Pistols & Knives Only matches !

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Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
I use pistols like a side arm ! :rolleyes:

And I will use it more often that way in the 2.86 because of the tweaking of the QA buton ;)


bah, what do i know
Apr 8, 2001
Visit site
im gonna have to go with DarkBLS on this 1

even though i love pistol matches and i hate the ppl who join a server all playing pistols and m-203 everyone, seeing as it is public and you are allowed to play with whatever strategy u want, be it camping or using a shotty. as long as its not cheating than its ok to do


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Re: im gonna have to go with DarkBLS on this 1

Originally posted by Edge(Tribe)
even though i love pistol matches and i hate the ppl who join a server all playing pistols and m-203 everyone, seeing as it is public and you are allowed to play with whatever strategy u want, be it camping or using a shotty. as long as its not cheating than its ok to do

And on the same note, it is a public server, i can tk the bastard that is using the m16 when we all doing poistols until i turn blue in the face..

Yes, you can do whatever you want on a public server, just beware the consequences.. You walk into a match and they tell you to use a certain weapon, whatever it may be, and if you don't, don't expect to be let to do what you want without some resistance.

Just like real life.. another one of them wierd "realistic" aspects of the game.


bah, what do i know
Apr 8, 2001
Visit site

backstabbers are a great thing to have. people shoot u in the back for using a perfectly legal way of playing.

You walk into a match and they tell you to use a certain weapon, whatever it may be, and if you don't, don't expect to be let to do what you want without some resistance.

resistance as in tk'ing them until they conform or leave?



I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Re: yeah

Originally posted by Edge(Tribe)
backstabbers are a great thing to have. people shoot u in the back for using a perfectly legal way of playing.

resistance as in tk'ing them until they conform or leave?


Legal? Get off the "there is a right way to play the game" stuff.. there isn't, just live with it.

Resistance is as follows:

When the player enters the game, you alert them to the type of game you are playing, ie.. pistols only..

If they say no, you ask them to please leave

If they agree then they agree and get out a pistol *which almost everyone does cept for the few retards*

If they ignore you and do not respond and do nnot switch after one round, you let them play a second round. If still no responce and they not using whatever they were asked to use by the popular vote on the server, their team opens fire on that player till he leaves.

They very seldom actually switch to pistol after they been tk'd a few times, they usually just leave and goto a diff server *cus there are more then 1 you know*

That is bout what resistance is.. I love tk, i promote it, but it is the last on the list. Although if a guy REALLY sucks, and some do, they are sometimes aloud to use whatever they want, depending on how the server players are feeling.


I love tk'ing and ghost recon is the smart thing to do.


Herald of the Newest Dawn
/me Points a Finger at BrownCow and mutters

you hit a nerve,

Legal? Get off the "there is a right way to play the game" stuff.. there isn't, just live with it.

Pray to whatever God or Gods your sorry ass believes in that you never find me in a INF game, because your head will have 3 9mm rounds in from the back of it before you even figure out the match has started, people like you NEED to be shot.

I love tk'ing and ghost recon is the smart thing to do.

I can understand if this is some sort of stupid ass joke, but it's not, is it...no..it's not...


Get real, Communism is dead, only third world countries have it now.

If they agree then they agree and get out a pistol *which almost everyone does cept for the few retards*

Obviously you NEVER pull out a pistol, being the retard you are.

If you are playing a pistols only match, and someone says no, and you ask them to leave, and they don't, then don't TK them, let them play, Pistols Only Matches are bull**** anyways, if you wanna use a damn handgun pull out your M9 or *shudders* DE and shoot everyone else, if you're good witht eh thing you shouldn't have to worry about the fact that Everyone else is smart and is playing realistically by carrying assault weapons. If you're really into using pistols, practice with them, and use them in normal games, don't force people like me to play pistols only just cause there are no other good servers out there, and yes, occasionally, there's only one.


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Ok Gaberial.. I always use a pistol, if you had EVER played against me ever you would know this.. And I do very well with my de only loadout.. SO, i can on autos and shottys easy, cept in a few cases where the players are actually good. But if you good, it makes 0 difference what weapon you use, you will kill with whatever.

I am not even a big fan of pistol only battles, just cuz they aren't a challenge really. Which is why i only use a pistol to begin.. I'm not braggin, I just have no problem killing people with a sig and it is boring as hell. At least with the pistol i have to work to get on the top.

Believe it or not a pistol does take a better aim then a sig or m16, it is way more of a challenge, and some people play this game for the challenge, not everyone just wants to be the king of the hill you know... We aren't all macho alpha male jack offs..... ok.. maybe we are.. but still!


Herald of the Newest Dawn
My friend, when you spell my name right (is it that hard to spell?) then I shall realize that I am wrong.

Now, as to me ebign good, yes, I am, as to you being good, or using a pistol only, I don't know, but you advocate TKing and Ghost Reconing, therefore I will TK you and then let you ghost recon for my team, I usually make up the lost points rather quick.


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Then i shall have to find what server you hide on and put you in your place. Ghost recon is perfectly fine, it actually makes the game much more enjoyable. If you think that "hey i know where he is so that means i'll kill him" is what ghost recon is about then you are foolish. Ghost recon just speeds up a slow game, no one sober wants to wait 5 min for 1 guy to find 1 other guy, that is boring. And just cuz you know where he is don't mean you can kill him.. It just speeds up the natural process.. So where is ghost recon bad?

And of course i promot ghost recon and tk'ing, it is the most fun topic to have people bitch about. And you don't even really know if i do either. But it pushes buttons and that is fun.

My fav part of today is when i took out my whole team with 1 clip of my de... it was great. 5 headshots in a row :) gotta start taking demos of this stuff.


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by Gabriel
Yeah, I wanna see your aimbot in action!
TKs and Ghost Recon make the game LESS fun, Ghost Recon simply because it makes it les realistic and TKs are obvious.

IF ghost recon is so unrealistic then explain to me 5 40mm grenades hitting in a hall in a building and not having thta building fall on someone.

There is very few actual relistic thing in inf.. Saying someone isn't realistic and not liking it for that reason is ignorant. At least have a good excuse not to like it.

Ghost recon adds to the stragity.. and guess what, we don't have scouts in inf.. They do in real life, and the ghosts act as those scouts.

I was against ghost recon, then i used rw and it was much much more fun to play, you ddin't wonder around for 5 min looking for someone on sicily, it got straight to the point. And in any case, if both teams are ghost reconing, it cancels it out. And that is what should be going on.

I'd use my aim bot on ya, but it has bugs, so i'll have to just use nades. sorry. And tk's don't make the game less fun either i'm afraid to say.. When i get tk'd, big deal, i wait till next round. A death is a death, if you don't like waiting for the round then of course tk is gunna suck, but so does dying period!

I'm gunna play some more tonight and see how many players i can tk before they kill me.. it is gunna be a blast.


Herald of the Newest Dawn
/me yawns

40 mike mike grens don't have the POWER to blow a building down, they're anti personelle Fragmentation grenades, they're pressure blast isn't anywhere NEAR what would eb neccesary to blow a building up, maybe a wood shack but only if it was a rickety one.

Also, When people die in real life they die, they don't come back as ghosts and recon for their team. That's unrealistic.

As to your statement of us lacking scouts and the real world having them...

The real world has scouts if people act as scouts,

INF works the same way.

As to TKing not being fun, When I'm purposely being TKed I'm not having fun, I'm glad you LIKE purposely getting TKed but that's your fetish not mine.

All in all browncow, I think you're brown cause you're a heaping pile of ****.


ballistically challenged
Apr 23, 2001
Denmark, duh
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The direction this thread took really annoys me...

Why do a story about people discovering that playing a pistol only teamdeathmatch game can be fun, has to be turned into a story about evil opressive players that use heavyhanded methodes to force something un-fun down innocents throat ????

...its not realistic.

Who cares! ....is it fun?

...make a private server.

Year right, everytime the people on some public server feel like a change in pace they gotta go elsewhere when they are already on a server that has the bandwidth that is nessesary to these kind of games.

...go play a different mod.

Why? ...peope are having fun on this one!

...but its not realisme!!!!

*sigh* public servers is not realistic to begin with, if you realisme people where rulers of everything, everyone would be required to sign up through a clan and go trough basic training before being even allowed to play a real match and public servers would't exisist along with offline play.

I DO to a degree understand the goal of Infiltration and that the targetgroup of players is hardcore realisme crackhead addicts :) and with that i also expect that at some point i will no longer be able to have fun playing this mod.

...but for gods sake just cause a person, still flying on the happyrush from having fun in a pistol-only-match, posts here in an attempt to share, is no reason to make it a look like having fun in Infiltration is a bad thing.

imho, the message was not: "We forced people to play our way by tk'ing them"
...it was: "hey pistol only matches can be fun"

Besides the point:
...I agree intentional tk'ing is bad, i don't like it because it interupts the fun the people is "proberbly having".

It is stupid considering its suppose to be tdm, but the fact that intentional tk'ing in a tdm game is not how the game "should be played", is actually secondary to me when i compare it with the un-fun factor of it.

If a player joins 4-5 people on a public server having fun with a pistols-only-match, yet after realising this desides to be a jerk and spoil the fun people where having - Intentionally!
...is almost as bad as running around and doing intentional tk'ing, its sertainly equally un-fun.

Disclaimer: English is my secondary language, so if you must resort to criticising gramma (or is it grammar) or punctuation, please post the full paragraf(s) with your corrections instead of just pointing them out!

Tommy Atkins

Older, but no wiser
Mar 17, 2001
Re: yeah

Two things:

Originally posted by Edge(Tribe)

resistance as in tk'ing them until they conform or leave?

2. Does nobody else smell Forum Troll here? (No, not you Edge...)