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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Yeah, I really hate games that doesn't shove unskipable credits on my screen.

Don't know what game you have played recently, but most have skippable credit sequences, and they usually have a little something extra at the end especially if the ending is as lackluster as this was

No-voice is Gordon Freeman. Half-life preceded CoD by 5 years. The facial models/animations aren't as good as the ones in Crysis 2, but I think that the character/weapon models have an overall higher polygon count, or at least look better, texture-wise. I remember looking down at my legs in Crysis 1 and thinking: yeah... these legs don't look nearly as good as mah arms.

Well obviously there have been more CoD's than Half Lifes so that is why I used that as an example.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Sleepyhead there are a few games that know that the credits should be fucking awesome. One of those is (spoilers for credits btw) God Hand, and another is 'Splosion Man.


The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile (trial version, XBLA)
Holy shit. Talk about a game (well trial version anyways) with a great aesthetic. A beat-em-up with lots of ultraviolence, great artwork and a kickass soundtrack. This needs to be watched in motion. Here's a video!


Getting this as soon as I go and get some MS points.

Got the points. Started playing this. It's amazing. It's like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta turned 2D with a grisly, gory art style. Not to mention there's co-op and a bunch of extras. I'll save a rating for until I finish this game, but right now it's gearing to get high marks.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Sleepyhead there are a few games that know that the credits should be fucking awesome. One of those is (spoilers for credits btw) God Hand, and another is 'Splosion Man.

Not sure if you got what I meant. I hate how he calls endings shitty cause there's no achievements and crap like that. These people aren't true gamers, that play games just to play the game. I'm not sure if this guy really thinks that or whatever, but I'm sure plenty do.

Cool videos though. :lol:


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Mass Effect-5.5/10

It's a bit linear and a bit overdone with the lengthy cinematics bit you get to shoot things.............. so it's fun enough.

Mass Effect ended up being a bit disappointing. There's a lot of cinematics blah going on to get to the point where you realise you taken the game so far down the main quest path that there's no turning back and the game is going to close out.

Missing all those side quests makes me feel like I've missed 90% of the game and will have to replay it (or find an older save) once I re-install it.

But now:

Metro 2033-7.5/10

I'm enjoying this. It's a pretty difficult sim level mechanic and the graphics and audio provide a shitload of atmosphere. Very intense.

In fact I might boot it up right now. :)


Jan 20, 2008
Trynant, have you played Shadow of the Damned?
It's a cool game, and the sounds are amazing. Also Suda51 x Mikami x Yamaoka.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Quack Live


It's fun, tonight was my first time playing it for more than 20 minutes, and my first time playing it online. It feels different than Quack3 and CPM yet it feels like a hybrid between the two and I'm still trying to get used to the movement.

The weapons in practice mode feel amazing, I was getting air rox after air rox on the bots but online, the rl just doesn't seem to work as well. The hit detection seems really wonky and often times direct hits only do splash damage or no damage at all. The Lighting gun is just deadly, especially with quad damage which was really fun to use for almost instant kills. The rail damage is different it seems and the hit detection on it is very strange. Sometimes I can get frags by slightly pointing to the side of the players, other times I really need to hit them right on. That's really the only annoying part.

I can't wait until quacklive figures out I don't belong in the lower tiers since after only 8 or so games, I've already been accused of aimbotting and hacking. But that 48% rg accuracy sure is nice. :D


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
Far Cry 2


Far Cry 2 has less to do with Far Cry than Dune had to do with Dune 2.

Almost everyone in the game is an asshole and that includes most of your employers and yourself. It's quite repetitive, the respawn time (I think It's actually based on distance) of guard posts is way to low. Everyone who sees you opens fire immediately even though they shouldn't be able to know who's side you are on. The AI has no problem at all location you through vegetation and obstacles once they are on alert. That goes so far that enemies who cover behind bigger cars shoot at you through the cars. Technically that's possible because cars don't stop bullets, but the problem is they also aim at you while they shouldn't be able to see you. Customizing your loadout is too limited, e.g. you can't carry both a sniper rifle and a suppressed MP5, but it's no problem to carry a sniper and a SAW.

I don't think I had a single crash, but it's certainly not without bugs: Enemies look and aim in the opposite direction while they shoot at and hit you, calls on your mobile don't play the audio and you have to load the last save to try again, the Jackal tapes you collect don't unlock a new tape but are the same as the last one you collected after a while, The Jackal didn't move to the door at the far side of the courtyard which is supposed to show you where to go to continue the conversation (I had to view a youtube of the dialogue to figure out what was supposed to happen).

The game kinda feels like a bad mod for a good game.
Last edited:


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Catching up on some old games time.

Splinter Cell: Conviction -- B

On the one hand, the game has some very solid mechanics, looks good, plays well and is a lot of fun for what it is. On the other hand, didn't Splinter Cell games used to be about stealth? I'm not expecting Thief 2 here, but damn this game was stupid easy. When you screwed up in the first few games, it felt difficult to get out of, placing the emphasis squarely on gadgets and darkness. Here, taking out a room of half a dozen guys who wiped out the secret service is a joke. Playing on the hardest difficulty I only died about a dozen times and I'm not that great of a player. When around cover, you could not only aim, but zoom in, so that when you popped out of cover, it took all of .1 seconds to shoot a dude in the head. Nothing stands up to that. I've yet to really get around to the multiplayer and co op, but hopefully it's better. The story is mediocre, but par for the course. I really actually liked the game, but why must all my stealth titles turn into something that rewards simplistic shoot at all things=win mechanics?

Dead Space-- B

Good 'ol action fun. I've heard people say that the sequel is less scary, but then again, i didn't think this game was scary at all. Are whispered voices automatically terrifying now? The game doesn't really emphasize dropping in behind the player or monsters jumping out where you weren't expecting (except for the periodic tentacle hallways) and while it's dark, it isn't the kind of Doom 3 dark that can creep you out.

Anyways, I enjoyed the de-limbing and found the game to be a blast to play through. I played through on Hard and never felt particularly challenged (there were a few times when I died due to moving through the level a bit too fast and triggering too many enemies at once), but it never felt painfully easy. I honestly never even bothered with any guns other than the pistol you start with, as it's crazy powerful once you put a few upgrades in it; maybe they're fun, but the plasma gun was just too good to bother trying.

The only thing that pissed me off was the ending.
Oh, wait, you mean she's dead? Um, yeah, I think everyone figured that out from the get-go. It was obvious. Why was this revealed as some surprise? And they knew going in what was wrong (because, you know, the video wasn't particularly ambiguous) and didn't bother thinking about that? And somehow the lady knows that Isaac has been seeing his wife? HOW? Dude never says anything, and the only emoting he does is a facepalm when he watches the whole video. Also, dragging some stupid marker for fifteen minutes is not a puzzle guys, and it isn't fun. Neither is fighting the end boss twice.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile (XBLA) - 5/5

I'm blown away by how great this game is. I love hack-and-slashing a la DMC & Bayonetta and to have that gameplay compressed into a 2D platformer with crazy style is utter bliss. Crazy weapons, great action, crazy crazy mind-trip sequences, and tons of content. If you like fighting games and or 2D platformers I cannot recommend this enough.

Random 12 minute video to give you an idea of craziness (this is arcade mode, there's a pretty awesome story mode to boot).



Fresh meat.
Nov 2, 2008
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - 3.5/10. I can't say I had high hopes for this game, but it still managed to disappoint me for some reason. For the most part, the races are too similar. Even the SP campaigns (at least, the GDI and Nod ones) were too much alike. The only time I really had fun in this game was during the GDI mission when the Scrin are first encountered. Cutscenes looked good, but they weren't anything special. My biggest problem with C&C3 is that it's basically a less interesting version of Emperor: Battle for Dune. The graphics were good, but beyond that, it wasn't that great.

Section 8: Prejudice - 7.5/10. It's a huge improvement over the original. The single player campaign is okay, nothing great or anything. For the most part, weapons seem fairly balanced. My biggest problem with this game is the lack of maps. I don't like the ones in this as much as the original's.

Godzilla Unleashed (Wii) - 5.5/10. The huge selection of monsters is great, and the levels look excellent. Sadly, the single player campaign sucks, and there are times when you don't have to fight anyone at all. Sounds are recycled from the previous games, too. The Wii controls are really frustrating most of the time, and there have been a lot of noticeable frame rate drops. If the game allowed for the classic Gamecube controllers, it would have been a lot better.