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Juggalo Kyle

Sup brah.
Mar 23, 2005
Northern Cali
The Witcher

This one's a bit weird. I'm only on Chapter 2 (out of 5 I think), and I'm having mixed feelings, so I'll rate it in 3 categories.

Story - 7/10

It's a decent story so far. However the dialog throws me off abit.

Environment - 8.5/10

Absolutely beautiful when it gets the chance. Great work with lighting and atmosphere tactics.

Gameplay (combat system) - 2/10

Absolute garbage. When fighting mobs of monsters 4 and up at once, all of them ganging on you, you may as well quit now. There are three different fighting styles for your character to do. Strong attacks, Fast attacks and group attacks, the last one being for this exact situation. However, when your character gets hit, it will make him miss any swing. Multiply that by 4 things hitting you at once, and when you try to run, they run just as fast as you, which equals bad things.... mixed with a lot of cursing at the game.

That may or may not have been what happened last night.

The game would be great (and I would understand the awards it won) if it had a decent battle system.
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Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
Finally got around to it. Mass Effect (PC) 10/10

I played this on XBOX not long after it came out and was pissed off. IMO the combat was ****, aiming was ****, everything felt off. Kept dying a lot. I said eff it.

Then my buddy told me get it on PC. It's much better. So I gave it another shot and hot damn I only died twice through out the entire core story line! Combat was better, I had more precision with aiming and sweet divine spirts the Mako was actually usable!

I liked the game so much that I just bought Mass Effect 2 off steam! Should be fun experience to play both games back to back!


Fresh meat.
Nov 2, 2008
Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx - 8.5/10. The humor was awesome, and it was even better than the original's. There was more enemy variety, and the new vehicles were cool (the lancer was meh though). The bosses were a big improvement over the original game's bosses, but they still weren't that great (aside from the secret final boss). It was annoying how there's no fast travel network, but it wasn't that big of a deal. All in all, I had a blast playing it, and it was well worth the money.

Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf - 5/10. Finally got around to finishing the SP campaign. While the original Battle Realms was awesome in terms of its AI and decent single player campaign, Winter of the Wolf was just... meh. The new units were horrible, the voice acting was horrible, and the single player campaign was absolute crap. The AI is dumb as ****, too. The only real way to get a challenge in skirmish mode is to get ganged up on by more than one computer opponent, and even then, it's pathetically easy. I hate it when challenging AI gets dumbed down because a few reviewers whine that "It's too hard". The Dragon Clan AI only spams Guardians, and the Wolf Clan's new units are more or less useless. I did like the new heroes, though, and the combat and living world system are as good as ever.
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Fresh meat.
Nov 2, 2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - 8.5/10. The graphics are pretty dated, and I got a ton of corrupted saves (constantly), but it was worth it. The atmosphere is awesome, and there are some pretty scary moments in this game. The voice acting isn't bad, either, aside from a few mistranslations. Easily the best game of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

Unreal Gold - :rockon:/10. Still one of my favorite games of all time. The atmosphere is great, the music is great, and it still manages to impress me, even today. The plot was so-so, but it was still told well through the use of translator messages. I'd say that the original Unreal would get an 8.5/10 and the Return to Na Pali Mission Pack would get a 6.5 or a 7.

Mount & Blade: Warband
- 6.5/10 Still playing through the single player part of the game. While it definitely isn't a bad game, there are still a bunch of issues with it. Taleworlds is still making patches like crazy and improving the game more and more, though. The singleplayer game is much improved over the original M&B's, but it still lacks the depth that I hoped it would have (IE, the marriage system has more or less no depth to it; you're wife is more like someone who suggests ways of improving your relations with other lords). The combat is just as good as it was in the first game. A pretty fun sandbox game, probably worth picking up for the singleplayer alone. Multiplayer is okay. There are quite a few good mods out there, too.
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
crackdown2 6/10

I've not finished the game, yet, but I fear I've seen every missiontype in under 15 minutes(minus wingsuit stuff). Basically this is crackdown 1 with some enhancements, even the old city is back with some damages. online coop is fun... all else... well, I'd say this is pure rental stuff.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
crackdown2 6/10

I've not finished the game, yet, but I fear I've seen every missiontype in under 15 minutes(minus wingsuit stuff). Basically this is crackdown 1 with some enhancements, even the old city is back with some damages. online coop is fun... all else... well, I'd say this is pure rental stuff.



Sep 17, 2004
Actually it looked exactly like Crackdown 1 but with zombies and uglier visuals/themes.
Damn RTW are doing good lately.. :rolleyes:


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Bioshock 2: B- -- The problem with Bioshock 2 isn't that it is more of the same (though it is) it is that there is the seeming promise that things will be different. The story tells us that we will be dealing with collectivism instead of objectivism and so we say: okay; how is this going to work out to make the game different. It doesn't. Nothing changes. You still do exactly as you're told (like every other game) with no twist this time. Even though the enemies are all part of "the family" they still fight amongst themselves and even though individual progress is no longer the goal, people still splice up, etc. Weapons play about the same, your powers play the same and the levels are mostly laid out the same. It's a shame they didn't adapt the game to the story in any way because it would have made it far more compelling. It's still fun and good looking (and still has the annoying audio issues), with varied weapons and plasmid powers that can be tailored to a certain play style (electricity + bots ftw) as you please and is well paced. It's just that it feels like it should be more than the original when it really turns out to be slightly less.

Bioshock 2: B- -- The problem with Bioshock 2 isn't that it is more of the same (though it is) it is that there is the seeming promise that things will be different. The story tells us that we will be dealing with collectivism instead of objectivism and so we say: okay; how is this going to work out to make the game different. It doesn't. Nothing changes. You still do exactly as you're told (like every other game) with no twist this time. Even though the enemies are all part of "the family" they still fight amongst themselves and even though individual progress is no longer the goal, people still splice up, etc. Weapons play about the same, your powers play the same and the levels are mostly laid out the same. It's a shame they didn't adapt the game to the story in any way because it would have made it far more compelling. It's still fun and good looking (and still has the annoying audio issues), with varied weapons and plasmid powers that can be tailored to a certain play style (electricity + bots ftw) as you please and is well paced. It's just that it feels like it should be more than the original when it really turns out to be slightly less.


Aye. This is more or less what I thought about it too. In the day they used to call games like these mission packs instead of sequels. Fun if you like Bioshock, certainly, but it doesn't do enough different to warrant the "2" in the title.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Bioshock 2: B- -- The problem with Bioshock 2...

Aye. This is more or less what I thought about it too. In the day they used to call games like these mission packs instead of sequels. Fun if you like Bioshock, certainly, but it doesn't do enough different to warrant the "2" in the title.

Eh, that's funny because I only got a couple hours into Bioshock because it sucked too much, but I was actually able to finish Bioshock 2. Also it was a prequel, so it wouldn't make too much sense to change a bunch of stuff lore wise, but plenty of new, FUN gameplay mechanics were added.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
It wasn't a prequel (well the prologue was). I'd agree that 2 had better gameplay overall...if at the expense of a less compelling 2nd go at Rapture.

Oh, you're right. No wonder I didn't know wtf was going on with that Lamb chick. Not that I care that much anyways, I missed the first one's story.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I realize that the reviews you guys are writing in here aren't for publication, but wouldn't it be better to at least try to be objective about games you're rating? Are we supposed to factor in your sarcasm meter to your scores?

Scores like "ugh/10" are funny, but not at all informative. Giving highly rated games a 0 because you don't like the genre isn't at all fair or helpful to anyone reading your review.

Also, newsflash.. games sometimes have bugs - especially PC games that have to work with a variety of hardware. Weighting your own personal bug-collection into a game review score isn't productive. Check it out to see how widespread those problems are when mentioning them because some of what I've seen in here sounds like you're taking out your personal problems on the game.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
I realize that the reviews you guys are writing in here aren't for publication, but wouldn't it be better to at least try to be objective about games you're rating? Are we supposed to factor in your sarcasm meter to your scores?

Scores like "ugh/10" are funny, but not at all informative. Giving highly rated games a 0 because you don't like the genre isn't at all fair or helpful to anyone reading your review.

Also, newsflash.. games sometimes have bugs - especially PC games that have to work with a variety of hardware. Weighting your own personal bug-collection into a game review score isn't productive. Check it out to see how widespread those problems are when mentioning them because some of what I've seen in here sounds like you're taking out your personal problems on the game.

Haha, I felt the exact same way when Neonite did that to 4 movies in a row in a single post. I just rolled my eyes and scrolled on, only to find other people doing the same thing. :lol:

Edit: Okay, it was 3, and the other people doing it were posts before him, probably ever since thread creation.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
More elaborate answer (with TLDR option):

Crackdown 2: 6.5/10
It really depends on what you like if you want to get this game. Personally, I never played the first Crackdown for more than about 15 minutes because I didn't like the controls, didn't feel right. So when I was reading reviews on how Crackdown2 is more of the same but with less problems, I was actually excited.
If you're the type of person (like part of me) who likes to find collectibles in games (ugh coffee thermoses in Alan Wake though) then Crackdown 2 has you covered. Incidentally, that's about all that it will cover for you. The mission structure, if there is one, is very simple. This is not because it makes the game better, but because there's really only 2 mission critical objective types in the game. First, you activate 3 beacons by goin near them, killing the security, and standing on a floortrigger that will activate it. After you activate 3 beacons in the same set, you get a new objective: go to the location the 3 beacons are pointing you to, and defend a big UV bomb from being damaged too much. This x9 plus one last bigger version of the second objective is what Crackdown 2's story is.
Other than critical path missions, there's cleaning out Freak breaches (kill x dudes in a small area), there's cleaning out Cell strongholds (kill x dudes in a small area), on foot rooftop races (checkpoints time trial), car races (checkpoints time trial). That's it, I think. Oh, there's also wingsuit and vehicle stunt challenges, but those can't really be considered objectives.
Collectibles: 500 agility orbs, 300 hidden orbs (think hidden packages from GTA in terms of how hidden), 80 online orbs (need 2 players or more to collect them), 52 audio logs, 30 renegade agility orbs (they will run away from you), 15 renegade driving orbs (they will run away from you).
Admittedly, the coop is good fun. Messing around with friends and punching them off buildings to see if they can recover before they hit the ground is fun, but this is nothing the game itself does. It's just the singleplayer game with the human coop element. (and coop is enforced nowhere, all optional)

TLDR: When getting this game, consider for yourself if you're ok with spending well over 50% of the time collecting things as the main attraction to it. Game is probably somewhere between 10-13 hours long, plus however many hours more to find all those goddamn orbs.

DeathSpank: 8/10
Downloadable from XBLA (and PSN I think, but I played it on XBLA) this is a Diablo clone like action RPG. The key difference that makes DeathSpank stand out is that it has a very humorous approach. There're orcs (or 'orques' in this game) but beyond that you're fighting a slew of somewhat unique enemy types like unicorns, semi-giant ants, stoopid chickens and loads more that I won't spoil. It is essentially a lot of fetch-questing and other typical mission types like it, but it's all made bearable by the hilarious voice-acting/dialog that's in the game. Every NPC that has a quest has a voice, and DeathSpank has a dialog system that allows you to give answers you really wish you could have in more serious games.
Being the completionist I am, I completed every single quest and side-quest in this game, and at some point some of the fetching does get a bit trite, but at the same time the game seems to be fully aware of that itself and tries to be funny about it. Definitely a lot of odd humour, in a similar vein to Monkey Island (which actually has a direct reference or 2).

TLDR: Whoever likes looting and Diablo-ing and Monkey Island humour will likely like DeathSpank. I played it for about 9.5 hours to complete it 100%

Damn RTW are doing good lately.. :rolleyes:

Not developed by them, but by Ruffian Games (a startup studio from a group who left RTW, I think)
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