I noticed that several times too... I was zoomed in really far on a target that was standing still, and I couldn't hit him.|pure|Destruction said:Also at long distances you cant hit someone like in u2xmp. Id like to have that range back.
I noticed that several times too... I was zoomed in really far on a target that was standing still, and I couldn't hit him.|pure|Destruction said:Also at long distances you cant hit someone like in u2xmp. Id like to have that range back.
Nemephosis said:Personally I don't think the Ranger is fast enough. Isn't he supposed to be the scout class? Well, when I can just about keep pace with a Ranger while I am a Tech, then there's no point to the ranger for me considering the tech gets better weapons and has the fastest hacking speed, which to me is critical.
.pot.OptimusPrime said:Nerfing rangers is only good for the game. Snipers had already become too cocky with their ridiculous dexterity and speed. The balance was pretty screwed up in U2 towards ranger which seems to be "fixed" by accident now. In ol´ XMP I (a pretty good gunner say what you say) could never frag as experienced ranger due to overwhelming speed advantage.
[Shadow]Aksen said:... Something is wrong when i can kill 3x as many people when i play gunner.
Sir_Brizz said:I think it's currently known.
I agree the pistol is messed up, but other than that I think the ranger is the most powerful class right now (super sniper rifle and less lag).
The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.Magwa said:Ok them is fighting wordshow in the name of everything holy can you say that? ok 1 the pistol is nerfed and the crosshair for it is nonexcistant result pistol usless..2 the sniper rifle now has some lame ass distance thing you can not snipe from very far away and that crosshair is usless result rifle usless...3 so now the ranger is left with a shock lance that has a slower secondary and grenades that 1,,have no smoke 2 have little bang for the buck..add to this that half the time dodging does not work and that if you get anywhere near a techs shotgun or a gunners rockets you melt result ranger is the most underpowered under gunned class in this game.
Sir_Brizz said:I agree the pistol is messed up, but other than that I think the ranger is the most powerful class right now
Sir_Brizz said:I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing
Sir_Brizz said:The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.
Originally Posted by Sir_Brizz
The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.
Oh wow, you ARE a genius AREN'T YOU?Lippen said:Omf, twice as powerful? What have you played, instagib or something? Try the real game with some sense in your head before you write stuff you don't have an idea about..
btw.. this is what you've played
<-- instagib, look at that sniper <3
Sir_Brizz said:That's how it's been for the past days. You can't tell me the ranger is "nerfed" when they still get pretty much one shot kills with the sniper rifle.