Right, here we go:
Ask any clan ranger from u2xmp and we all say the same thing:
Weapons :-
1. Pistol [least its being fixed, cheers FMI]
2. Rifle- how can i snipe if i can't see xhair, for example, a red ranger against redish-brown garden background with a faint brown xhair, hmmmm...
3. Grenades- smoke doesnt actually class as smoke, just a faint transparent haze, no use when doging sniper fire on you way back to your base with an arti
Dodging :-
1. Where is it plz? When I loaded this game I thought they'd just forgotten to include it...
Optimus and Brizz don,t know wtf they arw talking about, why? Because they only play tech/gunner, not ranger so please please don't speak about something you have no idea about and never became good enough at the class to place anything remotely useful.
The sniper rifle kills in one shot? hmm, i must have been absent the day they made it do that, i was sure it left you on 3hp minimum, but then again, ive only played u2xmp from march and utxmp since it came out, so i may be wrong......or not.
As for ranger being stupidly fast optimus, well, if you cant dodge out of the way fast, you know what happens? You get killed in 5 seconds from the Splash, thats right, the SPLASH, from two gunner rockets. Even if you manage to hit with your invisible sniper, by the time its finished switching to the pistol/nades your dead anyways because you can't dodge those rockets, which by the way, travel at lightspeed now and seem to do larger amounts of splash damage.
Without speed a ranger is useless, its as simple as that.
And as for standing at distance, and sniping "like we should", "apparently"

1. How can i do this when my shock lance goes further than my rifle? It's distance isn't long enough to do that even if i wanted too...
2. We need speed at close ranger to dodge those bloody rockets/ secondary shotgun else we are dead pretty quick, and its not like its an attribute they all possess, only those who are dedicated enough become fast i.e. clanned rangers, oC sHcL 12m to name but a few.
3. Without speed they can't attack, grab an arti and run, can you really imagine a gunner artifact carrier as your offence? No, i mean really? really...????? Er, no.
As for ranger, it takes skill to aim and practice, those of xmp know this, and those of us who are decent enough rangers now find our time and dedication have been in vain because of the "no dodging and impossible to aim with xhairs" so excuse me if we are alittle disappointed with this

. Ranger is by far the hardest class to master but if you work at it, it will become the strongest. Any n00b can get by with a tech or gunner by spamming rockets or turrets or gas etc etc. (that isn't to say all techs and gunners suck, on the contrary

) But, he can't use rager and then gets owned by one and then because he can't do this because 1. he isnt 133t enuf to dodge with speed and 2. his aim sux, so he makes silly complaints in a forum antries to halt their progress because in utxmp its the olt time when i n00b can own a clanned player, by using a gunner against the now almost destroyed ranger....
So excuse me if I'm ranting but when i see f***ing gunner/techs who couldn't play ranger to save their f***ing life, trying to stop the progress of it's development so that it becomes more like it was in our beloved u2xmp. Thus, that it is not so ridiculously underpowered, i get more than alittle "aggrivated" shall - we - say. Kaio, Yukkoman, Asken, Lippen- I salute you- all decent rangers, all clanned, what do we all have in common, including myself? ex-u2xmp players who played ranger. Now? We all have the same problems. Why? Coincidence? I think not because all in all we want to see what we were told, "a conversion" of our beloved u2xmp as close as possible in most repsects.
Our criticisms are placed in an attempt to see them addressed in future patches and releases in the hope that our beloved game will live once more, not rot in it's undeserved grave.
If these problems aren't adressed then the u2xmp players will slowly seep away, truly disappointed. It will alienate the original players of this mod from it, and utxmp community will suffer a great loss if this happens.
As for optimus and Brizz, who "claims" to have played u2xmp but clearly hasn't, don't give advice on classes you don't even play/ are too s**t to master. You may say "he gives advice on rockets", well yes, that's because i've been on the receiving end of alot in utxmp- if your going to make them faster to cope for the "problem" of hitting ranger because some players are exceedingly quick with them, do not slow the ranger down to a practical stand still as this is over compensating for a problem that doesnt realy exist, 133t gunners could take down 133t rangers and therefore it is obvious to me that you are not 133t.
And no, don't get rid of things like walljumps, if you had played u2xmp you realise that yes, in fact, these little details exactly ARE what makes xmp xmp you fool. Walljumps etc are what distinguished this game from the bunch. Without such things what do you have? Answer: a lack-luster, mediocre, unintriguing, unoriginal game that nobody wants to play. Details distinguish one thing from another, they give it identity, in this case it made it xmp. Such details add to the game incalcuably, keeping us coming back for more and what makes it one truly legendary (no pun intended

) game that will live on in the hearts of those dedicated players who have stuck with it up until now.
Again, I've raved on but things that have been said hear really pissed me off, advice on the ranger from a n00b and a gunner? Really, please.....
I would like to thank however, FMI for doing this because without them well, as i've said, there would be no game in the first place, xmp's legacy left in the grave....
Thanks goes to FMI, i hope you take heed of what these forums say, you wont go far wrong then