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New Member
Jun 2, 2008
TrackMania rules. Must-have title for Lans, imo.

Halo: Reach 9/10
The only negative things I could say about the game are
a) it's nothing groundbreakingly new. It's just more Halo
b) the DLC prices are insulting. I'm just reviewing the game here, but if I were to include this it'd cost points...
c) the constant over-use of military jargon in the singleplayer campaign borders on being funny... Seriously, if you had to drink a shot every time someone said "be advised" you'd be drunk by the end of the first mission.

The campaign has great gameplay though, mostly thanks to the great, dynamic AI and the maps that offer enough tactical freedom for you and the AI to do your thing, so fights are interesting, tense and it's all a matter of your skill.
Compared to earlier Halo campaigns a lot of things have improved too:
- no more Jackal snipers that can one-hit kill you in a split-second when you're unlucky (and when you face them you face them in groups, which is just an exercise in frustration). The alien sniper is now a beam rifle that is still deadly, but it shoots constant beams (like the link gun secondary fire, but with more range and damage) now it takes a second or two of sustained fire to kill you so you don't get insta-zapped anymore.
- elites are the elites again. They got better armor this time so they're generally more dangerous than in previous Halo games, and what's more important, they aren't outshone by the Brutes anymore, who are now actually brutes. I.e. they are angry, not as smart or tactical as the elites, their armor is much weaker, etc. They are now brutes and the elites are elites. Didn't make much sense for these races to be named as such in Halo 3, for example.
- no flood. I've grown accustomed to the flood eventually and I didn't mind fighting them but I didn't particularly miss them in Reach and I'm sure many of those who hated them in earlier Halos are glad they're gone (or rather, not yet discovered, as it's a prequel).

One more thing that was introduced in Halo: Reach are the armor abilities. You can only have one at a time and they include things like a jetpack, sprinting and my personal favorite: A hologram version of yourself that you can send around to fool people.:lol:

Something interesting about a story where you know from the start it's heading for doom too.

Multiplayer is rock-solid as well. You can play the campaign in coop with up to four players (2 player splitscreen). There is also a "firefight" mode, which is basically like Invasion in UT2004 or Horde in Gears of War 2. Certainly not the strong point of the game, imo, but it's alright.
Competitive multiplayer is a blast. The balance is tight and things work like they should. You can play online with friends in "guest accounts" in splitscreen.

Probably worth mentioning too is that the game comes with a limited stick-stuff-together map editor where you can use different building parts to build your own structures in a pre-made "forge world". Either Bungie makes new maps with that tool too or the best community maps are voted into matchmaking play-lists. I don't know where they're coming from, but there are a lot of good ones in the playlists.

tl;dr version: Singleplayer could be the best in the series, aside from maybe Halo 1, but it'd be close.
Multiplayer isn't necessarily better than Halo 3's, because that was already brilliant, but it's not worse either.
Balance is tight, everything works as it should, the game is very customizable...

Easy to recommend.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

Not sure about a rating yet. The atmosphere is certainly brilliant. Very depressing vibe.
Firefights are also very tense and interesting because they take a while, thanks to the ridiculously inaccurate weapons, and enemies are fairly deadly if you're not careful. It's not a game of tactical brilliance though. Enemies don't seem to be very bright and aside from making sure to expose as little as possible of your body it doesn't seem like you have to play very tactically either.
It's another one of those questionable cases of RPG-shooter-hybrids where you do have to play with a certain amount of skill, but it's mostly your equipment (or in games where you have stats, your stats) that wins you battles.
I'm not sure yet how this balances out over the course of the game. The beginning, when all I had was the horrible pistol, was pretty hard. Now I have an assault rifle and a better suit and I'm wasting fools left and right.:lol: They're stepping up their game too though. In the areas where I am now, my opponents have assault rifles too.

Well, it seems like the gameplay is tense but crude, but the world is really interesting and the atmosphere is top-notch. Packs of mutant dogs in the wilderness, weird and unfriendly factions reigning over heaps of junks, anomalies and radiation ravaging the land, the only bit of solitude in the game are the people playing guitar at night at campfires...
Pretty cool stuff.

Diablo 2 LoD with the Reign of Shadows mod 8/10

All in all it's like Diablo 2, except the skills are changed or at least tweaked, there are new items, new enemies... Just keeping things fresh while keeping them the same, more or less.:)
The only big change I don't like is that they took out the jungle parts of act 3 and replaced them with a linear sewer-type dungeon with openings to tiny forest parts where you can find the spider's cavern, the gidbin and that other dungeon and from there you get to Kurast and then it's business as usual. I, like many others, didn't particularly like the confusing jungle parts of the 3rd act, but I liked them better than that new, boring dungeon.

Other than that, great mod.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
I agree about the world and atmosphere.

I never finished this.

I was back into it and then my old rig's power supply destroyed itself and I decided to update my tech and build a new rig.

It's still on the old HD. Maybe I will re-install it sometime.
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Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
Jurassic Park: The Game
This is the first time I've played anything like this, but apparently it's a similar format to Heavy Rain - essentially an interactive movie, pushed along by QTEs and a couple of puzzles. As an old school FPS fan, it feels very much the antithesis of how gaming should be to me, as you have almost no freedom. You only get one major narrative choice, too, right at the end.
BUT, as a Jurassic Park fan (and a dinosaur fan, for that matter)... it very much feels like an extension of the film. Strictly loyal to the canon, with lots of exploration of the island, the science behind it and the animals themselves... complete with the familiar art style and all the creature noises from the film. The story follows directly after the movie, too, following the park vet Gerry Harding (who's mysteriously lost his moustache since treating the sick Triceratops) who becomes stranded with his daughter and various acquaintances after the park's evacuation.

Voice acting is mostly decent, as is the character development. Some of the dialogue sequences feel awkward (each quarter of the game was written by a different team), but by around halfway through I found myself rooting for the characters very strongly. Despite very different personalities and motivations, your little team gradually bonds together in a very natural and seemingly uncontrived way... which makes it all the more emotionally potent when trouble starts rearing up (well, more trouble than eight tons of tyrannosaur hurtling towards you).

Like I said earlier, gameplay's based around quick time events, so for example when your character's trying to sneak past some dilophosaurs, you'll have to alternate between two buttons with precise timing (in line with on-screen indicators) to simulate the person's footfalls... miss and you step on a twig or stumble slightly. With very few exceptions, though, it's not frustrating: you can usually get away with a couple of mistakes in every section, and even if you fail, if often means you end up playing through the section a different way, rather than being slowly dissolved in the digestive tract of a hungry dino.

It walks a fine line between frustration and accessibility, so for some players (mostly drummers, probably) it might feel too easy. But when you have to scramble around those buttons during an action sequence, it really ups the tension and gets your heart pounding, granting immersion into the scene in a way that a movie just can't do. Occasionally seeing the price of failure rather helps to up the threat level, too...

Most people here probably won't appreciate gameplay geared towards casual players, so is there enough in the rest of the game to commend it? If Jurassic Park holds any kind of place in your heart, no matter how small, then emphatically yes. It's basically an extension of the film. I found myself severely missing it afterwards, and was even dreading the experience concluding by the time I'd come around halfway through. It's not an unmitigated success, though, because it does have some additional flaws that I'll get to shortly.
If you're still convinced that those bones in the desert belong to 6,000 year old dragons, or dinosaurs just do nothing for you (please consult a doctor if that's the case), then it's a very different situation. It is essentially an interactive movie, afterall. You'll likely find yourself frustrated by dated graphics, the occasional clunky bit of narrative, lack of challenge and freedom, and the 6-7 hour gameplay time.

Score time:
8/10 if you're fond of Jurassic Park. Whether the gameplay's your cup of tea or not, that's the score.
6/10 for casual gamers who're glad that non-avian dinosaurs are extinct.
4/10 for gamers who hold QTEs and terrible lizards with equal levels of disdain.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
L.A. Noire (PS3)-7.5/10

I was a bit underwhelmed by this game the first time I played it just in terms of getting the game play mechanics down.

But this time I plunged straight into the story and case and had more fun with it.


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
Crysis 2 - 6/10
Wasn't too bad. Story felt a bit thrown together like the first one(seems like they make it up on the fly instead of a set storyline across the series)
Nanosuit upgrade system was "meh" at best. About the only ones I bothered to buy were the energy regen and the ones that reduced energy drain from armor/cloak/sprint
AI was meh, combat was meh, the way they set up a bunch of things was "wtf", especially having no straight up grenade throw key, instead having "select grenades, then fire to throw"
Not bad, not special and a bit too much bloom


Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
Star Wars Old Republic Beta 8/10

I think I will be playing the full game soon. Overall the first impressions are better than what I recall from playing WoW. The Old Republic is more story based with a lot of narrative from the NPCs and your character. Which is a lot better than reading lines and lines of text for a quest.

Additionally the starting quests have been better than WoW, still have collections to do like get x number of these, but the presentation is a lot better. For example in one quest as a Sith I needed to find four traitors within the Sith Academy. To do this my quest giver gave me a special scanner which I had to use on various NPCs. If the scan was successful the NPC would turn to an enemy and I could kill them.

But so far the best thing I like about the Old Republic is that you don't aggro half the world after you as you walk around. I hated that in WoW, I am just walking down a path and the entire fucking jungle comes out of the wood work to fight you for no reason...seriously GTFO...I did not experience that frustration with Old Republic. I ran past many different random encounters without a care in the world as I focused on my quest goals rather than killing the local wildlife.

Overall good fun, can't wait to play some more later tonight.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Serious Sam HD The First Encounter


This game is an absolute blast to play, co-op was even greater when hal and funk joined my server. I don't think I've had that much hectic fun in a shooter since Killer Fools.

Tons of crazy guns, hordes of fodder monsters and it all runs so smoothly, you'd think that you were playing offline with 1000 fps. I still haven't gotten to SS TSE yet but hal says it's even better and that's something I'm looking forward to.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Star Wars Old Republic Beta 8/10

I pretty much agree. It is very newb friendly and interesting, though the SP player in me is annoyed by the drawn out nature of the quests (it takes longer to get into stories, they last longer) that is implicit in its mmo nature. It was a lot of fun, though, and I'll definitely be getting it when it releases (though who knows if I'll stick around for sub fees)


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Edition (PC)-8/10

I always enjoyed this game on the and it always got a lot of replays on the PS3. I didn't even realise that it had been ported over from console to PC so when I saw it on Steam I picked it up.

It's still chaotic car-driving fun and looks great on the PC. It gets better when you earn the faster cars too.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Edition (PC)-8/10

I always enjoyed this game on the and it always got a lot of replays on the PS3. I didn't even realise that it had been ported over from console to PC so when I saw it on Steam I picked it up.

It's still chaotic car-driving fun and looks great on the PC. It gets better when you earn the faster cars too.

Yeah, great game.
On the one hand it runs beautifully and we got all the fixes out of the box, but on the other hand there is no Crash mode and PC players got snubbed on the DLC :(
Still, plenty of game in there, especially for completists.

If only there were a PC version of Burnout 4, they could live along side each other in harmony.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
did they not have the day/night thing in the console versions, or are you stating it as a progression of the series?

Yeah, I liked it too :)

Well I have only played the console versions PS2/PS3 of this franchise over and over again on my brothers consoles and I have never noticed any day/night cycling in any of the console versions of this game.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Well I have only played the console versions PS2/PS3 of this franchise over and over again on my brothers consoles and I have never noticed any day/night cycling in any of the console versions of this game.
It's in the console version too (at least the 360 version), but you can set the time scale from a day lasting minutes to a day lasting a day. You can even set it to take the clock in your console and use that time of day for the game.:)

So there's a chance you missed it.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
It's in the console version too (at least the 360 version), but you can set the time scale from a day lasting minutes to a day lasting a day. You can even set it to take the clock in your console and use that time of day for the game.:)

So there's a chance you missed it.

I'll look at the PS3 version again next time I'm at my bro's. ;)