OICW said:
The only thing is, the Inf team would face stiff competition from the Insurgency mod, especially from the community who would dismiss Inf as a Insurgency ripoff.
Thats kinda what I thought about it too. Two similar games on the same engine. I´m on the Insurgency forums too (well not in last time), but as beppo said, no matter how you say both are military MP games, they will differ as white from black.
Most of the guys there are from the RO mod, thats why I have no single doubt, that INS will have the mosr awesone weapon models (models at all) and awesome texturing (hope INF will have same qualitiy

But I know RO and how it was spelled as very realistic, but what I found out? Just another semirealistic_weapon freezed on the right side_unflexible ironsight in the center_pistol on the right side_thing. It makes me puke and I doubt INS will change that 'law' of game stupidy (as I use to call it

SS is the most flexible and creative team, if it is about to simulate realism and I hope they wipe out everything was less good in INF2.9 (and include my lowready stuff

... just a bad joke

Beppo said:
I can say that our design is way different from theirs if you take realistic movement, iron sights and team play out of the comparison.
I would wish to include exactly this to comparisation (and seeing INF winning)

By the Way, CS is a hardcore rip off from Rainbow Six. INF is standalonity in person, at least it is a ripoff of reality (a bit exeggerated, but not to wrong).
By the Way 2, Steam drives me to install my newest Real Snob mutator v56,666 (Rsv56,666).