Batman Arkham 0/10
I only tried this because a friend who has been on my ass for ignoring the batman franchise pushed it on me (I still havent seen Dark Knight). I couldn't bring myself to play any longer after I started to look for commissioner gordon. THIS GAME SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, you're only missing stealth takedown sections and boss fights.(or at least thats all it seemed to be to me.)
Arkham Asylum is by far one of the best comic book to game adaptations ever done.
I'm not. I really, really didn't like it. It goes on the list of games I tried, but just couldn't get into...
I really gave this one an honest shot. I just didn't find the button mashing fun (or at least thats all it seemed to be to me.)
Same here. One of the only times I've ever bought a game without trying a demo, and I really felt I wasted my money.
Batman Arkham 0/10
I only tried this because a friend who has been on my ass for ignoring the batman franchise pushed it on me (I still havent seen Dark Knight). I couldn't bring myself to play any longer after I started to look for commissioner gordon. THIS GAME SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must have really high standards or you don't like alot of things?
I don't tend to enjoy single player games period. The lone exception tends to be sandbox style games like FarCry2, GTA, and Just Cause.
Just a question, but wouldn't superhero games like Spiderman and Batman be ripe to be made in this way? If someone managed to do either in this manner, I'd almost consider them instant buys...
With Spiderman 2 on the PS2 being one of the best in the series.
Spider-Man games have always been open world 'sandbox' style.
Doom 2-10/10
Last night I started playing Doom again (the original not Doom 3).
Having nothing better to do I loaded up the Doom 2 .wad in the Doom Legacy front end.
It's been how many years now since this game came out and I first played it?
I think I'm hooked again and will play some more Doom tonight.