I got a 646mb zip file of all mah pr0n from when I was just a wee single guy. Dont look back at it anymore now I gotta real girl. Nice style Saph, thanks for the, um, pointers
@ Marginal btw
@ Marginal btw
Originally posted by Marginal
did i offensed some teenagers ?
* still continues to have fun *
Cool trick dudeOriginally posted by Kokensu
Hmm apparently you guys are ill-informed.
Of course you'd have to date back to DOS days to know this one probably so I can't blame you. Oh well here it goes...
If you go into DOS mode(or just a dos prompt) try holding down the ALT key and press 255 on the number pad.
By holding down the ALT key and hitting these numbers you're entering codes for all the ascii characters. 255 happens to be a blank space. However it's not really a space it just appears that way. Here's the trick.
If you create a directory and name it ALT+255(don't type the plus obviously ) it will show up as a space or underscore. So what? you ask. Well try to cd to that directory in the dos prompt. The ONLY way you can get into it is to type in that code(alt+255). So what? you ask again.
Well the cool thing about this is that windows 9x can't read this symbol. If you try to double click on this folder in windows explorer it will give you an error. If you do a search for any files stored in this directory they will not show up as windows cannot cd into it. You can get into this directory by going into DOS and renaming it to something normal.
It works great for storing passwords, confidential files and for those of you who have it, Pr0n. I don't think it works in NT based os's though so win2k and XP may not work with it(they may be able to read the directory).
Also there are more codes then 255 that do the same thing but I'm not telling all those.
Originally posted by Peregrine
Men are not being chivalrous when we hold open doors for you, or let you get on the elevator first. We're actually just checking you out!
Sorry guys, I had to tell her!
/me ducks!
Originally posted by LordKhaine
Speak for yourself
Some of us are true knights in shining armour
Originally posted by LordKhaine
Speak for yourself
Some of us are true knights in shining armour
Originally posted by LordKhaine
Speak for yourself
Some of us are true knights in shining armour
From Sapphy:
When did stupid people start using conputers?
From D66:
After that it is sub catagorised by fetish
Originally posted by Snipeo
I got a 646mb zip file of all mah pr0n from when I was just a wee single guy.