Ranger underpowered? discuss.

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VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
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|pure|Destruction said:
Also at long distances you cant hit someone like in u2xmp. Id like to have that range back.
I noticed that several times too... I was zoomed in really far on a target that was standing still, and I couldn't hit him.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Personally I don't think the Ranger is fast enough. Isn't he supposed to be the scout class? Well, when I can just about keep pace with a Ranger while I am a Tech, then there's no point to the ranger for me considering the tech gets better weapons and has the fastest hacking speed, which to me is critical.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Nemephosis said:
Personally I don't think the Ranger is fast enough. Isn't he supposed to be the scout class? Well, when I can just about keep pace with a Ranger while I am a Tech, then there's no point to the ranger for me considering the tech gets better weapons and has the fastest hacking speed, which to me is critical.

Yeah. And ranger´s kilometer shooting radius and ability to heal others are nothing. I don´t get it how people cannot lose the tech from their tail. Sniper´s speed is just superior and no other class is match for them in this matter. It´s just ranger´s own stupidity if he cannot take full advantage of his skills. If this "lacking" speed is meant to be cheesed (warcraft III term for using overpowered strat) in close combat then I say NO WAY. Snipers aren´t meant to hang around in the hottest armored action than observing from moderate distances picking someone off every now and then and serving as medics.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
speaking of the sniperrifle range. just tested it and it's way to short.

when you are on garden outside the red base, standing next to the left pillar facing the blue side, the farest you can hit a target is about to the 'red team generator'.

pistol and rifle seem to have the same range, but the shock lance can shot farer! about 1.25 times as far as the rifle. i would really like to see the sniperrifle being able to shot as far as you can see with it (u2xmp range or unlimited), or at least 3 times the range it has now.


Mar 18, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
Nerfing rangers is only good for the game. Snipers had already become too cocky with their ridiculous dexterity and speed. The balance was pretty screwed up in U2 towards ranger which seems to be "fixed" by accident now. In ol´ XMP I (a pretty good gunner say what you say) could never frag as experienced ranger due to overwhelming speed advantage.

I disagree. In u2xmp I played all three classes... i was never a very good tech, but I can deal the same damage as ranger and as gunner. When playing as gunner I never felt that rangers were too powerful, and when i played as ranger i never thought gunners were too powerful. The classes are balanced and fun.

When you play as gunner, you have to make different tactical moves when you're out in the open, and as a ranger you need different tactics in close quarters. All classes can become useful in one way or another in all situations, you just have to use the advantages to your ability. The ranger is nerfed... Something is wrong when i can kill 3x as many people when i play gunner.
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Dec 6, 2004
Ottawa, ON, Canada
[Shadow]Aksen said:
... Something is wrong when i can kill 3x as many people when i play gunner.

I used to play ranger almost exclusively, but have also switched to gunner now (except on Garden). I find the ranger just not effective anymore, plus I love the effects of the gunner's grenades, the incindiaries are great and the concussion grenades are just fun (do they do much damage?).


UT Newbie/Eldar Farseer/Anime lover
Dec 12, 2004
i think that personally the Ranger has WAY too much HP for a scout unit, I remeber able to take 8 htis from rockets before dieng, I think it should be lower, beacause he ahs as much HP as a regular unit


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Ranger is fine as is ... just needs the pistol fixed, more range on sniper, as well as better sniper crosshair and, if I want to be nitpicky, the sniper scope horizontal crosshairs aren't exactly aligned.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
I think it's currently known.

I agree the pistol is messed up, but other than that I think the ranger is the most powerful class right now (super sniper rifle and less lag).

Ok them is fighting words :) how in the name of everything holy can you say that? ok 1 the pistol is nerfed and the crosshair for it is nonexcistant result pistol usless..2 the sniper rifle now has some lame ass distance thing you can not snipe from very far away and that crosshair is usless result rifle usless...3 so now the ranger is left with a shock lance that has a slower secondary and grenades that 1,,have no smoke 2 have little bang for the buck..add to this that half the time dodging does not work and that if you get anywhere near a techs shotgun or a gunners rockets you melt result ranger is the most underpowered under gunned class in this game.


XMP Beta Tester
Oct 25, 2002
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I used to be almost exclusivly ranger, except when needed i'd go tech. Now however, i find myself playing gunner more and more. Aside from the cross hair problems, the weapons just don't feel the same. Maybe they are, but something's off, maybe movement I don't know. Just the gunner seems to be the best choice now. I personally think first release should have been a replica of U2XMP, then chagned...but I"ll have a full critique or what not on the weekend


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Magwa said:
Ok them is fighting words :) how in the name of everything holy can you say that? ok 1 the pistol is nerfed and the crosshair for it is nonexcistant result pistol usless..2 the sniper rifle now has some lame ass distance thing you can not snipe from very far away and that crosshair is usless result rifle usless...3 so now the ranger is left with a shock lance that has a slower secondary and grenades that 1,,have no smoke 2 have little bang for the buck..add to this that half the time dodging does not work and that if you get anywhere near a techs shotgun or a gunners rockets you melt result ranger is the most underpowered under gunned class in this game.
The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
Im a dead Ranger... why? Cause im underpowered!

(jk! offline screenshot just to show how pretty I am dead.)


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.

Twice as powerful, what game you play ?

get real........


May 30, 2004
Originally Posted by Sir_Brizz
The sniper rifle is like twice as powerful though, which is what I was talking about. I didn't mean that nothing needed fixing, I just can't believe people are ditching the Ranger for other classes when the SR is so grossly overpowered at closer ranges.

Omf, twice as powerful? What have you played, instagib or something? Try the real game with some sense in your head before you write stuff you don't have an idea about..

btw.. this is what you've played

:instagib: <-- instagib, look at that sniper <3


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
According to the changelist they just added to the bug forum... headshots weren't implemented.

That right there could account for the nerf right off the bat.

That and they fixed the pistol too.

Hopefully we'll see a patch in a week or so to test the balance some more.

Magwa - They're increasing the sniper range. I really wish they would use the old crosshair when zoomed in from Unreal 2. The UT2004 one is really limiting IMHO. Although the ability to change your zoom with the mouse wheel was the nicest feature for sniping in Unreal 2.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Lippen said:
Omf, twice as powerful? What have you played, instagib or something? Try the real game with some sense in your head before you write stuff you don't have an idea about..

btw.. this is what you've played

:instagib: <-- instagib, look at that sniper <3
Oh wow, you ARE a genius AREN'T YOU?

I was overexaggerating a little, but I get killed by Sniper spamming on just about every server almost all the time. I do get killed by other gunners/techs occasionally, but then I see single tracers flying about and...dead...

That's how it's been for the past days. You can't tell me the ranger is "nerfed" when they still get pretty much one shot kills with the sniper rifle.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
That's how it's been for the past days. You can't tell me the ranger is "nerfed" when they still get pretty much one shot kills with the sniper rifle.

If they try to keep to the damage setting of U2XMP, then that sounds about right. Every class can get killed in 2 shots
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