the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
APHC log 5|-|1|\|1|\|6 817<|-|

All work and no play makes the Dopefish a dull fish.
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All work and no play makes the Dopefish a dull fish.

See how fun it is when no one comes to visit you? :D
Personal log - Stardate 2100.


Some bastard made off with the cusions from the couch in my office. I was afraid that having that stuff might cause some jealousy(sp?). I guess I'll just have to scour the ship for them. Hope nobody needs any counseling for a few hours.

On another note, I saw captain CaSCaDe in the hallway today for the first time. He seemed rather odd - like he was preoccupied with something. Oh well.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Personal log Stardate 5912223.5

I went to Counselor Elrod's office, but noticed that it was closed. A sign on the door said: "Closed. Someone stole my cushions". How can somone be so evil to do that?
So I went to holodeck 2 for a little deathmatch as the Shrink suggested. To my surprise the programm was already running. It was Dopefish. He told me that he is bored and justed started a spam attack on our log computer (I don't like this. Perhaps he can edit his
Nevertheless I agreed for a holo-DM game against our APHC. It's been a long time since my last game but I'm sure I can beat him!


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
Visit site
Ambassador's log, Stardate 000824.1

[UniTrans - on]
Ahh... I just heard from our TO, 8-4-7-2, that I will be given his old shuttle, the Omega-Flyer. I trust that this is a shuttle suitable to my needs. I must have a chat with our TO and ask him for the specifications of my new shuttle. I'm really anxious to take her out for a test flight! I must also ask the TO which member of the crew I should talk to if I need to modify her... Hmm...

I'm also eagerly awaiting being introduced to our Captain. I have not met him yet. In fact, I do not even know what he looks like. I've heard his name mentioned in association with "lorg" and "Casperia Prime", but that is all.

I heard the cook complaining about my craving for Diet Cherry Fudge Coke earlier today. Apparantly that particular drink is not in his repertoir. Sad...

Now I cannot waste more time. I must take a close look at my shuttle, so that I can make a speedy trip down to Casperia Prime's surface and try to negotiate with the evil lorg.

But first, I will try to communicate with the crew without my universal translator (UniTrans) activated. Here goes...
[UniTrans - off]

Hello...? Can anyone understand this? This should be interesting...

I have applied to the Great Council Y5 to receive an official badge stating that I am the ambassador of this fine ship, I also included the application to give Buttress the badge as cook.

[Log - end]

Thar T'Pak [=AA=]

New Member
Mar 2, 2000
Urbandale, IA USA
Stardate 569387534976.9

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.

I have wandered the ship for a while. I even came within killing distance of the Head prey. It appears that these poor fools are being duped. He doesn't even smell like the original head prey. And they can't seem to figure that out.

I may have to leak that information to the prey named Vortex. I cannot let me trophies die yet.

On a side note, there are new prey on board the ship. One even makes Peezza. I shall have to stop by the food hall and grab some. There is also a new one running around complaining that he could find some cushions. Odd as he is, he did step on my toes. that's what I get for staying cloaked I presume. So for amusement purpose, I tripped him. I believe he fell into one of the holo-suites.

I have received word that the armada has stopped at Caspera Prime. They are dogging the Eternaty until I request pickup. Last word was they were going to start a bombardment of the planet due to some strange infection one of the hunters got from a resident there. he kept scratching for days from the sound of it.

Poor fool.

Well, I went back to the bridge and sat down in the captain's chair. We'll see where this should take us if I hit...wait...ahhh the captain's log. Now this will be some good reading. I'll upload it all into my data comp and read it in my spare time.

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak out.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter Chief's log : Stardate 456864

I've recieved praise for the rescue of the captain from the lorg! I'm so pleased!
I'm glad I went to talk about the academy transporter incident to the shrink, it's really helped.
I've not had any praise from the captain for rescuing him, not even a "thank you"! I decided to go talk to him to get his approval for being the transporter chief, and he just looked at me funny and walked away. I could've sworn his eyes glowed red as he turned away...
I might be daring and try the coffee from the mess hall again. I've heard praise about it from other crew members, and the replicated stuff is revolting!


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer'S log supplemental

When I prepared for the holo-deathmatch against the APAC, Ambassador Bozo came to me and aked me if I could show him the Omega-Flyer. He called it my "old shuttle", but it was only used once and has flown only 5.2 lightyears! I told him to go to the shuttelbay himself and make a little test flight. But he should be extremely careful and noz come into contact with the Lorg, as their intrntions can only be bad!


In contrary to my previous suggestions I think we should change the position for our new recruits:
- coolbrz73: Astrometrics Officer
[Note: He wrote more and better posts than Raptor]

Commander Vortex or the Captain will officially confirm this soon.

If Raptor still wants to join us we must find for him.

I heard that Science Officer Skumboy might join us again soon. It seemes that he foolishly overclocked his pad and wasn't able to write logs because it burned!

Concerning the strange transmissions from Cable Guy and Neutron: I think they are not suitable for this crew and should be rejected!


Jan 7, 2000
Helmsman RizMan's Log, stardate 78946.68

I talked to TO about the captains weird behaviour. He told me that he also noticed something strange about him, like a red flash in his eyes. I heard the same thing from our Transporter Chief D-Stroya. I'm wondering what happened to the Captain. I hope he hasn't been infected in any way by the lorg. Who knows what terrible viruses they can infect you with. At least, they didn't manage to lorginate the captain. I suggested Vortex to talk to the Doctor about the captain's health status. Perhaps CaSCaD also needs to go and see the shrink.
My friend 8-4-7-2 proposed coolbrz as Astrometrics officer. I would welcome if we had him as Astrometrics officer, so he can scan space and tell me were I can fly w/o flying into lorg space.

I also noticed that the APHC hacked into my Helmsconsole, thus making the ship getting out of control. Fortunately, I noticed in time, else the ship would have crashed on Casperia's surface. The APHC somehow initiated the landing sequence. Landing spot was a high mountain where we would have crash landed.
When I checked the log, I found some strange messages: "All work and no play makes the Dopefish a dull fish" However, I don't know how he managed to hack the primary systems. They are supposed to have the best Firewalls and Virus Scanners ever invented by man.

After this, I had to go and play a DM match on Holodeck2. Somehow, the program was already running. 8-4-7-2 and the APHC were playing a game, so I dropped in unexpectedly. Hope I can beat them. Perhaps the whole crew should once organize some sort of Match [note: we could really do this once or twice or more often, though it is hard to get everyone online at the same time]

End Log


New Member
Apr 30, 2000
Personal Log
Stardate 16161789734

Well, I found a computer terminal and starting searching for some answers. This ship has been through hell and seemed to have pulled out rather nicely...maybe I should try and find the captain about a spot on this fine vessel.
WTF??? Dammit they had Capt. Dickard on board and in the brig, but he has managed to escape!! Oh man, what to do?

...I decided that I would head to casperia prime in search of evidence about Dickard, I mean he only has an escape pod and cant get to far!!

On my way to the loading dock, I finally met someone!! I had a conversation with TO 8-4-7-2!! He seemed really cool about having me on this ship as an Astrometrics Officer. Finally my long years of traveling will pay off as I have most maps of the systems saved on my database!! He said I will have to speak to the Captain(which I hope will remember me) or Commander Vortex!! I told him my plans of going to Casperia for a quick look for Dickard and he said this would prove to be a good mission for me!! He wants me to help track down Commander Vortex also!! This is what Ive been waiting oppurtunity to redeem myself!!

[Supplemental 2]
I also ran into the captain, briefly :( He doesnt seem to remember me, no matter what I said. He seemed rather odd, maybe he will be better when I return!!



New Member
Mar 6, 2000

While pausing our deathmatch game, I met beerbaron whom I didn't see during our vacation. I think he was drunk the whole time! Well he wanted an update:

- On Casperia we mostly got drunk and some chicks
- We got a few new crewmembers like Transorter Chief D-Stroya or Astrometrics Officer coolbrz, Counselor/Shrink Elrod or cook Butress
- Capt. Dickard escaped from the brig
- The Captain was replaced by a Lorg drone/clone [note: we don't know this yet. We only noticed strange behaviour]
- The real Captain is still on the planet
- the wavy air thing is still alive

I told him to ask the others as I can't think of more now.
[note: Be sure to check the last 3 pages of the "What do you think..." thread"]

.......but now the deathmatch continues. I'm doing well until now!


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
Visit site
Ambassador's log, Stardate 000824.2

Well, I'll try to log this without using my UniTrans. If the crew doesn't understand me, I trust that they'll let me know.

I met the TO, but I fear I might have offended him. I asked where I could find my new ship, the Omega-Flyer, and I referred to it as his "old ship". I noticed a twitch in his eyes that signaled a tad sadness to my trained eyes. I have to talk to him again to let him know that I said this in an affectionate way, and with reference to the fact that it is his former ("old") ship, as opposed to his present ("new") ship. Hmm... I never thought that I, the ambassador, could hurt anyones feelings...

On arrival to the shuttlebay I was pleasantly surprised though. The Omega-Flyer looked as fine as I'd been told, and it also seems to have the same load-out as the NUS-AT-21ENT "BigBird" has and then some. I cannot believe how this ship has passed me by in my quest for the perfect diplomatic vessel!

I was also advised by our TO to stay away from Casperia Prime and the lorg, lest I be assimilated. I find it to be a quite thrilling thought to negotiate with the lorg all the same. I may have to lay low for a day or two, and observe how this conflict evolves, before I descend to Casperia Prime to give the lorg my best shot.

Okay, that'll have to do for now. I'm going to take my Omega-Flyer for a test run aroung Casperia Prime. Let's see what this honey can do!

I have to contact the cook too. I'll see if he can prepare something to eat for when I get back. These joyrides always make me hungry. I'll let him whip something up, since I don't know what he's got in stock.

I saw the Captain on the way to the shuttlebay. The shrink was kind enough to point him out while running around looking for some cushions. (Don't know what that was about...) The Captain however wouldn't even welcome me aboard. He just looked at me, and then proceeded as if I didn't exist. I also picked up a strange vibration, one that I haven't felt since my encounter with...the lorg...a long time ago. But, this IS our Captain, and everyone seems sure of that, so how could that be...? Are my diplomatic skills starting to fade...?

[Log - end]

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
APHC log |_|T 0\/\/|\|5 J00 |\/|0T|-|4 F|_|<|<4!

Before my match with 8-4-7-2 or whatever his number is, I had a vision of a game played in the 20th-21st century called Unreal Tournament. Strangley, the weapons were similar to ours. :)

I hope that someday I can play a Pokemon match vs. some of the crew, and maybe even a little CTF. I'm bad at 1v1 DM. :)
Personal Log - Stardate 2100.

I finally found my couch cusions - they were in one of the cargo holds. It looked as if someone/something had been using them as a bed. Anyway, I cleaned them off, and returned them to their proper place. My search was not without incedent, though. On a walk down one of the many corridors in this ship, I tripped over something and fell flat on my face. I tried to identify the source of my misfortune, but found nothing. I wonder if that wavy air guy that I've been hearing about had something to do with it...
It seems that this ship was desparately in need of a psychiatrist; I had another visitor today, shortly after returning my couch cusions. D-Stroya, or ships Transporter cheif came to me with some painful memories about a transporter incedent from years ago. I didn't really offer much support myself, but I think that just talking about it helped him out a lot.
[NOTE TO SELF] Don't use transporters until a few others have come and gone successfully[/NOTE TO SELF]
Also, while searching for my cusions, I ran across our ships ambassador (I can't pronounce his name). I don't know what language he was speaking, but I was able to pick out the word CaSCaDE as he was speaking, and was able to point him in the right direction.


f00k C4p1t4l1sM
Aug 8, 2000
|\|E|_|TR0|\|'s log. Unknown time

Where am I? the first question that comes into my mind when I opened my eyes, how did I get here? It's very strange and I don't know what's going on, I was flying my small aeroplane over the pacific ocean, I see a strange light in the north and next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor of some kind of corridor from a ship (sea). Numurous people wearing uniforms I've never seen before walk by. The place looks very advanced. As I stumble across the corridoor, I almost bumped into someone, I dodged just in time but he just walks by, as if I wasn't there. I walk up to some kind of automatic door, which slides open, and that's when I get the shock of my life, or anyone's for that matter. Outside the vast windows of that room, is a sight I never thought I'd see in my life, the sight of stars! But not like the ones you see on earth, there were more stars than the stariest night on earth! and the were moving! so fast they were streaks of light! I knew then that I was not on Earth, and that this was a ship after all, a starship!


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
Visit site
Ambassador's log, Stardate 000825.1

Whoohoo! I just received my badge stating I am the Ambassador of the USS Eternaty! That should mean that our cook's probably gotten his too.

Woohoo II! This ship really flies (no pun intended)! I'll take her around Casperia Prime a few more times, then I'll call it a night.

Man, I'm getting hungry... I wonder if our cook has anything prepared for me, and if so, what...?

Back to the controls!

[Log - end]


The Bearer of Humpage
Jan 13, 2000
Visit site
FRIGGIN' COOK'S LOG stardate 56096

well, the ole slop bucket been busy as usually. the crew has pretty much figgered out that I take this here job almighty serious. The seem to be steppin light and takin care of business. All except that durn cap'n.

he comes stumblin in here without out even a hey, nay, or okay. that wouldn't usually bother me none, but the cap'n hasn't inspected the slop bucket, the supplies, or anything. that ain't normal.

Well I figgered i should go out and talk to the cap'n a bit so I sat down and refilled his coffee. Well he looks at me with them goofy, red eyes and mumbles somethin like... "lorgination" or some such foolishness. Well, figured he was gettin a bit hostile so I escorted his arse right outa there, with a complimentary tap from old rollin' pin. I hate doing that to the cap'n but this here pin is sort special. It cures what ails ya.

today's slop

Mystery stew
Leftover monkey suprise
Whatever else I kin find


who ever is the next to leave this ship better take the supply list I posted and fill it. or you'll all be moanin over that damn replicator slime. no cheap substitutes either. my rollin' pin and I have an uncanny ability to sniff out when we're short changed.


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
Visit site
first officer's log stardate unknown (I can't be bothered).

Hmm, the captain does not appear to be his usual self. When the doctor gave him some sort of bioscan - I'm not sure of these medical terms - he detected a small some Lorg implants within the captain. The captain became irritated when he was questioned, insisted that this was just a result of the Lorg attack and that some of the Lorg perhaps left pieces of machinery inside him by accident. This will have to do as an explanation for now so we'll just believe the captain for the timebeing.

I've still to meet with Sam_The_Man to ask him about his experiences in the afterlife. I really need a calander or something. Well, I'm getting hungry so I'm off to sample some of Buttress's (sp) culinary skills.

end log.


Feb 10, 2000
StarDate :21563
Medical Officers Log
Good God fo the one eyed red assed beer bashing monkey, the captain has been lorginated. The Bioscan I did revealed a few implants so COmmander Vortex and I took the captains word at face value. But I did new pre dissection test...strictly for educational purposes mind you.. on the captain secretly while we did that bioscan and my results have confirmed he is a lorg. For within him beats the heart that looks like that of the three eyed lorg tiger's foot's mom which is a sure sign of a human heart that has been lorginated. I must tell commander Vortex or the TO...this is serious. The lorgs could track us down using the captain and force us all to use windows 4005...aaaaghhhhhh nooooo!!!!
On my way to the bridge I found what seems to be the remains of the a oodle doodle cocoon....aack ther is a hunter on board cos this mean the poodle humped his leg one too many times and is now a hunter seeker ass biting doodle!!! Damn better not mention that to the commander, one bad news is enuff for today.
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