was he hiding some secret? Well perhaps it's the remaining alcohol in his blood or the shock from the encounter with the lorg, but the captain seemed to act a little bit weird. I have to report this to Commander Vortex. Perhaps he knows something more.
Whatever happened, I want to thank D-Stroya for his great job with the transporter, thus saving the captain from the lorg encapement.

End Log


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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First officer's log

It appears that we have lost the captain to the Lorg. He never returned from their encampment so I can now only assume he has joined their collective. A rescue attempt would have proved too risky as no doubt the Lorg are using the captain's knowledge of our tactics to get the better of us.

As I returned to the Eternaty with my shuttle who should I see but Sam_The_Man. I don't have time right now as, with the absence of the captain, it looks like I'll have to take over command of this ship for the time being, but later on I will have to congratulate Sam on escaping from the Llamas.

I've just heard we actually have a new cook on board! As such I find myself rushiing to the mess hall to taste some real food!

End log.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate Yellow Alert

I just talked to Captain Cascade about our new recruits, but he seemed absent-minded. He whisphered "you will be lorganized. Resistence is futile" a few times. Also, he gave me no pleasing answer. And I swear I saw that his eyes glowed bright-red for a splitsecond, when he felt unwatched!
I'll take the Captain to sickbay. Maybe Doctor Shadow finds something!
[Note: We now have two Captains, the one on the ship is a drone/clone, and the the real one is captured be the lorg!]

Commander Vortex told me that Sam_The_Man escaped from the Llama Farm. I still don't trust him, and I don't know a position for him!

I went to Counselor Elrod for some advice with my pizza problem. He mainly told me that he has no experience with my species, but that I need willpower and a few holodeck DM-games. I'll try that! I also heard that the Shrink got a nice
21st century room for further counseling sessions. I'll visit him later to keep him updated on my situation.

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-24-2000 at 12:10 PM]


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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First officer's log supplemental.

Whoops. I made a mistake. Earlier on I stated that I was taking over command of the ship in our captains abscence but I've just found out that he is actually on the ship and shuld be in sickbay rigt now. Well, I may not be incharge but at least it means that CaSCaDe has not been lorginated. I think I'd better head to sickbay to pay hima visit.

End log.
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