Finished a couple of games over the Christmas and new year break.
360] Modern Warfare 3:
Finished the SP campaign this weekend, and I'm at around level 35 in the MP. Yes it's very similar to the previous games, and no it doesn't do anything particularly new. But, the CoD gameplay is still fast, responsive and quite fun at times. Seems they cranked the spectacle to combat ratio further towards the spectacle side this time around.
360] Rayman Origins:
Beautiful game, and among the best platformers this generation. I haven't "completed" the game 100%, since getting the last two teeth to access the Livid Dead level may take some time. Very fun, and it does a good job of ramping up the difficulty at a nice pace. I played a bunch of it with friends in co-op which made some of the later levels a little more bearable. One of the few games where dying over and over doesn't make me rage-quit.
360] Gears of War 3:
Best Gears of War campaign for me. Biggest flaw was the very short encounters, or at least encounters that ended abruptly. You get a few minutes of shooting, then a cut-scene that usually outstays it's welcome. I'm more a fan of the narrative/story stuff being integrated into the gameplay than it cutting away to a video file. The gameplay itself feels very polished now, as it should be after 3 games.
PS3] Uncharted 3:
Almost the same issue I had with GoW3 with its short combat encounters. This game doesn't need a whole lot of combat, though. Nice mix of traversal and combat, with some cool puzzles. Some very good pacing and storytelling, and I didn't mind the cut-scenes at all since they were actually fun to watch.
PS3] Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent
Had this game for a long time. Some funny dialogue and challenging puzzles in there. It was quite short however, and I think it would have been easier to play with a mouse pointer. Might grab the second one someday. On PC.
Also played a lot of games that I haven't yet finished. Steam sales didn't help with that. That list looks something like this.
Skyrim - I can play this any time, put about 45 hours into it so far and will finish the main quest one day.

Saints Row 3 - I like elements of this, some of the characters are annoying but I can probably persist to the end.
Sonic Generations - Quite fun but other games eclipsed it around release.
Rage - Might finish this since I hear it's quite short.
Sequence - Was fun for 10 minutes. Characters are horrendous.
Splinter Cell Conviction - Nothing too spectacular, doesn't draw me in.
Cave Story+ - Meh, probably won't play this again. Controls didn't feel good and the style doesn't appeal too much.
Blur - Below average racing game. Got better car games to play.
Costume Quest - Would like to finish this some day. Seems cool and it's quite fun exploring the town.
Dungeon Defenders - Too much going on at once put me off when I booted it up the first time. Could give it another shot.
Orcs Must Die - Good stuff, cool traps and a fun tower defence style game.
Renegade Ops - Got tired of it after the first few missions. Still, a nice little game with some tight controls and lots of explosions.
The Haunted - Not bad. Stiff animations and odd core gameplay puts me off playing more of it.
Bejeweled 3 - This is what I've been playing instead of all of the above.
Metal Gear Solid HD collection - Good games that feel very outdated. Played a couple of hours so far. So. Much. Talking.
Dark Souls - Got this recently, killed a dragon and did some other stuff. Doesn't do a good job of telling you what the fuck is going on. Some people like that I guess. Not sure how it got released with the framerate issues it has.
Batman Arkham City - Excellent game, but still not finished after all this time. Should probably get on that.
Forza 4 - Great racing game that I can jump into at any time.
God of War 3 - Feels like I'm nearing the end now.
Unchated: Drakes Fortune - Way more combat than I'd like, but it's still engaging. Got a few hours of that left I guess.
Wipeout HD/Fury - Awesome game. Still working my way through both careers.
Resistance 3 - Fun stuff, if a little stiff and middle-of-the-road in terms of core gameplay. Played a few hours of the MP too. Which was nice.
Diablo 3 - YAY!
Super MNC - WOOT!
Kingdoms of Amalur - MEH!
League of Legends - LOL!
Syndicate - HMM!
Puddle - MEH!
Trine 2 - ARGH MY EYES!