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World of Warcraft: 0/10

It had it's additive nature at first for sure, but it's turned into nothing more than a forced social networking mega giant like facebook, just with slightly better graphics.

Real ID is insipid and dangerous to kids no matter how you slice it.

The idea of continuing to pay Blizzard, so they can turn around and sell my personal, identifiable information to advertisers was just stomach turning.

Deleted all my toons, canceled account, kicked my guildies and wow playing friends off my friends lists on facebook and yahoo, (yes even my real life friends who I knew before WoW, I consider them addicts and idiots if they continue paying Blizz/Activision and promote the horribly stupid changes coming down the pipe for all wow players) moving on.

Now I can finally get to work on GTAiv, Borderlands, Oblivion, Cryostasis, and the plethora of other games that have laid dormant on my Steam account for too long.

(Oh and getting a new job 2nd shift was the final nail in the wow coffin, lol. It really helped me just say "meh, totally not worth a cent now".)
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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
World of Warcraft: 0/10

Wow, that was more fail than the posts hal was talking about. You're not even judging the game anymore.

I dislike WoW a lot for its gameplay, but that's just dumb to say it's a zero for having an optional feature that actually improves usage for people that use it.

And since when the hell did they sell personal information to advertisers?

Have fun being a crappy friend. :hmm:


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
Red Steel 2-[8/10]:
Million times better than the original. May get sort-of repetitive, but the sword and gunplay mixture is much much better. Got a guy rushing you? Shoot him in the knee then sucker punch him, knocking him across the floor. Guys shooting at you with Johnnyguns(The game's name for a thompson)? Deflect the bullets, jump in the middle of the squad and do a 360* cutting them all in half.

The name has really no resemblance to the original, but this is a must get if you have a Wii. Its the shooter the console has been waiting for.
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spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising, 7/10 (only tried it in coop so far, no single or versus).

It's a lot like the first game in many ways. At first it's really hard and some of the battles end up being rez-fests while you attrition stuff down, but your dudes get so out of whack before long that you can just walk to the objective and wail on it without much semblance of tactics, even on the hardest setting.
The corruption mechanic is alright, but feels a bit black and white at times. Basically your corruption meter is it's own skill that gets traits as it goes up, and you gain corruption from taking shortcuts (use the nuke, kill the traitors instead of sneaking past them, let the hostages die, etc) among other things. What ends up happening is that obviously you decide beforehand which path you're going to take (and staying pure is very easy since there's lots of ways to 'redeem' corruption), so it doesn't feel fleeting or dynamic.

Overall it feels more like an arpg, while it's arguably advertised as a tactical rts. The most recent example that prompted me to writing this post was a mission where we had to sneak through a base, avoiding patrols and taking out key objectives to disable stuff.
There just wasn't any point trying to be tactical since your dudes are so rpg'ed out that you can walk in a straight line to the objective setting off all the alarms or whatever and oneshot them with aoe's while your dudes are all staying at full health from passives and actives.

Still pretty fun for a coop romp, but makes me wish it was more thought out.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Haha, I felt the exact same way when Neonite did that to 4 movies in a row in a single post. I just rolled my eyes and scrolled on, only to find other people doing the same thing. :lol:

Edit: Okay, it was 3, and the other people doing it were posts before him, probably ever since thread creation.

Cool, next time I'm doing 5 :D
Ho-hum, let me be as succint as possible.
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Wow, that was more fail than the posts hal was talking about. You're not even judging the game anymore.

I dislike WoW a lot for its gameplay, but that's just dumb to say it's a zero for having an optional feature that actually improves usage for people that use it.

And since when the hell did they sell personal information to advertisers?

Have fun being a crappy friend. :hmm:

Read your EULA,

Wow EULA said:
... Blizzard's Games and the Service may incorporate technology of
Massive Incorporated ("Massive"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"), that enables in-game
advertising, and the display of other similar in-game objects, which are
downloaded temporarily to your personal computer and replaced during
online game play. As part of this process, Massive may collect some
information about the game and the advertisements delivered to you, as
well as standard information that is sent when your personal computer or
game console connects to the Internet including your Internet protocol
(IP) address. Massive will use this information to transmit and measure
in-game advertising, as well as to improve the products and services of
Massive and its affiliates. None of the information collected by Massive
will be used to identify you. For additional details regarding
Massive's in-game advertising practices, please see Massive's In-Game
Advertising privacy statement at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=122085&clcid=0x409.
The trademarks and copyrighted material contained in all in-game
advertising are the property of the respective owners. Portions of the
Service are © 2008 Massive Incorporated. All rights reserved.

If you are a registered user of Facebook you may use your Facebook
data to enable you to find your Facebook friends on the Service. Your
Facebook account is subject to separate terms and conditions provided by
Facebook. Note that if you have a Facebook account, your Facebook
friends will be able to associate your screen name with your real name
on the Service when they use the Facebook friends feature. You hereby
acknowledge that Facebook is not responsible for any liability as a
result of your use of the Service.

So, when you sign up for battlenet, you agree to deals with Massive
and Facebook.

Blizzard keeps your attention on the screen for long periods of
Massive delivers targeted advertising to you while Blizzard has your
Facebook has a database about what sort of stuff you like.

If only they could link the Facebook info with the Massive
advertising platform, they could make a lot of money with targeted ads.

Oddly enough, Real ID bridges that gap nicely. How lucky for them
that a nice feature they put in to "control forum trolls" will actually
make them a huge pile of advertising cash. Lucky indeed.

Let's not even get into the supermassive fail that was PAID Faction Transfers, which led to worse Faction Population balance than in any other mmo. (Yeah point out the sites sponsored at least in part Blizzard or some child corporation with the complete bs population numbers. If interest in wow wanes, interest in those sites wanes,.. do your math.)

Of course ppl would pay to go to the winning side, since most are unscrupulous little pricks.

Meanwhile the game's broken down from once being fun to level, rich with lore and side quests,.. to "hurry up and level so you can join me on this grind that's quickly becoming more boring with every same-old same old patch Blizz pumps out.

"ooooh the numbers on this set of gear are slightly higher than the numbers on the set I just spent months grinding with raids full of idiots to get.. sign me up for another few months!"

sorry kid, my eyes opened up. Screw pay to play. and especially screw "pay to have my personal info sold, and my email address displayed to the entire wow, and non-wow community whenever Activision feels like it".

Just pay attention to the coming changes, that forum thing was the tip of the ice-berg. the eula is going to get bigger, and stuffed with more unethical policies.

Oh, and do realize that I'm not getting defensive about MY name, as Blizzard has had the wrong name from day 1. I'm in defensive mode for the parents who didn't know any better when their kid started playing, and now won't realize why they're being bombarded with advertisements on their facebook accounts, emails and home mailboxes.

They also won't realize why li'l Timmy is flipping out when his account gets hacked (NOW 50% EASIER thanks to realId and having your email address as your log in!) or why the pedo he's been friends with in guild for years, now has his home address (now a lot easier too!) and shows up at his school dressed as a night elf priestess.

So yeah: 0/10 sticks.
the game has been absolutely gutted since it's inception, and it's gotten to where there's nothing good to be found in it any more. Except some of the people, a small minority, and I cannot give the game, or Blizzard credit for them existing.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
You worry about realID invading your privacy when all someone has to do is enter a name in a search engine and they have all the information in the world. To me realID doesn't sound that bad.


Sep 17, 2004
APB 6.8/10

APB is another one of those game that you will hate, but will stick to it for it's up sides, and the fact that it's the only recent game you feel like playing. Well, at least that's how the game is for me and about 60%+ of the APB community.

Best customization system in a mmo yet, decent visuals, and weird CPU optimization issues.

It's a MMO, it's usual to accept that the game has just been released and to judge this game really takes a few weeks of playtime. But the fact that there were barely any changes since BETA and Key to the City, makes me wonder if they are not understaffed.

Unto the gameplay, it's really nothing exceptional, but it's still enjoyable at some point. APB will punish you for playing alone or not being in a clan, most of the fun to be had is with a, or some friends especially over voice. I personally prefer to play with only one person than a larger group.

The game is repetitive and sometimes it's hard to find something to do, you'll sit there and wait for something to happen a little too often, especially as enforcer, since the criminals can fight each other, which makes the enforcer starving for some targets, at least, playing crim, I never had nothing to do, I would get APB'ed (therm that means you get opposed against an enforcer that knows your location).

The real problem right now is the faction balance. Enforcers have stun weapons at their disposal, whilist the crims have all the same weapons Enforcers can use except for stuns. Stun weapons are called Less Than Lethal (LTL) and are another branch of damage. For instance, if you get hit by a bullet, it's health damage, LTL is stamina damage, falling damage is also stamina damage. Once someone gets hit by a LTL bullet for the final hit, he goes in a crouched position and there's nothing he can do for like 15 seconds but rage at the screen as the enforcer gets behind him and put on the cuffs. The most ridiculous LTL weapon at the moment is the NL9. A shotgun/sniper that can stun someone in 2 hits. It made quite a few Crims left, and if you're an enforcer holding an NL9 getting killed by a pair of crims, you are totally trashed like they just found their mom's murder. It's really unbelivable..

It's not really the best example but that's the best video I could find/there is.

Basically, anyone who is decent at shotgun dance and clicking their left mouse whenever their target is in the middle of the screen and their shot register gets all the cake.

Even though the Enforcers have this whole casual/easy mode concept, there are still a lot of criminals. The balance in numbers is still there, it's just that some people refuse to go enforcer because they don't like it, they could just go play that faction and thus avoid getting stunned meanwhile, but they are in complete denial about this idea. However, they keep on complaning and trash Enforcers when they get NL9'ed.

I don't understand these people. Wait for a fix or STFU.
Anyway, I'm not sure what's going to happen with this game and it's community, it seems like it still could work, it depends if RTW will bother with that.
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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
@ Autopsy: 1) You are not required to use Real ID 2) You are not required to link your Facebook account 3) OMG Ads! THE WORLD IS ENDING! AAAAAAAAAA. Oh, wait, it's just an advertisement. Freaking chill.

@Kantham: For me, the game will only be worth picking up when they add instanced actual missions. The PVP is fun enough and the concept of the APB is wonderful, but the gameplay is ridiculously static and like everyone in Red Dead Redemption quickly figured out: running around in the overworld is cute, but the game is only fun when you are doing a specific gameplay mode. As soon as they add in npc stocked instanced raids, (which would literally be a raid as an enforcer) or a more interesting BF: BC2 style tiered objective system, the game would be amazing. As it was, I was done by the time my 5 hours of beta wore off and the only thing I was really interested in doing was customizing my character.



New Member
Jun 2, 2008
The whole turbo-chaos-circle-strafing-three-meters-from-your-opponent school of combat only makes sense to me when everyone's using rocketlaunchers.
In realistic looking games with bullet-weapons it just looks ridiculously out of place. The 3d person perspective makes it even worse because not only is what you are doing completely wacko but you actually see your character doing it. I'm far from being a realism nazi, believe me, but looking at that video above just made me shake my head.
If the characters at least had some momentum. Just.. anything to prevent combat scenes like this.:lol:

But I won't judge the game. Maybe it's fun. I don't know, I haven't played it.
@ Autopsy: 1) You are not required to use Real ID 2) You are not required to link your Facebook account 3) OMG Ads! THE WORLD IS ENDING! AAAAAAAAAA. Oh, wait, it's just an advertisement. Freaking chill.

1.) Yes you will be. Maybe not on the forums "at this time", but there is more enforcement of it being pushed into the game and they're layering on more rules about what rights you sign away in the EULA with Cataclysm.

2.) You don't have to connect it to your Facebook account, they're simply fishing them up with your consent (the EULA) through your email address. If you use the same one for your account sign in, and for Facebook, it's already connected, and they're already getting way more info than any game developer needs.

3.) Yeah I'm not keen on paying for a game, continuously, only to have it, my Facebook, my email and my home address snail mail bombarded with advertisements. I get enough of that with cable, thanks.

Dumb ass kids giving up so many rights, so easily. You've no idea what you're in for in another handful of years.

Oh and way to just totally disregard that whole point about the safety of the customer's kids. ('cause let's face it, really the kids playing aren't customers, they're not paying for a thing). but they're the ones who are ridiculously easier for the whack jobs playing WoW to find.

11million people playing, even just going by raw, unresearched statistics, 11 kids are gong to get hurt or worse because a game gave away too much of their private information, with and without their or their parent's consent.

"LOL" all you want, but you know there are plenty of insane f*cktwats playing that game. One search on youtube will pull up thousands of voice chat death threats and whacko's ranting about item drops or being ninja'd or whatever else went wrong in their jaded, red blurred eyes. CS had a guy get stabbed, and he didn't even have a name or an email address to go on.

Company's making profits in the Billions, with a B 1.3 to be exact, in 1 quarter no less, and they need to sell our info to advertising companies for more money? no. not mine. Screw that.


Privacy and ethics first, THEN you can think of other ways to rake in more revenue, like maybe by working for it, rather than just making your already paying customers generate more revenue for you by selling them to other companies. This crap is closing in on a new form of "digital slavery" ffs. open your eyes people.

or just keep being accepting, consenting sheeple I guess. not discussing this further. take care all.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Alien Swarm: 8/10

Not rating this a 10/10 just because it's free. It's awesome that it's free, but it's not a perfect game. It is crazy fun though. Played through the campaign for the first time with a 4 people team this evening and it's an exciting experience. I found it to be much more enjoyable and intense than Alien Breed that released not too long ago on XBLA.
For some reason this game seems more enjoyable to me that L4D. Perhaps it's the fact that it's not first person, but it just seems to feel better to me the way it's been set up. Different classes are neat, and there are different functions that are handy in different ways. Not sure about insta-failing a mission when you run out of a particular class (had us fail 3-4 times because I died while being the only technician) but on the whole it's an enjoyable experience. There's really nothing to the game that makes it recommendable to not get it. (yes we get it Steam haters)


Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..
World of Warcraft: 0/10

Now I can finally get to work on GTAiv, Borderlands, Oblivion, Cryostasis, and the plethora of other games that have laid dormant on my Steam account for too long.


Also I just finished Transformers War for Cybetron: 8/10 Some issues with it but overall good fun. Also High Moon deserves some serious props for making game directed towards a more "mature" Transformers audience.
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Jun 9, 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame - 8/10. (TL;DR at bottom.)

I picked this one up during the Steam summer sale. It's a hybrid empire-building/real-time strategy/role-playing game, which are the three genres that I've never been able to get into. I've never even played Starcraft, any Warcraft game, or any Civilization game, and I've never liked games that are all about stats and skill trees. So I felt pretty dumb after I bought it. Turns out it was a good buy.

It reminds me of the board game Risk, except instead of attacking with a dice roll you play a short RTS game. When you declare war, you get to see what units they have and pick from three battlefields to play on. The type of terrain affects what units have an advantage. If you have a lot of archers, pick one with hills so you can shoot from above. If they have a lot of cavalry units, pick one with trees so they can't charge you. It lets you make strategic decisions without being a Starcraft genius. You win by either killing all of their units or depleting their morale, which slowly goes down unless you capture and hold locations on the battlefield. Units can be put into different formations, which affects their movement speed and what types of attacks they are best defended from.

There's a very small land-management side. You can designate one of your knights to be the ruler of a province, and his stats will then affect the income from that province. Knights can also have abilities that are used in war, like boosting their unit's defense or summoning a cloud to hide from archers. That, combined with the unit formations and terrain type, make for a lot of options on the RTS side.

The story is advanced through quests, which only have you clicking through text options. Now and then you have to fight, but it's mostly just choosing options. For example, a choice could be to pay money to get information (and therefore lose money) or torture someone to get information (and lose morality). You will usually have to conquer territories to get to the quest location, though.

TL;DR: I think the reason I'm liking this game so far is that it's a simple empire-building game in which you play a simple strategy game when you attack someone and your army can be leveled up with a simple stat system, yet it's still challenging. You can make big strategic decisions both on the battlefield and on the world map. Also, the presentation is great. I've had the fight music stuck in my head for three days now.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Alien Swarm - 8/10

I also give this game an 8. In its current form I am glad it was free, otherwise I probably would have been a tad irked. The game is meant to be played online, as solo is just a warm up of sorts. You don't gain achievements or levels while playing solo(sorry poop sockers). I was on last night with Funk, A5, and someone unknown and it was a blast. I love how you can draw little things on the map at the end of every level, as well as see your exact path(and death)

We too failed a few times because a certain class was killed off, but that only means you have to really pay attention and be mindful of friendly fire.


Jul 8, 2009
I bought a PS3 a couple of days ago, together with Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Killzone 2.

Killzone 2 - 7/10
Amazing presentation, visually as well on the audio side of things. Gameplay is rather dull. I do like the cover system though, together with the graphics it makes for a huge amount of immersion. Controls are ok.
The story isn't worth mentioning.
Multiplayer is fun, though way too hard (for me, I've never played shooters on a console before.)

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - 8.5/10
To my suprise, I like Motorstorm more, wich is weird considering I'm more into shooter thans into racing games.
This game is extremely fun, especially in splitscreen. The booster mechanics work well.
The graphics look very pretty when cruising at high speed, though you notice alot of lowres environmental textures when you're going slower. The vehicles handle like they should.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Alien Swarm - 8/10

I also give this game an 8. In its current form I am glad it was free, otherwise I probably would have been a tad irked. The game is meant to be played online, as solo is just a warm up of sorts. You don't gain achievements or levels while playing solo(sorry poop sockers). I was on last night with Funk, A5, and someone unknown and it was a blast. I love how you can draw little things on the map at the end of every level, as well as see your exact path(and death)

We too failed a few times because a certain class was killed off, but that only means you have to really pay attention and be mindful of friendly fire.

I wanna play too. :(