Ranger underpowered? discuss.

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Reach out and torch someone
iddQd - Sure, but you need to 'bump' a door to open it, and in that second you've got to stand still or it'll close in (or on!) your face. And for the record, I was in the middle of a dodge when I was hit.
Yukko - yes, and Techs/Gunners need to be VERY close to the target if they want to do a decent amount of damage. Rangers do not.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Isn't this precisely why a lot of people are turned off by Counter-strike? Who wants to play a game where you spend most of the game watching all the "good" people run around? And by good I mean those who aren't killed in the first 2 minutes by some guy shooting through a wall and getting a lucky shot at you.

IndianPsycho said:
I've noticed while reading these threads that you are all very intent on tailoring UTXMP to the wishes of the XMP "pro" players, thereby making it very inaccesible to "noobs"; they'll get killed by those "pro" players using their 1337 haxx0rr m0vement omgzlol in a flash of a second and will stand almost no chance at all. And let's face it: getting killed over and over and over simply is not very fun, it will probably scare these players away which will leave us back where we started -- at a community consisting of a very small amount of players (they'll all move like 1337 haxx0rz omgzlol though).

EDIT: BTW, the "get skills" argument is very lame. You're not a "noob" then turn around and you're suddenly an elite player - it takes alot of time and practice. Time which you probably won't be willing to spend if you're getting killed over and over.

EDIT2: I'm not saying we should totally dumb-down UT:XMP, but I don't think tailoring it to the wishes of the XMP "pro" is the way to go, either.

EDIT3: This post does not really pertain to this thread but is more a general view. I should probably just make a new post instead of editing this over and over.



New Member
Dec 14, 2004
Right, here we go:

Ask any clan ranger from u2xmp and we all say the same thing:

Weapons :-
1. Pistol [least its being fixed, cheers FMI]
2. Rifle- how can i snipe if i can't see xhair, for example, a red ranger against redish-brown garden background with a faint brown xhair, hmmmm...
3. Grenades- smoke doesnt actually class as smoke, just a faint transparent haze, no use when doging sniper fire on you way back to your base with an arti :(

Dodging :-
1. Where is it plz? When I loaded this game I thought they'd just forgotten to include it... :eek:

Optimus and Brizz don,t know wtf they arw talking about, why? Because they only play tech/gunner, not ranger so please please don't speak about something you have no idea about and never became good enough at the class to place anything remotely useful.

The sniper rifle kills in one shot? hmm, i must have been absent the day they made it do that, i was sure it left you on 3hp minimum, but then again, ive only played u2xmp from march and utxmp since it came out, so i may be wrong......or not.

As for ranger being stupidly fast optimus, well, if you cant dodge out of the way fast, you know what happens? You get killed in 5 seconds from the Splash, thats right, the SPLASH, from two gunner rockets. Even if you manage to hit with your invisible sniper, by the time its finished switching to the pistol/nades your dead anyways because you can't dodge those rockets, which by the way, travel at lightspeed now and seem to do larger amounts of splash damage. :eek:

Without speed a ranger is useless, its as simple as that. :(

And as for standing at distance, and sniping "like we should", "apparently" :rolleyes: ....
1. How can i do this when my shock lance goes further than my rifle? It's distance isn't long enough to do that even if i wanted too...
2. We need speed at close ranger to dodge those bloody rockets/ secondary shotgun else we are dead pretty quick, and its not like its an attribute they all possess, only those who are dedicated enough become fast i.e. clanned rangers, oC sHcL 12m to name but a few. :)
3. Without speed they can't attack, grab an arti and run, can you really imagine a gunner artifact carrier as your offence? No, i mean really? really...????? Er, no.

As for ranger, it takes skill to aim and practice, those of xmp know this, and those of us who are decent enough rangers now find our time and dedication have been in vain because of the "no dodging and impossible to aim with xhairs" so excuse me if we are alittle disappointed with this :rolleyes: . Ranger is by far the hardest class to master but if you work at it, it will become the strongest. Any n00b can get by with a tech or gunner by spamming rockets or turrets or gas etc etc. (that isn't to say all techs and gunners suck, on the contrary :) ) But, he can't use rager and then gets owned by one and then because he can't do this because 1. he isnt 133t enuf to dodge with speed and 2. his aim sux, so he makes silly complaints in a forum antries to halt their progress because in utxmp its the olt time when i n00b can own a clanned player, by using a gunner against the now almost destroyed ranger....

So excuse me if I'm ranting but when i see f***ing gunner/techs who couldn't play ranger to save their f***ing life, trying to stop the progress of it's development so that it becomes more like it was in our beloved u2xmp. Thus, that it is not so ridiculously underpowered, i get more than alittle "aggrivated" shall - we - say. Kaio, Yukkoman, Asken, Lippen- I salute you- all decent rangers, all clanned, what do we all have in common, including myself? ex-u2xmp players who played ranger. Now? We all have the same problems. Why? Coincidence? I think not because all in all we want to see what we were told, "a conversion" of our beloved u2xmp as close as possible in most repsects.

Our criticisms are placed in an attempt to see them addressed in future patches and releases in the hope that our beloved game will live once more, not rot in it's undeserved grave.

If these problems aren't adressed then the u2xmp players will slowly seep away, truly disappointed. It will alienate the original players of this mod from it, and utxmp community will suffer a great loss if this happens.

As for optimus and Brizz, who "claims" to have played u2xmp but clearly hasn't, don't give advice on classes you don't even play/ are too s**t to master. You may say "he gives advice on rockets", well yes, that's because i've been on the receiving end of alot in utxmp- if your going to make them faster to cope for the "problem" of hitting ranger because some players are exceedingly quick with them, do not slow the ranger down to a practical stand still as this is over compensating for a problem that doesnt realy exist, 133t gunners could take down 133t rangers and therefore it is obvious to me that you are not 133t. :)

And no, don't get rid of things like walljumps, if you had played u2xmp you realise that yes, in fact, these little details exactly ARE what makes xmp xmp you fool. Walljumps etc are what distinguished this game from the bunch. Without such things what do you have? Answer: a lack-luster, mediocre, unintriguing, unoriginal game that nobody wants to play. Details distinguish one thing from another, they give it identity, in this case it made it xmp. Such details add to the game incalcuably, keeping us coming back for more and what makes it one truly legendary (no pun intended ;) ) game that will live on in the hearts of those dedicated players who have stuck with it up until now.

Again, I've raved on but things that have been said hear really pissed me off, advice on the ranger from a n00b and a gunner? Really, please.....
I would like to thank however, FMI for doing this because without them well, as i've said, there would be no game in the first place, xmp's legacy left in the grave.... :(

Thanks goes to FMI, i hope you take heed of what these forums say, you wont go far wrong then :D
Last edited:


Salamander Saver!
Sep 12, 2003
For fun, I ran that last post through MS Word's spell checker and it crashed.


New Member
May 25, 2004
I might have already posted this in this thread and frogot but...

I play all 3 classes and...

Gunner has his rockets and nades, best in any straight on battle
Tech has his shottie and poison, good in combat
Ranger... sucks

At the moment every class seems to have one weapon hat is kinda nerfed/not as good as the alternative.

Gunner - flamer
Tech - rifle
Ranger - pistol, and shocklance (ranger gets one more actual "gun" than the rest and this is nerfed too)

Now this wouldnt be too bad, things seem balanced at first glance. But the other weapon the ranger has left is a sniper rifle, wich isn't exactly good at close range. And none of the rangers grenades are too usefull for combat.

So all classes are in a similar "rut" but the rangers specialisation kind of amplifies this.

Thank you for reading my post, it added realy nothing to this thread other than some hypothetical stuff.


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
Yeah that maybe wasnt good of a statement of me, Im not wanna sound like an ass in that way I just see posiblities there folks that aperently havnt played as much dont see an option, I take that back, not wanna sound like that, but Its also very frustrating to hear complains then over how owerpowered a weapon or class or movement is due to you dont know how to counter them from that point of view then instead of gettin end game facts, personally with my posts I just wanna keep the clanplay alive in XMP and the leagues to be exciting and challenging, this is not just another public game right, why bother even make such a uniqe mod like XMP then there you have build in power,arts etc to win, where cooperation and clan games are the aim, coz you cant really say that XMP with all its components aint build as a clan game.

What are the true facts that put LEGEND down from XMP support, ATARI and cash makin reasons for UT2004 or whatever reason it was, wasnt UT2004 gettin released during those days and they knew they wasnt goin to make enoth cash on selling U2 copys for XMP keys, compared to the cash they would make on selling UT2004 copies, so that could have inflicted ATARI to bring down LEGEND, if anyone got any real facts plz tell em, Im just not able to agree with XMP will get that way again and start loose ppl due to it got pro abilites implemented, it will just enchanche the gameplay and make the game last longer, reasons that old XMP lost ppl was that it was unsuported with no game house in the back and that we didnt even have a functional master server from times to times, not about the elite ppl scaring away the new ppl, we were all so called n00bs in the beginning, and I wasnt scared away by the good movin mofos, I asked how they did it instead.. And saw the potensial of the game. Joined a clan and learned how to move and play even better, thats whats been so special about xmp compared to all years i spent playing quake/cs games there ofcoz the pro ppl apears as well, and have nothin to do with if newbies start to play or not..

Its like we should start to compare skillz of fotball/hockey players, the reason aint holding.. the pros will play in their owns leages ofcoz and wont have anythin to do with the new ppl that play in the lower leagues, so thats imo not of importance what the new ppl will think of public games with an ocasinal pro from time to time. coz if it was like that none would ever join a sport or game that got abilities to get pros in it..

Many ppl fails in their judgement and complain over a class/weapon then the true fact is the guy behind the computer maybe have played tons and tons of hours to have the skillz he has, and not the weapon/class itself thats uber, like I know alof of gunners and techs that have developed tactics to never stand still and they dont get killed as much from rangers any more, they even ownz rangers more sometimes then rangers ownz them in the what yoo call pro end game. I rather wanna call it clan end game in the regular leagues like CB/Jolt cups we had in xmp, or are the discussion coming into if this should be another quake DM sort of playstyle without teamplay, yeah well then remove all the so called pro elements of the game so the special feeling goes away.. Then nothin will differ the veteran ppl from the new ppl, so why keep playin it then if you cant advance in skill, exept the uniqe power/artifact play that ofcoz will be there, see it from that point of view as well..

What keeps players, what gets new players, what scares players.. losta questions.. if you think of XMP for the future...

The human nature is to investigate and find new ways, and if a game gets booring coz you cant advance you will loose as much old players as scared newbies as you would over time if you removed those special things that keeps the old players playing..

Where will XMP end up old ppl/clanwise if the special things are removed. tell me, all i can think of is they will just be here untill the next mod is released that got a better game ide with better and more advanced abilities.. why not keep the options open for pro play.. why even toy with the thoughts of limit the game to n00b play ? dont ppl want XMP open for the possibilites of future pro game play? wouldnt it be a waste of resources otherwise? I cant really understand that point of view IndianPsycho...


Registered user
Feb 17, 2004
Yukkoman said:
Im just not able to agree with XMP will get that way again and start loose ppl due to it got pro abilites implemented

I'm defenitely not saying that that's why XMP lost players -- back then the playing field was even and everybody stood an even chance to get good.
What I'm talking about is UT:XMP, where the playing field is FAR from even, and it never will be.

Yukkoman said:
Its like we should start to compare skillz of fotball/hockey players, the reason aint holding.. the pros will play in their owns leages ofcoz and wont have anythin to do with the new ppl that play in the lower leagues, so thats imo not of importance what the new ppl will think of public games with an ocasinal pro from time to time. coz if it was like that none would ever join a sport or game that got abilities to get pros in it..

Totally different matter...I very much doubt "pro" players will keep from playing in public servers -- which is where the "noobs" are -- and stick to their own passworded "pro" servers.

Yukkoman said:
why even toy with the thoughts of limit the game to n00b play ? dont ppl want XMP open for the possibilites of future pro game play? wouldnt it be a waste of resources otherwise? I cant really understand that point of view IndianPsycho...

I never said "limit the game to n00b play". I said I don't think that we should tailor the game to "pro" players. IE DONT make the game suited only for people who've already played XMP for a year, which is what most of the XMP players seem to be wanting.


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
I used to play as ranger everytime i played U2xmp, even with pings up to 160....in UTXMP its not even worth trying. :(


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
IndianPsycho said:
UT:XMP, where the playing field is FAR from even, and it never will be
right, no game will ever be even what so ever, always someone whos more skilled or using a better hax or whatever

IndianPsycho said:
passworded "pro" servers
Most XMP clans I know of in europe anyhow trains on pw priv servers then they train seriously, problem have been the small player base that I still blaim Atari for and no other, with further support LEGEND could have made XMP really big as it was with further support, no clue how the american clans have played thoo, but guess the good clans play on priv servers as well... And ofcoz we fool around on publics from times to times to get realtime fullgame action.. But my hopes with a larger player base is ranking servers that somehow in future get option to use rankings as a base for who can join etc like CS and other games got as well.

IndianPsycho said:
I don't think that we should tailor the game to "pro" players
yeah maybe you right, but I and other see the possiblities of original XMP and this game, and then new players will see all the possiblities and what the so called pro players are able to do they will say like cool, how, why, etc, why make limits, why not make a state of the art game and somethin to be extra proud of by keep XMP orginial gameplay and then add even more content to enchance gameplay and make it ever more advanced.. limits makes ppl bored..

And why Im even bothering makin all those posts is just becoz I and others loves XMP, the problem is we cant program and U2XMP got no support, here is where FMI stepped in and got formed right? and we see here an option to keep this superior game alive and get goin with fresh new support, and from what I read from FMI posts and forums and press releases the project is sposed to be a total converison, thats why me and other are facing this boards with what we feel is important facts for UT:XMP to be that total conversion and not just another mod.. its not that we arnt up for new stuff, I think most will welcome new stuff, so yes adding content after the original gameplay is alive and XMP have prevailed I think most would agree on..

Im out.. tired of all writing, gnite :D


Mar 18, 2004
i don't want to be able to pwn everyone, that's not what i want. I just don't want to feel so useless and restricted when playing ranger. I don't think any new players would want to play ranger either.
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