Ranger underpowered? discuss.

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Yukkoman said:
You maybe missed something, but ATARI did cut off XMP support from the players before even XMP had a chance to get big, but you probably didnt even play during the few weeks the game had support, and even this beta is having a great rate of ppl and servers poping up, so why are you insulting me to be an idiot over wanting XMP back in the state it was prior to loosing support before adding new fancy content for the new players when clearly so many are interested in this MOD/game..
You obviously know nothing. I played U2XMP up until it became the second most exploited game on the planet (second only to CS). I was even in the beta back then, so cry me a river.
You can call me idiot as much you want as I dont care, clearly you dont know the possiblities of XMP as it was so complex and you probalbly havnt looked around enoth to see the options the game had, but be called an idiot over refering to a Total Conversion is another matter, I and many have longed for this sk Total thing for months, and stayed within the XMP comunity playing leagues etc just w8ing for UT:XMP, and we dont want it to fail, we just dont want it to lack features XMP had, so Brizz once again, get facts.
Sorry. I DO know the possibilites XMP has. I also know many of the failures of U2XMP. If people keep complaining about UTXMP until FMI just makes it identical to U2XMP and fixes nothing, it is going to fail. And it is people like you that are going to cause that. Yes, FMI has said they want to get UTXMP CLOSE TO U2XMP, BUT THEY HAVE NEVER SAID IDENTICAL. How hard is that to comprehend? If you really know XMP, you would know some of it's faults and things that could be better, but you're just like everyone else that wants it to be so exactly like U2XMP that you can't tell one iota of difference.
Every dam release and info have this total conversion note in em Brizz, so that is whats make me an idiot..
Yah, try reading it again and let me know where they said UTXMP is going to be identical to U2XMP. In fact I challenge you to show me anywhere on those pages you listed where they said anything more than that they were bringing XMP GAMEPLAY to UTXMP.
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frequent eembotter
May 28, 2004
In the basement
Sir_Brizz said:
You obviously know nothing. I played U2XMP up until it became the second most exploited game on the planet (second only to CS). I was even in the beta back then, so cry me a river.

Seeing your definitions of exploits, I can make up that you stopped playing rather quickly.


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
hmmm, hostility.

Brizz, as other people have stated several times here, you appear to know nothing of xmp, all your suggestions are attempts at haulting the progress needed in this game. Maybe you haven't realised but I only insult YOU (and not particularly harshly either i may add), no one else here. I do assume you are a n00b at xmp simply because I have never seen you on servers and I played that game alot. You're knowledge of it also seems limited, most blatantly displayed by your views of it.

For your information, I was a tech for three months, a gunner for one month and a ranger for approximately two months and I still constantly multiclass, for example when I played for several clans, I played what was needed in that situation. Therefore, maybe I'm not only concerned with my "favoured class", maybe it's because the other two don't need as much tweaking as the ranger. Tech- there is a few problems, the gunner I have said possesses rockets which break the speed of sound, but the major problems I have found are with the ranger, and thus I have highlighted them in this thread. I can thus only conclude that while you accuse me of making assumptions about you, as I have clearly shown, is it not you that have made assumptions about me here???
As I have clearly mentioned the problems with the other classes, please get your information correct before you accuse me of being solely concerned with my own, singular, favoured class type. Thank You.
Please check the links Yukkoman has posted before replying since you are clearly ignoring everything everyone is telling you in favour of your own deluded misconceptions of what the purpose of this CONVERSION actually is. Sure, things are to be altered, but maybe only after the game has been properly and workingly converted first. Then the tweaking should begin.
You speak of how they all have tweaks but when it comes down to it, stopping people dodging is not a tweak, it's a big problem.
Also, your attacks on respected members of the xmp community, for example Yukkoman especially, are pathetic and frankly, boring. You defend how the classes are now, and since what we are saying is "we have waited eagerly for this game for months we would like to see it's success, especailly with atari cutting off the support for xmp ultimately leading to its death". But, for it to be successful, not only does it need support, it actually needs to be a good game and us xmpers realise that for this to happen, there is still some way yet to go.
Before you decide to flame at me or Yukkoman or Lippen etc etc, get your facts straight first please so I don't have to spend a section of this post correcting yours first. I have better things to do with my life than correct people who can't be bothered to get their information correct before they post. Thank You
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Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Personally the pistols rate of fire isn't an unbalancing thing for me as I tried to not spam the living bejesus out of it in u2xmp like I was having an epileptic siezure and my finger got frozen on the trigger. If you can actually aim it without relying on shooting off every single bullet in the clip within the span of .06 seconds, it is still effective. Now I know all you silly old XMP veteran rangers out there might crycry about it because you actually have to do something other than do the Hammer Dance around a gunner and tap your mouse button, but c'mon. Make it's damage equivalent to the .45 in u2xmp and you've got a serious weapon regardless.

You're all just too used to the way the pistol was OVER powered in u2. Not only did it deal massive amounts of damage but it was perfectly accurate at any given range COMBINED with a rate of fire that put diarrhea after eating at Juan's Cajun/Mexican Combination Buffet to shame.

Fix the miniscule crosshair and make the damage like it used to be and you'll find that it's still one of the more useful guns in the rangers arsenal. Oh and by the by; saying that the sniper rifle has a faster rate of fire than the pistol when reloading after every three shots makes it, in fact, a lot slower.. is just plain lame. Hi. There are other factors at work than just your finger-tapping good time.
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Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Mantik said:
Personally the pistols rate of fire isn't an unbalancing thing...Fix the miniscule crosshair and make the damage like it used to be and you'll find that it's still one of the more useful guns in the rangers arsenal.

Excellent point, when I first played I thought it was the rate of fire that was the problem too...then I realised I couldn't see the crosshair to aim so I think keeping the current ROF but fixing the xhair would be a good compromise, but I am going to refrain on further comment until after the patch and until then keep enjoying this great mod. For those of you who find it unplayable in it's current state maybe you could help new players learn the game and maybe help grow the community.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Keasis said:
Seeing your definitions of exploits, I can make up that you stopped playing rather quickly.
Please, pray tell, explain to me what my definition of exploit is. Since you seem to be all-knowing on this subject. :rolleyes:

I'm glad you like talking about things you know nothing about. You must have started playing XMP long after Legend died.

Please stop posting garbage. I don't care what class you played as, I don't care how long you played the game, I don't care how big your stupid e-Penis is. All I care is that you are just like all the other people who complain about certain features of the game THAT DON'T NECESSARILY NEED TO BE CHANGED. For the sake of argument, the dodging. Most people are whining because they can't start dodging before they hit the ground. WHY DON'T YOU TRY GETTING USED TO IT BEFORE YOU WHINE ABOUT IT. Is it any wonder that I have found less than 3% of your posts to contain any information worth reading? Your posts are longer than your e-Penis and contain just as little information. You only insult me? So you admit you are a regular at ataricommunity? :rolleyes:


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
My point is that you obviosuly dont know what your talking about and if you want to resort to petty name calling then go ahead. Have you actually seen the dodging in thrid person? It is a problem, everyone who is any good knows this. The animation slows down, the model hovers in mid air with his feet performig a sort of slow dodge, that is my point about dodging- hovering. I don't care whether you care what class I am but when you dismiss my arguments because I only play ranger, I must correct you since that is a flawed reason, you cannot base your arguments on something that is complete bollocks. I don't have the patience to argue with you and I don't really care, I've made my points that most others have said somewhere along the line; the weapon problems, the crosshair problems, the dodging problems. Hopefully FMI will look at these and decide an appropriate course of action. End.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2004
Mantik said:
You're all just too used to the way the pistol was OVER powered in u2.
a reduced damage would be a more viable way then - it is still a close combat weapon where a high rate of fire is essential.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
because it would make no sense - we are crying since we DONT WANT to get used to a crappy balance ;)


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Jurai said:
Have you actually seen the dodging in thrid person? It is a problem, everyone who is any good knows this. The animation slows down, the model hovers in mid air with his feet performig a sort of slow dodge, that is my point about dodging- hovering.
Since you don't know the mechanics of the engine, I'll ignore that part. I already agreed in another thread that there IS A PROBLEM with the dodging. But most of the people that are complaining are complaining about not being able to dodge the instant they hit the ground. So yes, there is a problem with dodging, but don't complain when it's not exactly the same even after it's fixed.
I don't care whether you care what class I am but when you dismiss my arguments because I only play ranger, I must correct you since that is a flawed reason, you cannot base your arguments on something that is complete bollocks.
I wasn't. I was talking about the majority of people complaining that have less than 15 posts and a join date less than 2 months ago.
I don't have the patience to argue with you and I don't really care, I've made my points that most others have said somewhere along the line; the weapon problems, the crosshair problems, the dodging problems. Hopefully FMI will look at these and decide an appropriate course of action. End.
Congratualtions, you are the third person on my ignore list :rolleyes:

Madman, I was talking specifically about dodging. I have never said there are no problems and the game is perfect, but the things people are whining about are making me sick.


Registered user
Feb 17, 2004
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