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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
As much as I remain concerned over Steam and will probably not be able to play Infiltration as I refuse to purchase Half-Life 2, this was probably the only real choice out of all the engines.


Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
I want to say thank you to the Sentry Studios team as a whole for all the fun i had with Infiltration, first as a mutie/mod then as a total conversion in the unreal engine, since the first Unreal game.

Good bye to you Sentry Studios, i wish you a great success for your total conversion in the source engine, it is deserved for being so in advance to your time in the realism gaming scene, when i see how much advance you had in front of my favorite game Operation Flashpoint.

The awesome work you made on your Infiltration gave me a lot of entertaining games during all those years.

Thank you again for all you produced that i enjoyed so much.

And good bye to all the good folks moving to the future Infiltration source website/forum too, those i had the chance to play with on servers, one of the finest gaming community.

Thank you for the games we had together, i will not follow you on source, but i hope you will have the same great fun with the future evolution of Infiltration.

Take care people and remember to popup sometimes in the BUF forum to say hello, as i stay there until the end of the internet ;)


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Very good news. I'm very happy with the choice of engine and I am very happy to see that this team of professional mod development chose not to put all the attention on the steam/source detractors.

Source is a very nice engine and a nice piece of software engineering. I can only forsee very good things for infiltration.

Now mappers, start mapping ;)
(j/k I know you still need to know the scale... :p)


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Engine-wise Source/HL2 probably is the best & most realistic choice for a mod like Infiltration.

This is IMHO the only team that I can trust to deliver what they think is the best possible. No other team would have dared to support what was/is a highly specialised mod for what is an outdated engine.

The fact that Valve can (and will) determine the fate of any Steam-based game I've got is enough for me to not follow you to your next home.
Some may call it 'snobisme', but those that do also forget that the Inf-community has also had a somewhat elitist/snobist attitude towards not-so-realistic games & mods.

So good luck with your new mod and may it get the community it deserves.
You really really deserve more luck & succes this time.

For me it's over and out until Valve comes to its senses and kills Steam.

- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
I just do not know if I shall like the choice or not. I fear to see too many old faces go, and the known faces are a very important part of this game for me.


New Member
Sep 22, 1999
coquitlam, bc, Canada
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It is with mixed feelings that I greet the news on the switch.


I suppose I've always been an Unreal fanboy and Mods like Infiltration gave Unreal an added flair I could always point to as reason for my position(on top of just the default greatness of the various engines). Unlike other games, I've always downloaded installed Maps, Mods, and all types of other content for Unreal.

HL2(or Unreal Cons)

However, Infiltration and Unreal in General has always been somewhat inaccessable to me, Onlline. When I had 56k it was very difficult to find a decent server for any Unreal gametypes from my location, but it was easy finding one in the original HL. When I got Cable I thought my problems were over, they got worse for Unreal(became impossible to play where as before there was a slim chance), but much better for HL(and now HL2). I'm sure the problem lies with my Internet and not with the Netcode, but it exists nonetheless. This is why I welcome the switch.

HL2 has gained a great asset in the addition of Infiltration and Unreal has lost one, sad, but also welcomed.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
My one warning about going to Half-Life 2, aside from sever reservations about Steam, is to be wary of other mods already in the works for HL2 that are doing, in theory, pretty much the same thing. Mod glut can kill community.
Jul 26, 2003
JaFO said:
The fact that Valve can (and will) determine the fate of any Steam-based game I've got is enough for me to not follow you to your next home.

You seem to have the impression that Valve are bad guys. They aren't, they're the good guys. For example, my friend knows the guy that did CS-Vegas, and when valve bought the map from him, later down the track that asked him to update it. They asked to add a crate and move a wall (dunno if they paid him to update it, but i'd imagine so), something they could have easily done themselves, but they didn't. They repsected the fact that this was his map.
Steam isn't so bad. At first i didn't like it, but i got used to it and found it to be very handy in it's later versions. It loads in a few seconds, uses little resources, organises my games and mods, and automatically updates things for me. I can understand any dislike of Steam if you have dialup, however ;)

Arethusa said:
My one warning about going to Half-Life 2, aside from sever reservations about Steam, is to be wary of other mods already in the works for HL2 that are doing, in theory, pretty much the same thing. Mod glut can kill community.

Well, i'd imagine Inf having a better reputation and history than any other competing mod which will be misfortunate for them :D


Jan 11, 2001
I have mixed feelings too.
I trust very much SS on the technical aspect of their decision, i'm sure they know better than most of us.
However i share some concerns about something mentionned before, it's the fierce competition that will hold between several mods in progress. Insurgency, for example, has basically the same development roadmap as infiltration : harcore realism infantry. Is there room for Inf on this popular platform ? We'll see. Anyhow i'll be there to try it out for sure.

On a more personnal side some other stuff bothers me :
- steam
- learning to use the editor on a totally different engine (damn i already had begun to learn stuff on Ued3)
- leaving the BU forums. These forums have been part of my daily browsing for almost 5 years, i'm sure gonna miss them.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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So far I've had nothing but good experiences with Steam. Well, no bad ones, anyway. My games get updated, I'm keeping track of my gaming buddies and my games are ready to play. That's all I really want and need. I'm having a hard time seeing Steam being the devil reincarnated, as some people seem to believe.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Well I figured they would pick Source and I myself do have some concerns but since I knew along time ago that I would not be playing the next version online, due to connection issues that will not be fixed in a year, no matter what they pick for me it really is not an issue.

I still plan to follow Infiltration and may even learn to map.

Good luck guys and dolls.


May 24, 2001
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Now I'm realy in a bad mood!

Well, all I can say is thankyou to sentrystudios and all the people who have and are makeing inf on unreal such an enjoyable experience.

Unfortunately the choice of useing the source engine cuts me out from using the game, I might give windows a spin to have a look at it, but that'll be all ...
Last edited:
Jul 26, 2003
Linux user i take it? Well, there's bound to be a linux version of HL2 eventually (who knows, maybe just intime for the first Souce Inf public release ;)).