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May 24, 2001
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Well you see that's what realy peaves me, you see if they had ignored *nix completely, you know ... what the hell, it's not their developement platform etc ... I can live with that (not happily). But no, no, no you can't not have a dedicated server cause most of the server machines out there are *nix boxes so we have to have a server, so why not go the extra mile and give us a bloody client as well. It's effing annoying, ripping the piss and deserves a boycot (I'll hate valve untill they release mac, and linux clients as good netizens should).

No hard feeling with sentry (only gratitude for what they gave us so far), they chose the best engine for their needs and the one they feel will bring the widest playerbase. Non windows users are obviously not a priority for them any more ...


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
well it's a question of demand... the is enough linux server request to justify the work overhead to it. But not enough demand to justify porting the whole game to linux. The server part of the game is probably the part which is less complicated of all to bring into linux/any OS. But if you use MS propriatary systems for rendering, well, you are in trouble graphic wize. Of course you could use OpenGL to code your game engine...


May 24, 2001
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Not only that but all you realy need to do is substitute system and library calls with equivalent ones (UT2K4 contains wine code for this reason). It's not like it hasn't been done before Heavy Gear 2 was entirely ported by Loki and it was all writen in DX ...

I agree on the fact that it's a question of overhead ... demand I don't know ... 10000 sigs on an ATI petition (without considering mac users) would suggest otherwise ...


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
It's one thing to write a server - all you have to do is manage player locations, physics, weapons, bullets, all their locations—then passing that information onto all the connected clients. It's much more difficult to re-design the rendering engine for a different API, as well as redesign the input and sound engines for one or two OTHER APIs, or even write their own, not to mention redesigning steam to work in a linux environment. Valve always intended to run steam on a windows client, so their steam server would probably have to be redesigned to accomodate different filesystems on connect—something they didn't have to do before. Of course, this doesn't even mention mods, which use Visual Studio 6 compiled C++ DLL's to run. That doesn't port nicely to other systems like Unrealscript files did.

So, yes, this is the worst case scenereo, but it's still pretty bad. I completely understand their reasoning behind not doing it.


Jan 27, 2002
Keganator, the quake games use C++ as well, and they are 100% portable. Even UT2k4 which was written mostly in Direct3D was ported since day one.
There's not HL (1 or 2) client for linux because Valve doesn't care about linux, that's all. There's not technical reasons behind that.


May 24, 2001
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No need to kill billy and steve, just orgasnise a good hack and run to their bank acounts ...

I think what Keg means is that the C++ code is optimised for the M$ VC compiler and uses windows system calls, but I don't see any reason why a suitably proted version couldn't use GCC (other than the time and effort to clean the codebase and make it portable)


Jan 27, 2002
Turin_Turambar said:
doh!. 99,99% of professional games are written in C++. Linux games, windows games, console games, etc.
You're either joking or beeing stupid... I'll choose the later ;)

I meant that the Quake games use C++ for mods while UT use UnrealScript.


Pls don´t shoot to the Asha´man
Oct 9, 2002
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Freon said:
You're either joking or beeing stupid... I'll choose the later ;)

I meant that the Quake games use C++ for mods while UT use UnrealScript.

and i think you also are stupid ;). My point is, HL2 could be in others S.O. and also their mods, if the programmers would wanted it. But it's not the case.


Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
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It is great to hear that the next Inf project has been set in motion. I've been trying out a lot of games during my time away from Inf and none of them have even come close. It doesn't matter how many years it takes for the next Inf to be complete, I'm sure as hell coming back and I'm sure many of the other C22-muppets will also return. Like it or not ;)

I can only express my gratitude for choosing HL2 as the next engine as I did buy only three games in 2004 from which HL2 costed me more than the two other games combined. So I didn't waste my money after all! Finally a mod I can look forward to. :D