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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
IMHO. I guess it's a matter of taste more than anything; I just prefer the oil/watercolor look of Bastion. I'll happily give Origins a try though. Do I need to play the previous Rayman games first, or is it okay if I skipped those?

Having played both games I have to side with Ambershee on this one. Yes, Bastion is a gorgeous game and it has a lot of different cool looking areas, but so does Rayman Origins and I personally think that one looks better. You can safely skip the other Rayman games, they're in no way required to get you started with this one.
On an unrelated note, I also wish Rayman Origins did a lot better sales-wise when it got released. Probably one of my favourite games of the last year.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Both DX:HR and Skyrim are great games, but painfully flawed and buggy-as-fuck.
I don't know what version of DX:HR you're referring to, but I've played through mine (on patch 1.1.622) 3 times now without encountering a SINGLE bug/glitch or crash. I've hacked every panel and computer under the sun, completed every possible side quest to its fullest extent, and probably heard every piece of dialogue the game has to offer.

this prolly constitutes over a hundred hours of play and never once did I run into the slightest hiccup.
"painfully flawed" and "buggy as fuck" eh?
you must be confusing DX:HR with DX:IW :p

now Skyrim has it's issues, more than DX for sure, but even Skyrim is far from your hyperbolic description.
I've put at least as much time into Skyrim as HR and my experience has also been virtually (major) bug free.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
I haven't played Deus Ex, but I have to agree that Skyrim is pretty buggy. I've had quests not work due to bugs, I've had quests update their status at times when it didn't make sense, I've had problems with how the game works (like turning a stack of items into "quest items" because one of them was one), I've had purple trees, missing water effects, crashes...
It's a pretty buggy game. In the grand picture I probably don't care much about any of them except the crashes (especially because they get pretty frequent once the savegame grows past a certain size) but to say it's not a buggy game is delusional, imo.


Gold Member
Apr 3, 2004
London, Ontario
Finished a couple of games over the Christmas and new year break.

[360] Modern Warfare 3: 3/5
Finished the SP campaign this weekend, and I'm at around level 35 in the MP. Yes it's very similar to the previous games, and no it doesn't do anything particularly new. But, the CoD gameplay is still fast, responsive and quite fun at times. Seems they cranked the spectacle to combat ratio further towards the spectacle side this time around.

[360] Rayman Origins: 5/5
Beautiful game, and among the best platformers this generation. I haven't "completed" the game 100%, since getting the last two teeth to access the Livid Dead level may take some time. Very fun, and it does a good job of ramping up the difficulty at a nice pace. I played a bunch of it with friends in co-op which made some of the later levels a little more bearable. One of the few games where dying over and over doesn't make me rage-quit. :p

[360] Gears of War 3: 4/5
Best Gears of War campaign for me. Biggest flaw was the very short encounters, or at least encounters that ended abruptly. You get a few minutes of shooting, then a cut-scene that usually outstays it's welcome. I'm more a fan of the narrative/story stuff being integrated into the gameplay than it cutting away to a video file. The gameplay itself feels very polished now, as it should be after 3 games.

[PS3] Uncharted 3: 4/5
Almost the same issue I had with GoW3 with its short combat encounters. This game doesn't need a whole lot of combat, though. Nice mix of traversal and combat, with some cool puzzles. Some very good pacing and storytelling, and I didn't mind the cut-scenes at all since they were actually fun to watch.

[PS3] Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent 4/5
Had this game for a long time. Some funny dialogue and challenging puzzles in there. It was quite short however, and I think it would have been easier to play with a mouse pointer. Might grab the second one someday. On PC.

Also played a lot of games that I haven't yet finished. Steam sales didn't help with that. That list looks something like this. :eek:

Skyrim - I can play this any time, put about 45 hours into it so far and will finish the main quest one day. :p
Saints Row 3 - I like elements of this, some of the characters are annoying but I can probably persist to the end.
Sonic Generations - Quite fun but other games eclipsed it around release.
Rage - Might finish this since I hear it's quite short.
Sequence - Was fun for 10 minutes. Characters are horrendous.
Splinter Cell Conviction - Nothing too spectacular, doesn't draw me in.
Cave Story+ - Meh, probably won't play this again. Controls didn't feel good and the style doesn't appeal too much.
Blur - Below average racing game. Got better car games to play.
Costume Quest - Would like to finish this some day. Seems cool and it's quite fun exploring the town.
Dungeon Defenders - Too much going on at once put me off when I booted it up the first time. Could give it another shot.
Orcs Must Die - Good stuff, cool traps and a fun tower defence style game.
Renegade Ops - Got tired of it after the first few missions. Still, a nice little game with some tight controls and lots of explosions.
The Haunted - Not bad. Stiff animations and odd core gameplay puts me off playing more of it.
Bejeweled 3 - This is what I've been playing instead of all of the above.

Metal Gear Solid HD collection - Good games that feel very outdated. Played a couple of hours so far. So. Much. Talking.
Dark Souls - Got this recently, killed a dragon and did some other stuff. Doesn't do a good job of telling you what the fuck is going on. Some people like that I guess. Not sure how it got released with the framerate issues it has.
Batman Arkham City - Excellent game, but still not finished after all this time. Should probably get on that.
Forza 4 - Great racing game that I can jump into at any time.

God of War 3 - Feels like I'm nearing the end now.
Unchated: Drakes Fortune - Way more combat than I'd like, but it's still engaging. Got a few hours of that left I guess.
Wipeout HD/Fury - Awesome game. Still working my way through both careers.
Resistance 3 - Fun stuff, if a little stiff and middle-of-the-road in terms of core gameplay. Played a few hours of the MP too. Which was nice.

Diablo 3 - YAY!
Super MNC - WOOT!
Kingdoms of Amalur - MEH!
League of Legends - LOL!
Syndicate - HMM!
Puddle - MEH!
Trine 2 - ARGH MY EYES!


I have balls of Depleted Uranium
Mar 15, 2005
Waco, Texas
Dungeon Siege 3 ... Square Enix fugged it up in many places such as the 2 person only party. As per there strong suit though they fleshed out the lore of the game big time. Can't say I like it as much as the first two though as I went in expecting a dungeon crawler and it really isn't.


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
DNF + Doctor Who Cloned Me: 5/10
Not bad, not great. Definitely not what you'd expect from over a decade of development
Few things that annoyed the crap out of me
1. For some reason it wasn't treated as a normal application. More specifically, I could never AltTab to it, always had to RightClick the taskbar and Restore it.
2. Probably a side effect of 1, but it had issues with the Alt key(I had rebound Jump to rightAlt). Sometimes when pressed I would get that "thunk" error sound from Windows
3. "Phantom" arrow. From what I've read, it's something to do with holding Shift+Alt. One problem, I never used Shift
4. Just enough light near pitch black areas that made using DukeVision almost blinding
5. Having to use RPG/pipebombs/etc for every boss fight, and then limiting your RPG ammo to 5


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 1, 2002
Visit site
L.A. Noire (PC) - 9/10.

Very great and refreshing game that doesn't fit the mold of the mainstream games we have now. People thinking that it will play like a GTA game will be sorely disappointed. I kind of liked the case solving, searching for clues and conducting the interviews, regardless of sometimes how aggravating it is picking the wrong choice out of truth, doubt, and lie. Also don't look for a happy and/or fulfilled ending* (spoiler below), the genre is film noir after all. Other than the annoying interviews, I found driving annoying, in that you can easily run over benches, poles, etc, but when it comes to small wooden boxes, wooden/metal fences, even the most miniscule things, you stop dead in your track. It's not like in GTA where you can drive through almost anything in your path.

Also to the console-to-pc-port hater types, there aren't any issues or bugs to be worried about. It plays just like a pc game should play.

Overall, I would highly recommend the game if you want something different from your games than the standard shooter or GTA mold.

Phelps has an affair, falls from grace and gets demoted, and dies while fighting the city's corruption (which also exposed the scandal, lessening the heat on the corruption.) Meanwhile, the Assistant DA launches a crusade against the corruption as well, but during the funeral, he is seen shaking hands with a member of the corruption (who ironically was Phelps' former partner who ratted him out), and the cycle of corruption continues.
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2010
This thread was awesome, so I'm bringing it back.

Max Payne 3 - 7/10
- Graphics and animations
- Gameplay mechanics
- Overall polish and incredible attention to detail

- Setting and story (especially to Max Payne fans like myself)
- Linearity
- Max Payne's monologues don't have the spark of the first 2 games. Sam Lake wasn't around this time.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
I pretty much second exactly what HugoMarques said. Well, except for the monologues in the first two being good. Sam Lake is a terrible fucking writer.

Max Payne 3 is a pretty game with some excellent shooting (though some bizarre difficulty spikes) and some very clever stuff, but it is seriously a dumb, dumb game. Even more frustrating than how stupid it was, was that they were constantly yanking control away from me to play some stupid piece of dialog. It even got to the part that in between sniping on the sniper mission early on, they took control away to follow the person I was trying to protect. Ugh. Seriously, guys, this is annoying. It was fun for $30, but I'm super glad I didn't pay full price.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Rage: can't be botherered/10

Got to the second place. Did a few missions. Really didn't care. Every problem is easily solved by shooting it with the shotgun. Well, sometimes with a sniper rifle. Also, the fact that every fucking creature takes multiple bullets to the face is annoying. Why even bother with iron sights if you really don't want me to aim, and instead want me to just shoot a lot of bullets into everything? Ugh. The tech is interesting, but the game looks bleh and has frequent texture pop. The only thing I actually really like is the animation on the enemies. That's pretty flipping sweet.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
I pretty much second exactly what HugoMarques said. Well, except for the monologues in the first two being good. Sam Lake is a terrible fucking writer.

Max Payne 3 is a pretty game with some excellent shooting (though some bizarre difficulty spikes) and some very clever stuff, but it is seriously a dumb, dumb game. Even more frustrating than how stupid it was, was that they were constantly yanking control away from me to play some stupid piece of dialog. It even got to the part that in between sniping on the sniper mission early on, they took control away to follow the person I was trying to protect. Ugh. Seriously, guys, this is annoying. It was fun for $30, but I'm super glad I didn't pay full price.

A patch was released not too long ago that remedies the whole "unskippable cutscene" BS. Some still can't be skipped for quite sometime, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was at launch. Gonna make playing New York Minute a tad bit easier to swallow

Rage: can't be botherered/10

Got to the second place. Did a few missions. Really didn't care. Every problem is easily solved by shooting it with the shotgun. Well, sometimes with a sniper rifle. Also, the fact that every fucking creature takes multiple bullets to the face is annoying. Why even bother with iron sights if you really don't want me to aim, and instead want me to just shoot a lot of bullets into everything? Ugh. The tech is interesting, but the game looks bleh and has frequent texture pop. The only thing I actually really like is the animation on the enemies. That's pretty flipping sweet.

Comment about the iron sites is spot on. I honestly never used them when I found out that you had the same accuracy just aiming from the hip. And it was probably a good idea you gave up when you did. The ending, or lack thereof, would have probably made you kill a baby.
Jan 20, 2008
New Zealand
Darksiders II: 9/10.

I liked Darksiders I, although I couldn't complete it without a trainer. The next instalment is more of the same, but they must have dumbed it down or something because I'm making more progress than I expected. The combat is fast, the character is pretty agile, and there's a variety of abilities that make the game evolve through the campaign.

It has a few minor glitches, and the graphics look very lo-res in some places; especially so in the menu system.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Darksiders 2: 7/10

I really wish this was a better version of the first Darksiders, but to me it really isn't. Narrative and gameplay pacing is poor, combat is better but has frustrating 'turn on a dime' enemy behaviour at times, everything is a fetch quest, and the last set of bosses were the easiest. (honestly, the coolness and epic-ness of bosses peaks at the end of chapter 1)
Apr 21, 2003
Legend Of Grimrock: 9/10

Great game, but a point minus because it is a bit monotonous in design and gameplay on the long run and the final act is somewhat disappointing.
I'd also rate the grid based gameplay negatively, but that is a purely personal stance. I'm not sure if I'd like to play another grid based game though.

Good things are the intense atmosphere (through the wonderful ambient music), an intuitive and interesting RPG system (Ultima Underworld-ish, nothing over the top like Elder Scrolls) and the excellent UI.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Day Z-5/10

It's been crapping me off a bit.

I'm not sure about Arma 2 as a game in itself and as a platform for a mod, it's been crapping me off a bit but, after screwing with custom settings it may get better.

As for Day Z I'm finding getting onto good servers and staying on them, is difficult.