Pistols & Knives Only matches !

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I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by DarkBls

About your open court, you cannot build your own to play like you want. But in INF you CAN !

So open your own server, install a pistol only mutator and let normal people enjoy a normal INF game.

"normal" is an opinionated term.. When arguing you argue with facts, not yer opinion.

And the fact is, if you walk to a basketball court in a park or some other public facility, and they are playing a special set of rules that you don't like, you can either abide by their rules, or not play and go find a diff court. You cannot walk into their game and whine and expect them to change it just for you. And even worse would be to play their game, but go against their rules. You might get yerself shot in some cities for doing that. Piss off the wrong people and you be dead.

That is exactly the situation. It is as clear as i can explain it. If you still can't grasp it.. then i don't know what to tell ya.. You will be arguing this forever.
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Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
Whining ? No. Talking, screaming everything you want but not whining.

because pistolers *asked* him to conform or leave.

If you just ask to have a pistol fight, I very comfort with it. The only thing I'm strongly against is TKilling to force people to play like they don't want to

Nothing else !

By the way, yes I don't like pistols fights.
It is completly unrealistic for me. But If 2 teams on a private server or in a pub server with everyone willing I don't care.


I fail to understand the reasoning behind this[...]I'm pretty dumb

At least you admited it :rolleyes:

I don't see how something like this could even be an issue

How it could be ?
If someone start to TKilling to force playing pistols only, it is an issue.


Apr 8, 2001
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I suppose we agree more than it seems.

I am against TKing to get your wish in a game.

But, I believe that pistol fights should be allowed if 90% (not an exact number) of the people agree to it. The others aren't forced to play there, and it's not like it's the *only* server (And to get that high of a percent, it is either a really under populated server, or you have13-17 people wanting a pistol match).


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
The others aren't forced to play there, and it's not like it's the *only* server

For some people they have only one server at a good for play ping. So it could be the only server !

And if they are TKilled, they ARE forced !


Groin grabbingly good!
Apr 5, 2001
Originally posted by DarkBls
By the way, yes I don't like pistols fights.
It is completly unrealistic for me.

What's so unrealistic about it? It's guns isn't it? There is still teamwork and strategy, it's just not automatic weapons. So why is this unrealistic to you?


Apr 8, 2001
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Just because it is the lowest ping doesn't mean you have to play at that server. when I normally play, I am on a 784K DSL. But I also play over my 56k modem (Go laptop!). I go from 100ms to 400ms ping *easily*. So don't complain about ping time to me.


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Hey, DarkBls if you want i can give you a big ole list of things that are totally unrealistic in inf.. Everyone using pistols in a WAR is unrealistic, THIS is a game, a WAR consits of tens of thousands of soliders.. We get 16 total in a game of inf.. You cannot compare inf to war, it makes no sense. You might take on some of the same stragities, but that is all.

And i'm all for tk. I love it. no better way to get someone to leave or whatnot. You can whine and complain at someone all day to get them to stop doing something, the quickest solution is a bullet in the head. Best if it came from a teammate, then you know you're really not wanted.

If i have to, I will tk without hesitation.. And of course you will blow that out of perportion. I hardly ever actually tk. But i have no problem doing it if it is needed.

Poeple gotta lighten up on the whole tk issue.. YOu people make it sound like you are killing some endangered specie when it happens.. shesh.. It is only a game.. And there is nothing more intense then knowing that when you spawn someone on yer team will be looking for you right away.. You gotta move out quick and you will be paranoid till the guy after you is dead. I have not found this experiance in any other situation in inf.. Even 1 on 1 doesn't give you the same "hunt/hunted" feeling.


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
And i'm all for tk. I love it. no better way to get someone to leave or whatnot. You can whine and complain at someone all day to get them to stop doing something, the quickest solution is a bullet in the head. Best if it came from a teammate, then you know you're really not wanted.

If i have to, I will tk without hesitation.. And of course you will blow that out of perportion. I hardly ever actually tk. But i have no problem doing it if it is needed.


No comment :mad:

Yes I agree a war consits of tens of thousands soldiers. But INF is not a war, it is more a BATTLE.

if you want i can give you a big ole list of things that are totally unrealistic in inf

At least you can be usefull for something. Do it and post it in the new version suggestion. It will be fixed. ;)


Apr 8, 2001
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Ok, brown cow, that is extreme.

Yes, I TK. Only as a last resort though, and only if that person is TKing our team. There is no sense in TKing your own team, and anyone with common sense would shoot someone shooting at you, regardless of the colors that they wear.


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
and only if that person is TKing our team

Obvious and sensible.

Unfortunately some people here, seems to not be able to said anything like that :(
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Apr 8, 2001
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DarkBls, your last sentance didn't make *any* sense =-)

I think this is a case of trying to translate from a foreign language that doesn't follow the same rules (German to english is funny).

You know DBI for a "moderator" you seem to be having a hard time seeing this as anything but a "TKing is bad" issue. That isnt the point. You ARE RIGHT TKing is wrong, no one I have ever played with TKed someone until after they TKed first. After that its an issue of self-defense. People have been trying to point out that the issue has nothing to do with "forcing" people to do anything. I have been in lots of pistols matches. Frankly, its becoming more popular and doesnt seem to be an issue now UNLESS someone doesnt want to comply or leave and decides to ruin others fun by shooting everyone including teamates. I have no sympathy for the crybaby who is too stubborn to go elsewhere or try something new. And not getting your way is not justification to TK. So who is the problem? If the admin and all the OTHER players want to use pistols and a jerky boy decides to open up full-auto, of course, his team will "remove" him from spoiling the good natured mood that precedes a group decision to switch loadouts. This is not about whether TKing is bad. Its about respecting others. The punks that dont get their way and then decide to cause trouble deserve what they got. Pistols matches are not going to go away as long as ppl enjoy them or they wouldnt happen in the first place. More often than not 75% of all servers are idle. I am regularly the first guy in a map because I like to recon for strategic positions and plink stuff when I dont see a map or a crowd I like happening. I rarely get 5 minutes alone before someone else joins so I dont think anyone is being unfairly excluded. On the contrary, the reason I go into maps alone so often is that I dont like playing with TKers and spam beeyotches. But it usually only takes about 10 minutes before the previously vacant server has atleast 4 or more guys. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. If there is something I dont like I keep my mouth shut and go somewhere else or go outside and excercise. If others did the same we the online scene would be much cooler. But as this forums "moderator" its a huge disservice to your readers to paint everything in black and white. There are too many gray areas in RL to broadly condemn any group whose opinions differ from your own. So if you really do think infiltration is about "realism" (as I adamant about as well) then consider the fact that these arent VICTIMS of malicious mobs but just your common POORSPORT whose lack of social skills means the only way he knows how to get the attention his miserable soul craves is to anger others. What we ARE talking about is stopping this kind of luuuuuuuuuser from disrespecting the primary tenent of Infiltration. I believe that before every match the phrase "WORK WITH YOUR TEAMATES" is flashed on the screen. So lets assume its "realistic" that in a "battle" any soldier blatantly disregarding the mission parameters would be subject to a "field court-martial' in order to maintain conformity with the imperative command by the creators of this game. These are "traitors" we are talking about who refuse to participate in the current "mission" and will be treated as such. (by the way I AM GOING TO USE THE PISTOLS ONLY MOD IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER, I will always listen to your side try to hear ours) Thanks Bro- if its not fun do something else, please.....P-Bear


Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
I think you didn't understand me very well:

I'm for

  • Pistol only matches if everyone agree and the admin of server too.
  • Tkill someone for self-defense.

I'm against:

  • Serial Tkiller.
  • Tkill to force someone to have a deviant behavior
  • Pistol only if everybody doesn't want in a pub server.

But as this forums "moderator" its a huge disservice to your readers to paint everything in black and white. There are too many gray areas in RL to broadly condemn any group whose opinions differ from your own

I don't like pistol matche only, but I understand some people might like it in some situation (see above). So I don't think I see everything in black or white ! ;)

Your message worth a much deep answer from me, but I don't have the time now..
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Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
finally I have much more time than I though.

You know DBI for a "moderator" you seem to be having a hard time seeing this as anything but a "TKing is bad" issue

From my own on-line experience the end of such thing (pistol only, when someone doesn't want) is always a TKill.

You ARE RIGHT TKing is wrong

Glad to hear that ;)

. After that its an issue of self-defense. People have been trying to point out that the issue has nothing to do with "forcing" people to do anything

It depend of the offense ;)

doesnt seem to be an issue now UNLESS someone doesnt want to comply or leave and decides to ruin others fun by shooting everyone including teamates

I never talked about such case. I mainly talked about pistol matches in pub server where everyone doesn't want to play like that

If the admin and all the OTHER players want to use pistols and a jerky boy decides to open up full-auto, of course, his team will "remove" him from spoiling the good natured mood that precedes a group decision to switch loadouts.This is not about whether TKing is bad. Its about respecting others


If others did the same we the online scene would be much cooler. But as this forums "moderator" its a huge disservice to your readers to paint everything in black and white

See my previous post.

Conclusion: We are agree about what you said, but it wasn't the point of my though ;)
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Inf Ex-admin
Mar 5, 2000
Oh, another thing. Beeing a moderator doesn't means I'm above anyone and I cannot tell my opinion ;)


Herald of the Newest Dawn
I hate to say it, but I feel disgusted,

After reading ALL these posts I have only one thing to say....


Sorry, my Southern USA heritage decided to show up there.

Now on to me making my point: INF is about Real World Military Engagements

What Military has pistol only matches?

A server with a pistols only mutator is not where you'll find me.

I hate people that think they're better than anyone else..

I try to be friends to everyone...

And I read this thread and I see lots of DarkBls bashing..

Ouch, The french get flustered when things don't go there way....I gotta say, not knowing or caring where you are from, that you're probably the same damn way.

What I wanna know is where Heritage got into this thread about Pistols Only matches, that and why you guys were egging Bls, on. Now, if you wanna say he get;s pissy about things then fine, so do I, but when you do it to MAKE him get pissy then you need to take a quick double take and sit your ass down, no one needs to piss anyone else here off, the INF community is relatively small, we tend to remember things as well, it's best not to piss others in it off, we're all a family.

When it comes down to it, I don't like Pistols matches cause they go against everything INF is, which is to say they are unrealistic, just like John Woo films, now that's not saying I don't like John Woo's movies, but there kinda action just has no place in INF.

also about Bls Being a moderator and better than everyone else, well, he's a mod for a reason ;)

/me applauds Bls for handling this well and not closing the thread, or deleting it, but conversing with the public

I know mods that will ban people that call them pissy...