Rate The Last Game You Played

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New Member
May 29, 2008
Well, even though I personally despise Bad Company 2, you should really consider at least experiencing the Multiplayer before judging the game itself, the Singleplayer was quite forgettable.
I've uninstalled it, but may try it on my brother's computer (once I pry Deus Ex off). Yay, it's back to when everyone said I shouldn't judge Mass Effect 1 based on the opening level.

Still, I'm not sure I'll change my rating much, because...
Whats wrong with it?

bar bad optimization
...the game's shooting itself is simply not fun. I'm tired of aiming down sights, regenerating health, and the whole military feel (Kotick calls it the "global fantasy of being a soldier", I think). Since I doubt multi-player's going to change these things much, I don't see how I'll have much fun.


XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
Rohit said:
Quake 2: 9/10 - Went back to this after quitting Bad Company 2. What a breath of fresh air. Great levels, great enemies, great ways of killing them. Haven't finished yet.

Can't argue with that one...reinstalled the Ultimate Quake Collection and qED2 for mapping. I know WorldCraft 1.6a was best for Quake mapping, but I had almost no trouble mapping with Mr. Tagliaferri's editor, either.


Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
...the game's shooting itself is simply not fun. I'm tired of aiming down sights, regenerating health, and the whole military feel (Kotick calls it the "global fantasy of being a soldier", I think).

I haven't played BC2 itself, but generally speaking, hear hear. Far too many modern shooters focus so much on the simulation or storytelling aspects that, for me, they forget how to make the gunplay enjoyable. This is why I still play through Unreal, Half-Life and Max Payne every six months or so but haven't touched BF2 in three years, never completed Far Cry or Crysis: Warhead, and have yet to enjoy any Call of Duty series demo enough to buy the full game (and I've tried all except the first).


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
I haven't played BC2 itself, but generally speaking, hear hear. Far too many modern shooters focus so much on the simulation or storytelling aspects that, for me, they forget how to make the gunplay enjoyable. This is why I still play through Unreal, Half-Life and Max Payne every six months or so but haven't touched BF2 in three years, never completed Far Cry or Crysis: Warhead, and have yet to enjoy any Call of Duty series demo enough to buy the full game (and I've tried all except the first).

Honestly I far prefer the gunplay in the games you dislike than in the games you like. Developers haven't forgotten how to make it enjoyable, they've simply started making it enjoyable for people like me.



I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Deus Ex: C -- Deus Ex was not a pretty game when it came out and time has been cruel. Even with the high res packs and various tweaks, it is an ugly game. Partly because the level design is too large (not as in too much, but vast plains of empty, boring, ugly space). On the flipside, the large emptiness helps aid in stealth sections. I got past that, however, and decided to go the sneaky route. I pulled out my baton (having saved a few seconds before), snuck up to a dude and smacked him in the back of the head--and he ran away. What ensued should have been benny hill music as I chased him down, delivering whacks to the back of the head until, after 4-5 smacks, he finally went down. I tried again, this time using a stun baton. It froze him, but he would have come to, so I decided to start hitting him in the head--which apparently unfreezes. More benny hill. I gave up and shot him in the head with a pistol (even though as a secret agent with millions of dollars of biotech, I can't aim for ****? His friend 50 feet away heard nothing. Yeah, the AI is crap, hearing is limited to a 20 foot radius, sight to about the same and an upgraded pistol is all you need to beat everything except for a few heavy duty bots. I played it mostly stealth and non-deadly, which was fun, and while the design of letting you choose is awesome, it is really hampered by that dumb AI. The story is even worse than I remember (OMG GVT IS EVILL!!!!!!!!), the writing worse and the voice acting is strictly amateur. It's still a fun game, but it truly doesn't stand up well at all. I understand how innovative this was, and I remember being taken by it when I was younger, but it just doesn't age well. Worth a play, but not ultimately very fun. Oh, and remember to save. Nothing quite as annoying as playing a level for an hour, going through numerous story reveals, dozens of load screens (about 2 seconds long--thanks modern computing) and dying stupidly, the game doesn't autosave. Ugh.

Alan Wake: B+ -- What a relief to play after Deus Ex. The story is interesting (even if it is yet another BS writer writing a writer story), though it comes apart upon any examination. There is a character that acts in a ridiculous manner and is somehow listened to by the citizens (which is frustrating as it is so stupid and contrived) and who exists solely to move the player from one point to another. Another major character is evil in possibly the stupidest way I have ever seen. That being said, the characters develop pretty well (especially Barry, the annoying NYC agent who pisses you off at first but then grows on you. When you get to the headlamp joke, you will realize that you love him) and the writing is solid, if heavy handed and a second rate Stephen King imitation (games can be art, but many of them are still working their way up to pulp). Gameplay is solid and the game is actually creepy for the first few hours, but then you have teammates and it is more actiony, which is fun, but not at all frightening. So yeah, it's pretty flawed, but it's also high quality and fun. It's short (8 hours on the Hard difficulty), but could stand being replayed. I'm interested in the DLC to see if they continue the story a decent bit, because as hacked up it could be at points, it was generally interesting and compelling.



Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Doom 2-10/10

Last night I started playing Doom again (the original not Doom 3).

Having nothing better to do I loaded up the Doom 2 .wad in the Doom Legacy front end.

It's been how many years now since this game came out and I first played it?

I think I'm hooked again and will play some more Doom tonight.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
I didn't dig Deus Ex that much really.

Deus Ex: C --


Mortal Online: ?/? (guesstimating 8/10)
I don't know what to make of this game. On one hand, it's a buggy, newly released MMO with harsh penalties for dying, lots of opportunities for dying, and lots of grinding for stuff that can be taken away when you die. Players can kill you any where at any time (although this is harder in guarded cities) and take all the crap you were carrying. Bugs and crashes are frequent (new MMO). There are no quests, no missions, no themed zones. Traveling takes forever, etc.

On the other hand, this harsh world is strangely appealing. The game is reliant on the players to build and trade. Players can build their own houses and even cities. You cannot play the game and expect to progress with the help of other players, and frankly I like seeing such a reliance on player interaction in an MMO. And while you can get killed by other players, it's also ultra-satisfying to kill them back. The combat system is fantastic and relies on player skill over levels or uber-gear (although having certain skillsets do help greatly). There are no levels but there are skills that you increase by performing actions associated with them (like Oblivion but the world doesn't level with you). There's a fairly low skill cap so you really get on even ground with other players fairly quickly.

Overall I really like Mortal Online, and it's a very young game. The developers have a ton of features in the works that will make the game even better--this game will go from good to great.

Worth it.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Mortal Online: ?/? (guesstimating 8/10)
I don't know what to make of this game. On one hand, it's a buggy, newly released MMO with harsh penalties for dying, lots of opportunities for dying, and lots of grinding for stuff that can be taken away when you die. Players can kill you any where at any time (although this is harder in guarded cities) and take all the crap you were carrying. Bugs and crashes are frequent (new MMO). There are no quests, no missions, no themed zones. Traveling takes forever, etc.

Sounds like my kind of MMO. A while back I realized what a waste of time they are so I really haven't given them any thought or time, but I'll have to give this one a look now. Still not sure if I wanna start that kind of commitment though, I have a lot of stuff going on right now.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island

Sounds like my kind of MMO. A while back I realized what a waste of time they are so I really haven't given them any thought or time, but I'll have to give this one a look now. Still not sure if I wanna start that kind of commitment though, I have a lot of stuff going on right now.

Make no mistake, there's still a good deal of grinding--which is what stops me from absolutely adoring this game. Honestly I think this game feels like a mix between EVE and Everquest except with better combat and less quests/missions/scripted encounters.

However, gathering materials is a simple matter of hitting a toggle button and you can go afk while you chop, mine away. So it's not like you have to spend hours of your attention on the game to get anywhere, it's more like you alt-tab and look at porn websites while you do the grind stuff, occasionally looking at the game to make sure you're not being attacked.

When it comes to killing animals for loot, getting enough materials to sell/trade with is much faster than other MMOs and much more fun thanks to the combat.

If I were you, I would wait until they have a trial version available if they don't have one already. I like it, but this definitely is not a game for everyone.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Mass Effect 2: A -- Recently replayed this sucker with all of the available DLC (which I hadn't used before this). Essentially, it is one of the strongest character centric games ever made and it does leaps and bounds, as far as mainstream games go, in terms of more solidly integrating gameplay with the intended narrative. I sat down yesterday and wrote ten pages about this which I'll be revising and posting on my new everyoneelsehasonesowhydontI game blog over the next few weeks (broken, of course, into more readable hunks). It is a strikingly good looking game with a heavy emphasis on dramatic lighting and smaller, more interesting and detailed areas. Everything in this game, unlike the original, makes sense and is filled to the brim with glorious lovign touches, from the Hugo Gernsback reference to the decoration of apartments or office spaces, it just fits. Shooting is solid and fun, and the minigames are generally an improvement (though, yes, the mining minigame is tedious if you do it all in one go and is boring no matter what). Some people may hate the shift from a long main plot driving the narrative to a more simple main plot (you have to go through a relay to stop the collectors. That's it, I spoiled the entire thing for you) with the emphasis being on gathering and bolstering a team (Magnificent Seven style). I loved it, but I understand the complaints. Nevertheless, this is the third time I've replayed it and it is still fun, still strong and worth another go in a year or so.

Thoughts on DLC:

Firewalker: Free for people who bought the game new, this spreads out a few vehicle based missions (with about 10% of it being on-foot fighting) that is fun, but not particularly staggeringly cool. I liked it and if you play through the game doing these missions as you come across them, they are great fun. I imagine doing it all at once would get a little lame.

Zaeed: also free if you bought the game new. His mission is cool and he is a worthwhile character to have with you, but his conversation blurbs lack the full-dialogue awesome of the other characters, which is really disappointing.

Nasumi: $7 and like Zaeed, she only has little canned comments about the mission, which is again disappointing, especially since money was handed over. The lack of actual conversation here really hurts this otherwise interesting character (her comments when on missions are well done, however). The mission that comes with is fun and well laid out, so it wasn't a complete wash, but overall I would say it isn't worth the money.

Overlord: this is very much worth the $7 it costs. Some vehicle missions lead to in-building sections (which is very reminiscent of the Mako sections of the first game, only much better handled and without annoying traverses of mountains), which are fantastic. The story here is interesting and troubling and handled with surprising care and subtlety. This is absolutely worth a buy.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Gears of War 2
for singleplayer, coop and Horde. Great fun all around. Awesome presentation and cool style that oozes with comically overdrawn brutality.
The bit where
Dom finds Maria
is WAY too harsh though. The rest of the game, at least in my opinion, treats violence as a joke but in this sequence it suddenly becomes serious. Not cool.
I hope Gears 3 doesn't do something like this.

Broken Sword 3
I'm not far enough to give it a score yet, but I like it a lot. Despite the changes in controls and graphics it feels remarkably similar to the two 2d Broken Sword games. I wouldn't go so far as to say the switch to 3d and the new controls make the game better, but at least they don't make it worse. At least not beyond a tolerable margin.


Face down in a pool of his own vomit.
Apr 8, 2008
Batman Arkham 0/10

I only tried this because a friend who has been on my ass for ignoring the batman franchise pushed it on me (I still havent seen Dark Knight). I couldn't bring myself to play any longer after I started to look for commissioner gordon. THIS GAME SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Batman Arkham 0/10

I only tried this because a friend who has been on my ass for ignoring the batman franchise pushed it on me (I still havent seen Dark Knight). I couldn't bring myself to play any longer after I started to look for commissioner gordon. THIS GAME SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
