yurch said:
The AK ingame has more kick per shot than the SAW does.
That gun is far from 'handicapped'.
Ahhh but, with the AK u would shoot off short bursts of around 3-5rds to kill some1, with the SAW u would either camp in a window n shoot at ne1 who comes along, or when spotting a enemy u would crouch n lay down a fair amount of sustained fire to kill them and anyone following them, as most experianced players would stick together n have some1 covering their back.
With the Minimi, its a bit of a b!tch laying sow continuous fire when the gun i jumping all over the place, especially when u have to stand (in a window where when crouching the bottom is too high, and it is suicide to crouch in the window itself).
I'm not saying recoil should b lowered, i think it is good how it is, cus from what i recall it does jump around a bit when fired continuously standing unsupported, what should b done as it has been discussed before is that a bipod system should b introduced like in Call Of Duty: United Offensive, where u walk up to a ledge, an icon appears, n u press the deploy key n u deploy the weapon on the ledge.
I remember what was said about that idea, how a trigger would have to b placed on all ledges and likely deploy points, n that ain't gonna happen, so what i was thinkin was that mayb since we have that wondrous weaon collision that really bug me whan i try to change windows to fire my Minimi out of, is when u go upto a ledge, u move the weapon up slightly so it
just doesn't collide with the ledge, u press the deploy key, the mute detects that there is a colliding brush beneath it, n deploys the weapon onto that, n hey presto its deployed without triggers having to b placed in the map!