Ranger underpowered? discuss.

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oC Ranger
Apr 30, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
Oh wow, you ARE a genius AREN'T YOU?

I was overexaggerating a little, but I get killed by Sniper spamming on just about every server almost all the time. I do get killed by other gunners/techs occasionally, but then I see single tracers flying about and...dead...

That's how it's been for the past days. You can't tell me the ranger is "nerfed" when they still get pretty much one shot kills with the sniper rifle.

Look dude, this is supposed to be a conversion of u2xmp to the ut2k4 engine, or at least according to what I've heard. That means the weaponbalance should be as it is in u2xmp, that the vehicles should be as they are in u2xmp, that the movement is like it is in u2xmp. To put it short: the gameplay should be like it is in u2xmp.

If you get killed by snipers, maybe it is because they're better than you, it doesn't have to be a class imbalance. U2XMP is very wellbalanced in my and many other's opinion, and the ranger is weaker in UTXMP than it is in U2XMP with shorter sniperrange and slower rate of fire for the pistol.

In the state utxmp is in currently I think it's best to try to make it as close to u2xmp as possible before even starting to think about changing things. As I said, it's supposed to be a conversion. There's a long way left before it is.


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
All ya gotta do is dodge at the right time and they will miss. Its not hard really. Once you've been a sniper, you can tell when the enemy thinks they have a good shot, then you dodge. I have been killed the most by techs, then gunners, then rangers. Once head-shots come back I think it will give the rangers a better chance since they are all about precision aiming.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
In the beginning there was nothing but emptiness until Legend created Unreal 2 Extended Multiplayer. The game of salvation was in active creative progress for one month and one patch. And the Atari saw it was piece of **** threathening UT2004´s sales and decided fire people from Legend. That was XMP´s tale.

In this short time it did not become so perfectly balanced as you give the image. People just got used to these imbalances over time which doesn´t mean the game was suddenly so balanced. Especially gunners became increasingly rare while more and more of the new maps (GFP-Pool is one of the worst in this category) favored snipers.

The point: why should the old imperfections and major stupidies be re-done while there´s possibility of not getting stuck in the old pattern. This community looks the most conservative of all the online games. During the one year time in which the game didn´t progress to a direction or another the community seem to have become introverted and reluctant to new ideas such as fourth class. These people really need something shocking and surprising from FMI to shake their little fragile world...


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
AngelSaphire said:
i think that personally the Ranger has WAY too much HP for a scout unit, I remeber able to take 8 htis from rockets before dieng, I think it should be lower, beacause he ahs as much HP as a regular unit

8 hits ...... did u actually play u2:xmp ??


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
GFP-Pool is one of the worst in this category

i bet you like playing RGB and think it's a hell of an XMP-map :rolleyes:

as for the rest of your post: heh?! o0


May 30, 2004
Optimus, I think it's unbalanced now. It's really hard to hit anything imo. And sure, that can be something about that I havn't played very much, but I don't think so. I'll just wait until the patch is released and if they havn't fixed some bugs there I think most of the old u2:xmp community will 1) be very angry, or 2) stop playing this game. So I know I will stop talking about this now, because they'll hopefully release a patch soon.. And I know I'm getting pretty tired of all those threads about bugs and stuff, they're all over the place.

over & out
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overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
why should the old imperfections and major stupidies be re-done while there´s possibility of not getting stuck in the old pattern

OptimusPrime, its about not nerfing and ruin certain classes, a better way to counter imbalances is to make improvements wheres its needed, and I dont think a mayority is against a 4th class as you speak of, or improving U2XMP short sticked gunner, I just think most ppl want XMP ported to start with in a functional state before all those improvements are made.

FMI done a great job putting XMP back on the scene and I ofcoz hope they make more out of XMP and keep goin and make improvements with added new content and keeps workin with the job Legend had started.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
oC|GuPpY said:
Look dude, this is supposed to be a conversion of u2xmp to the ut2k4 engine, or at least according to what I've heard. That means the weaponbalance should be as it is in u2xmp, that the vehicles should be as they are in u2xmp, that the movement is like it is in u2xmp. To put it short: the gameplay should be like it is in u2xmp.
wah wah :rolleyes: The gameplay, short of a few small bugs, is almost identical to XMP. Why? Why is it almost exactly the same even with all the problems it has? SIMPLE. BECAUSE XMP IS A GAMETYPE WITH A UNIQUE FEEL, AND EVERY STUPID LITTLE DETAIL YOU DECIDE TO WHINE ABOUT DOES NOT MAKE XMP XMP.
If you get killed by snipers, maybe it is because they're better than you, it doesn't have to be a class imbalance. U2XMP is very wellbalanced in my and many other's opinion, and the ranger is weaker in UTXMP than it is in U2XMP with shorter sniperrange and slower rate of fire for the pistol.
First, I'm talking about rangers in UTXMP. What does U2XMP have to do with it? I get killed probably 7-9 times out of 10 by the sniper rifle right now. And not always by clan members. And I'm talking about ONE SHOT, not two shots. I've got potshotted running off a deploy with one shot and died several times in UTXMP. That doesn't make me feel that the Sniper Rifle is balanced right now.
In the state utxmp is in currently I think it's best to try to make it as close to u2xmp as possible before even starting to think about changing things. As I said, it's supposed to be a conversion. There's a long way left before it is.
As optimus so plainly put it, you are being very introverted and reluctant to change just like the rest of the majority of the community. There is no doubt in my mind that, were FMI to listen to people like you, UTXMP would be dead within 9 months.


Mar 18, 2004

It's flippin easy to own as a gunner, and impossible to move and aim with the ranger. The pistol is f$cked, and you have to guess with the sniper rifle.

If the game was imbalanced, making it frustrating for me to play is not a way to fix it.

In short: the way it is right now, is not the way it's going to stay. So we're talking about it.

If you think everything is balanced right now, play as a ranger for the next week. It's balanced right? So you should get the same scores as when you play other classes, etc. If you can play as a ranger and feel USEFUL, you'll be the first.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
to get back to topic:
yes, the ranger is heavily underpowered and useless right now.
But FMI announced that they have worked on that in the upcoming patch - so the actuall ranger is not even an possibilty.
So why argue about it? Lets wait till FMI has something they could call final.


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
Sir_Brizz, why you so into oposing every single ppl coment, you realize that if you had all your oposing thought made real into the game half or even more of the rest of the comunity would quit in favor of you and the new UT2k4 ppl that will probably join, I know you dont care, but we who still loves XMP still want XMP to live, my clan arnt big but of like 10 members NONE want to play UTXMP the way it is currently in beta, even the gunners and techs in clan wonder wtf was up with pistol for example, and they dont even use the fokin weapon..

Get real... We will all plain and simple not play UTXMP if its not changed into the XMP we trained for and got skill on the last year. And trust me we arnt alone, I think mayority of the current comunity is falling behind those thoughts.. It must not be like U2XMP at 100% but atleast something close as possible.. ANd what you said about UTXMP will be dead in 9months, get real, U2XMP didnt die becoz its gameplay, it died because ATARI cutted of LEGEND from the project in favor of the relase of UT2004, nuf said.

Rifle range and pistol RoF will be fixed guys according to fix list, so Im not gonna waste more breath vs guys like Brizz and the kind who wanna hit the game with nerf sticks, not worth it, will keep play and find more bugs and gameplay issues instead.


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
Skipr said:
If you get killed 9 out of 10 times by a sniper rifle, you cant dodge!

Best coment ever, yes learn how to move dam it, if you get killed that often you simply dont know how to dodge and time sniper shoots.. Get some skillz like the rest of us have worked to get, im so ticked right now.. Out...


Reach out and torch someone
Oh yes, I'll just go out there and 'get skills'. Cause it just magically happens. Not all of us are wonderful at predicting sniper rounds. I've been oneshotted by a sniper the instant the base door opened on Garden before. How am I supposed to dodge something I can't see?


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
How hard is for any class to guard a door ? tech dont even have to aim to get a kill, just random shoot shootgun into the door, or just gas, and gunner can grenade and shoot the ground or put up mines, get real, atleast a sniper have to aim for the dmg or kill


Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
fireball said:
Oh yes, I'll just go out there and 'get skills'. Cause it just magically happens. Not all of us are wonderful at predicting sniper rounds. I've been oneshotted by a sniper the instant the base door opened on Garden before. How am I supposed to dodge something I can't see?

Well I don't want to say anything stupid here, and I absolutely don't say this with any offence in mind but an optimal tech (or any other class for that matter) keeps dodging and jumping around even if theres no enemies in sight, if theres a ranger aiming at you he will have a hard time to hit if you keep on moving like this. This was possible in u2xmp and I fought for the same dodge system as in u2xmp it in this thread, but Brizz thought it was an exploit and therefore should stay removed, giving Rangers a slight advantage hitting other players cause they cant dodge like the could before - all this to dissorder the perfect balance. Brizz, accept it, you're not the pro on these boards.
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Registered user
Feb 17, 2004
I've noticed while reading these threads that you are all very intent on tailoring UTXMP to the wishes of the XMP "pro" players, thereby making it very inaccesible to "noobs"; they'll get killed by those "pro" players using their 1337 haxx0rr m0vement omgzlol in a flash of a second and will stand almost no chance at all. And let's face it: getting killed over and over and over simply is not very fun, it will probably scare these players away which will leave us back where we started -- at a community consisting of a very small amount of players (they'll all move like 1337 haxx0rz omgzlol though).

EDIT: BTW, the "get skills" argument is very lame. You're not a "noob" then turn around and you're suddenly an elite player - it takes alot of time and practice. Time which you probably won't be willing to spend if you're getting killed over and over.

EDIT2: I'm not saying we should totally dumb-down UT:XMP, but I don't think tailoring it to the wishes of the XMP "pro" is the way to go, either.

EDIT3: This post does not really pertain to this thread but is more a general view. I should probably just make a new post instead of editing this over and over.

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