The direction this thread took
really annoys me...
Why do a story about people discovering that playing a pistol only teamdeathmatch game can be fun, has to be turned into a story about evil opressive players that use heavyhanded methodes to force something un-fun down innocents throat ????
...its not realistic.
Who cares! it fun?
...make a private server.
Year right, everytime the people on some public server feel like a change in pace they gotta go elsewhere when they are already on a server that has the bandwidth that is nessesary to these kind of games.
...go play a different mod.
Why? ...peope are having fun on this one!
...but its not realisme!!!!
*sigh* public servers is
not realistic to begin with, if you realisme people where rulers of everything, everyone would be required to sign up through a clan and go trough basic training before being even allowed to play a
real match and public servers would't exisist along with offline play.
I DO to a degree understand the goal of Infiltration and that the targetgroup of players is hardcore realisme crackhead addicts

and with that i also expect that at some point i will no longer be able to have fun playing this mod.
...but for
gods sake just cause a person, still flying on the happyrush from having fun in a pistol-only-match, posts here in an attempt to share, is no reason to make it a look like having
fun in Infiltration is a bad thing.
imho, the message was
not: "We forced people to play our way by tk'ing them" was: "hey pistol only matches can be fun"
Besides the point:
...I agree intentional tk'ing is bad, i don't like it because it interupts the fun the people is "proberbly having".
It is stupid considering its suppose to be tdm, but the fact that intentional tk'ing in a tdm game is not how the game "should be played", is actually
secondary to me when i compare it with the un-fun factor of it.
If a player joins 4-5 people on a public server having
fun with a pistols-only-match, yet
after realising this desides to be a
jerk and spoil the
fun people where having -
almost as bad as running around and doing intentional tk'ing, its sertainly equally un-fun.
Disclaimer: English is my secondary language, so if you
must resort to criticising gramma (or is it grammar) or punctuation, please post the full paragraf(s) with your corrections instead of just pointing them out!