Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 321656.65
Today, I went to the shrink because of my evergrowing paranoia I suffer from. I don't know why I trusted him, but Elrod seems to be a nice guy. Good to have him onboard. He told me to go to the Holodeck and practice some DM to relax and get rid of all the stress(the cause of my paranoia). That's what I did. I played godlikes holobots: man, these are really minigunwhores. I tell you, godlike bots + minigun =
After the game, I didn't feel relaxed, far from that, I was mad cause I lost. Man, I never lost a game against these bots (note: I don't really get mad while loosing and I don't own the godlike bots)
However, it seems that now I can focus on my angryness and thus my paranoia is gone for the moment.
Later in the day, I was asked by the doctor to visit him and so did I. He asked me why I was looking at him in this suspicipus way, as like I didn't want to trust him, so I told him that's because I suffer from paranoia and that I won't do that again because the shrink is curing me. However, I didn't feel comfortable in the doctor's presence: he played with his scalpel during the whole meeting. Fortunately he didn't dissect me.
I also went to the casino, as I heard we got a cook: Butress he calls himself. I tried his food, and it really tastes better then the replicator food, although it could be spicier.
I also welcome our new Transporter chief D-Stroya and a guy called Bozo, our ambassador.
Also, there's a guy named Raptor who claims to be security chief, however, beerbaron already is in this position.
Talking about beerbaron: his cloaking devices aren't working at 100% cause I saw 8-4-7-2 hunting the wavy air thing also he was wearing a cloaking device. Probably that's why he wasn't able to catch it, as it could see him.
If beerbaron doesn't show up to hunt it down, I'm gonna help 8-4-7-2 if he retries to catch it. I told him to call me if he goes for it.
We are still in high orbit above Casperia Prime waiting for the captain to beam up. I heard from rumours that he was seen lying in his own vomit, disgusting. Perhaps D-Stroya could scan for him and beam him in so that we'll finally be able to leave orbit.
While in orbit, I don't have anything to do, so I'm gonna go for another DM game. Perhaps I'm gonna use the Excessive mod against 15 godlike bots.. That should help me relax.
End Log
Today, I went to the shrink because of my evergrowing paranoia I suffer from. I don't know why I trusted him, but Elrod seems to be a nice guy. Good to have him onboard. He told me to go to the Holodeck and practice some DM to relax and get rid of all the stress(the cause of my paranoia). That's what I did. I played godlikes holobots: man, these are really minigunwhores. I tell you, godlike bots + minigun =
After the game, I didn't feel relaxed, far from that, I was mad cause I lost. Man, I never lost a game against these bots (note: I don't really get mad while loosing and I don't own the godlike bots)
However, it seems that now I can focus on my angryness and thus my paranoia is gone for the moment.
Later in the day, I was asked by the doctor to visit him and so did I. He asked me why I was looking at him in this suspicipus way, as like I didn't want to trust him, so I told him that's because I suffer from paranoia and that I won't do that again because the shrink is curing me. However, I didn't feel comfortable in the doctor's presence: he played with his scalpel during the whole meeting. Fortunately he didn't dissect me.
I also went to the casino, as I heard we got a cook: Butress he calls himself. I tried his food, and it really tastes better then the replicator food, although it could be spicier.
I also welcome our new Transporter chief D-Stroya and a guy called Bozo, our ambassador.
Also, there's a guy named Raptor who claims to be security chief, however, beerbaron already is in this position.
Talking about beerbaron: his cloaking devices aren't working at 100% cause I saw 8-4-7-2 hunting the wavy air thing also he was wearing a cloaking device. Probably that's why he wasn't able to catch it, as it could see him.
If beerbaron doesn't show up to hunt it down, I'm gonna help 8-4-7-2 if he retries to catch it. I told him to call me if he goes for it.
We are still in high orbit above Casperia Prime waiting for the captain to beam up. I heard from rumours that he was seen lying in his own vomit, disgusting. Perhaps D-Stroya could scan for him and beam him in so that we'll finally be able to leave orbit.
While in orbit, I don't have anything to do, so I'm gonna go for another DM game. Perhaps I'm gonna use the Excessive mod against 15 godlike bots.. That should help me relax.
End Log