about the g3 , i used it yesterday on servers who have iwe,to give it a real chance, on docksideWE, tigerhunt2, and maybe some other map i forgot.
and its a great gun.
not really for close combat, but if you crouch its very powerfull.i dont think it has soo much recoil ..
if you use semi and prone, its a very efficient weapon.(for exemple the long alley on dockside, prone, 2shots in less than 1sec, the man is dead, another stafer comes, 2 shots, hes dead).
for long range shots , i did some one shots kills on semi on tigerhunt. because the accuracy is perfect and when you aim for the head or the chest, it goes.
the ability to quickly make 2 shots on semi with the g3 , with a great accuracy makes it a good gun.
it is going to be one of my favorite guns. i see it now as a gun like the minimi , when you are moving you are not really effective, but once you have stopped and set up a shooting position , you are deadly.
about the minimi , is the new recoil realistic ? i dont know guns but from a prone position with the bipod the recoil seems still very heavy