Mass Effect 2: A -- Recently replayed this sucker with all of the available DLC (which I hadn't used before this). Essentially, it is one of the strongest character centric games ever made and it does leaps and bounds, as far as mainstream games go, in terms of more solidly integrating gameplay with the intended narrative. I sat down yesterday and wrote ten pages about this which I'll be revising and posting on my new everyoneelsehasonesowhydontI
game blog over the next few weeks (broken, of course, into more readable hunks). It is a strikingly good looking game with a heavy emphasis on dramatic lighting and smaller, more interesting and detailed areas. Everything in this game, unlike the original, makes sense and is filled to the brim with glorious lovign touches, from the Hugo Gernsback reference to the decoration of apartments or office spaces, it just fits. Shooting is solid and fun, and the minigames are generally an improvement (though, yes, the mining minigame is tedious if you do it all in one go and is boring no matter what). Some people may hate the shift from a long main plot driving the narrative to a more simple main plot (you have to go through a relay to stop the collectors. That's it, I spoiled the entire thing for you) with the emphasis being on gathering and bolstering a team (Magnificent Seven style). I loved it, but I understand the complaints. Nevertheless, this is the third time I've replayed it and it is still fun, still strong and worth another go in a year or so.
Thoughts on DLC:
Firewalker: Free for people who bought the game new, this spreads out a few vehicle based missions (with about 10% of it being on-foot fighting) that is fun, but not particularly staggeringly cool. I liked it and if you play through the game doing these missions as you come across them, they are great fun. I imagine doing it all at once would get a little lame.
Zaeed: also free if you bought the game new. His mission is cool and he is a worthwhile character to have with you, but his conversation blurbs lack the full-dialogue awesome of the other characters, which is really disappointing.
Nasumi: $7 and like Zaeed, she only has little canned comments about the mission, which is again disappointing, especially since money was handed over. The lack of actual conversation here really hurts this otherwise interesting character (her comments when on missions are well done, however). The mission that comes with is fun and well laid out, so it wasn't a complete wash, but overall I would say it isn't worth the money.
Overlord: this is very much worth the $7 it costs. Some vehicle missions lead to in-building sections (which is very reminiscent of the Mako sections of the first game, only much better handled and without annoying traverses of mountains), which are fantastic. The story here is interesting and troubling and handled with surprising care and subtlety. This is absolutely worth a buy.