Pistols & Knives Only matches !

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Jan 4, 2001

Dark - if everyone is in accordance with playing pistols - nothing wrong with it.

If everyone is not, then something is wrong, I broke a pistol game up last night, but not because I didn't want to, because someone esle didn't want to. No big deal... TK'n a non pistol user? immediate kick from myself on any of my servers. It is gay to make someone play a certain way... but... I find it disturbing that you are so against it on a public server. MUF has 3 public servers and 2 private servers. I have seen many many pistol fights on these servers. As well as knife fights.

I see this two ways, If I join and someone starts telling me (the admin) how to play I will not take it nicely... I will raise hell and make them change their tone(this has happened). If they say pistols only please gnat, then I will say ok, changing my loadout or I will leave. Simple as that.

I tried to follow the link to the MUTATOR but I CAN"T find it. It took me to some weird place, please repost a link to this mutator and we will set up a certain day for pistols/knifes on one of the muf servers!!!!


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
About pistol only mutator ask to ZundFolge. He saved a lot of captain pathetico mutator.

I'm not angainst pistol only matches on public server !
I don't like it, it is not the same !

if everyone is in accordance with playing pistols - nothing wrong with it.

Agree !

TK'n a non pistol user? immediate kick from myself on any of my servers

Glad to hear that!
Because I experienced it yesterday for one more time !
I hate this kind of stupid guys !

I'm just AGAINST people who try to force others to play like they don't want to !

crazy talk

New Member
Apr 29, 2001
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yes i have been shot in the back once by a guy trying to force his will, actually it was 2 guys lol you might no them they go by crackwhore and rozer they are both apart of a clan i think (ld). after they tked me i just killed them everyround after that and eveytime i see them it will be the same. now when they join the same server they go on the other team lol. so if someone tk's you on pupose just retaliate at the begining of the round and kill them. i'm against tking but i'm not against defending yourself.


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
How the banning system work ? It is an IP based system ?

Because most people have Dynamic IP adresses. And you can change you name like you want too...


Jan 4, 2001

first you ban an ip, if they come back ban another one, it bans ips and names. If they keep coming back ban their subnet, that'll stop em along with their neighbors :)


oldfartis nongratis
Jun 4, 2001
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Pistols and 'nades rocks!

I joined an impromptu pistols and 'nade game, it was awesome, some guy would try and come in with a shotgun, or an MP5. and we'd take him out anyway. Awsome gameplay, Texas Bank is an awesome level for it too, I got dropped after about a half an hour but it was an enjoyable game.
Pistols only

OK, my $0.02.

I think pistols-only matches are a blast. However, they usually (there are always exceptions) only work well when there are just a few people on the server.

Here's where they don't work well: when one or two people out of 12 or more decide it's time to have a pistols-only match. It's darned difficult to get a dozen other people to agree. It's harder to guage the consensus than has been suggested in this topic (the idea that all you need to do is take a vote and see if 90% or more agree). I've been in matches where the instigators vigorously claim (usually with much whining and cursing) that a majority have agreed to a pistol match when I've seen NO vote, and NO indication that a majority has even expressed an opinion.

Sometimes I go along with it if there seems to be a few others who want to change to pistols-only. Until I get blown away by someone's automatic weapon or M203, when is what usually happens. Then I go back to automatic weapons because I ain't going to let THAT happen again, and sure enough -- one of the pistols-only instigators TKs me. There is NO WAY to get everyone to vote on this issue in most games, most people just don't speak up. I've seen it many times. I've seen it work only a few times. Regardless of the outcome, it always causes hard feelings, cursing and TK'ing.

IMO, pistols-only matches should be started only on servers set up for it (the aforementioned mutator) and on empty servers where a few people who want to play this way agree to meet and go for it. They can tell newcomers that they're playing pistols only, and that usually works -- the newcomers usually either comply or go elsewhere when they see that everyone is already using only pistols.

So, please, when you want a pistols-only match, go to a pistols-only server, or ask in a regular game for people who want to do pistols-only and get them to go with you to find ANOTHER server, an empty one, to start such a match. Don't try to change an already-full-up server to pistols-only in the middle of a match.

And GNAT, thank you, THANK YOU, for banning Crackwhore from MUF servers!


Frag you... Frag you very much...
Nov 28, 2000
Canada, up is ****ING Cold North!
Ummm since CAptain has taken down most of his mutators... does anybody have it kicking around... I want to setup a mostly permanent... pistols knifes and hand grenades only server... but I want it done right!

Post it here if you have it.


Frag you... Frag you very much...
Nov 28, 2000
Canada, up is ****ING Cold North!
Well i got it to work... but just not as I would like... the server is up


but it's pistols only DE and M9

I wish I knew Uscript... I could modfy it the way I need...

All the pistols, knife and handgrenades...


New Member
Oct 21, 2000
You can create your own team loadouts with INFCustomArena. The ini is already set to give both teams all the pistols (2 clips each), 3 nades, and a knife.