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stick that in you phife and smoke it!!!
Nov 29, 2002
Leeds, UK
Visit site
well as said efore and im sure will be said again, it looks uttely coolio

myself i would like to see them just add all the weapons from over the unreal years but its early days yet


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
bid said:
I blame lazy admins for destroying the UT2004 player base.
There fixed ...
If Anti-TCC did anything 'wrong' then it was assuming that server-admins actually cared for their servers. Instead Anti-TCC was used by the wrong type of admins ...

// ---
// L0cky
Given that you have been a 'beta-tester' for a game you ought to know the real development-cycle for games :
- developers build a game

- beta-testers break it

- developers fix and the cycle repeats until either beta-testers can't break anything or the publishers decide to ship the game

- the game encounters real players who manage to break lots of stuff again, because unlike the beta-testers they don't care for the reasoning behind the original design

Or if you want it really short :
no plan survives contact with the enemy
end of story.
// ---------
I still think that the best thing that Epic could do would be to kill the UT-franchise, take all the lessons learned from the UT-series and start with a fresh universe/new franchise.
Sure ... it may be a lot of work, but at least it will kill the whining about how item X should or shouldn't be in the game.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
Graphics look good. Here's what I would like to see happen though -

No egyptians.
No krall.
Correct scale this time (ala UT)
No goddamn floating weapons
No floating armour/health etc
Hands! I want to see the characters hands!
Very rock & tech music, just like UT
Deck, Peak, Face, HiSpeed, GOTHIC etc
U Windows type interface please!
Give me some dual enforcer lovin!
Impact hammer!
Jump boots!

This is what UT is not, vehicles, ragdolls, bombing run, pint-sized players and no ****ing gothic clowns. To be honest I don't care that much if these are put in (except the pint sized players) but this isn't what got me into UT at all.


Nov 9, 2004
9 new necris vehicles? You'd figure there'd be Skaarj or Egyptian vehicles, but the necris?

Or am I free to spread rumors of 9 new vehicles per "race"/team?

And I just got a new comp, too. :-/


New Member
May 1, 2003
HepatitisB said:
However, I'm a bit disappointed of the lack of the Minigun and the Bio-Rifle.
Errrm the bio-rifle i mixed in with the canister gun :)
TossMonkey said:
Graphics look good. Here's what I would like to see happen though -

No egyptians.
No krall.
Correct scale this time (ala UT)
No goddamn floating weapons
No floating armour/health etc
Hands! I want to see the characters hands!
Very rock & tech music, just like UT
Deck, Peak, Face, HiSpeed, GOTHIC etc
U Windows type interface please!
Give me some dual enforcer lovin!
Impact hammer!
Jump boots!

This is what UT is not, vehicles, ragdolls, bombing run, pint-sized players and no ****ing gothic clowns. To be honest I don't care that much if these are put in (except the pint sized players) but this isn't what got me into UT at all.

so your basically saying to remake UT with better graphics?

sounds like one hell of an anti-progressive idea to me. gimmy Krall, Vehicles and large scale combat I say....


Die Paper Robots!
May 8, 2001
Dallas TX
bid said:
I blame AntiTCC for destroying the UT2004 player base.

No. First of all UT2k4 isn't dead, it's online player base just isn't as large as you'd like it to be. For one thing, there are probably more people that play offline rather than online and that aren't visible in the community.

I think what hurt UT2k4 the most, and by hurt I mean why it doesn't have as many players as it does, is the fact that the game is too much. The game appeals more to the power user, like you and I. We are used to, and desire, the kind of nearly limitless options this game provides. The average user feels overwelmed.

The average computer user, and by average I mean, for the most part, none of us, will buy the game, install it, and click the icon ready to instantly play. But when he clicks that icon he is confronted will more crazy options that he wants to deal with. Adjust settings? Oooo there's like nearly 10 different tabs worth of stuff to configure and get confused with. Starting a game? Choose from like 10 different game types, then choose from 100+ maps. In game now? Omg there's like 10+ weapons with alt-fires. What weapon do I use to counter that other weapon? What is the moving spot in the distance? Omg it's a bot. If online, wait for 5 minutes worth of server-side mods to download, then what are all these things bouncing and zipping all over the place and why do I die every 5 seconds? Oh they're other players.

While I do love the game, it is somewhat overwhelming for the rookie players. That's why the online player base doesn't grow as much as it does. How would you feel to just have started playing the game and everytime you go on a server you get utterly destroyed by that guy who repeatedly snipes you with the LTG then finishes you off with the mini, all before you realized what happened? I consider myself a decent player and even I get frustrated.

Look at CS. Why is it so popular? It's not because anybody's computer can run it (like I hear so often and even have said so myself in the past). It's because it's very simple and has pretty much remained unchanged through out it's lifetime. People love that. Spawn, pick weapon, do single objective, kill other guys. Simple, solid, reliable. Q3A has kept it's player base the same way. It's game mechanics are simple enough to the point that the rookie can easily get past the technical parts of the game and focus on the game itself and out-smarting the opponent. With UT2k4 there is so many little technical things to learn if you want to play competitively or at least on par with most other people online. A lot of people try it, fail, and just go back to playing bots offline. It's sometimes just too complex and offers too much.

UT is; logon to server, oh noes toilet map, logoff, logon to next server, ohnoes 150 gamespeed googun only, logoff, logon to next server, oh noes 10 minutes to dl mods, logoff, logon to next server, oh noes it's all bots, logoff, logon to next server, oh noes pwned by superplayers, logoff. Exit game, load something else.

In short, AntiTCC didn't "destroy" UT2k4. UT2k4 "destroyed" UT2k4. People liked UT(99) so much because it wasn't as complex as UT2k3/4. I hope this new UT takes the franchise and simplifies it back down to it's beginnings.

Sorry for the rant.


Game Mapper & Press
Apr 17, 2004
Karma isnt in Unreal Engine 3.

at least thats what has been reported by sweeny and the boys.

(if you have anymore info on the teams history please add to it. I wonder if thats loque in red armor in that pic in CGW?)

The Teams so Far in the next UT:

Nahkti: UC2 -redisgned from the "anubians"
The concept was that the Nakhti people have their own combat tournament called the Ascension Rites, which is held whenever the Emperor or Empress is unable to rule. Anyone can enter the tournament, and the winner becomes the new ruler. The Liandri Mining Corporation steps in and tries to commercialize the event, and at the same time, hopes to 'encourage' the selection of a new ruler who will let them exploit the resources of the Nakhti planet.

Necris: UT / UT2K4 / UC2
The Necris are a new race (human, but with dead pale skin) who are attempting to destabilize the New Earth Government through guerilla warfare. The Phayder are a dangerous secret society of Necris assassins.

Kragoth a Necris Phayder is a known member of the Phayder Secret Society.
A brood of assassin and doomsday cultist, the Phayder have declared a sort of guerilla war against Earth.

Juggernauts: UT2K3 / UT2K4 / UC / UC2
Gorge is determined to prove that his one year reign as Tournament Champion is no fluke, and he has re-assembled the Juggernaut team he led to the championship. Axon Research Corporation has made armor and bio-genetic upgrades to the Juggernauts design for this year's Tournament.

Corrupt: UT / UT2K4
Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, he has returned to lead the Liandri team, The Corrupt, back to the championship. Xan is sitting out the early rounds, which he perceives as beneath his attention.

Iron Guard: UT / UT2K4
Members: Harlin, Rylisa, Johnson, Lauren, Brock
This veteran squad of elite warriors once served as personal bodyguards to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. After Jihan's assassination, the Iron Guard found themselves unemployed and the Tournament was an ideal arena to vent their aggression.

Brock and Lauren joined forces with Malcolm during his reign as Tournament champion. Infighting and recrimination over their stunning defeat in last year's Tournament led to the dissolution of that team. Now, Brock and Lauren have returned leading their old team, the Iron Guard.

Krall: Unreal
The Krall are a slave race of the Skaarj, and have been integrated into their society as a lower class of soldier. Though a Krall will always follow the orders of a Skaarj, they have their own ways of rebelling, such as by sleeping or playing dice when they are supposed to be on duty.

All Krall come armed with a staff weapon with three vertical blades on one end. The weapon is long enough to be considered a staff, but top-heavy enough to act as a mace when necessary. This weapon is also capable of launching energy bolts from the bladed end, so it will also server as a ranged weapon. In general, most Krall are slow but agile. This is predominantly due to their frail legs, which can be lost in battle quite easily.

Krall Elite are high-ranking Krall that can be identified by their white skin and blue accents. They are more agile and demonstrate a much greater skill in battle. They also carry a staff weapon that shoots faster and more powerful energy bolts.

Jakobs Team: ?

*Note: Brock & lauren are Necris in UC2:

"Malcolms Loyal teammate, Brock Attempted to avenge his defeat and kill Gorge. His Death was predictable. He was ressurected via the patented Necris Process. Unlike is former girlfriend Lauren, Brock has no memories of his previous life. Unburdened by remorse, hes free to kill in the tournament again."

"Lauren is a former grand tournament champion. After her boyfriend Brock died in combat, she pulled a Romeo and Juliet; taking her own life as well in grief. The Liandri couldn't afford to have two of their top competitors dead all at once, so they brought Lauren back to life with a very horrific (and expensive) Necris process. She's still cute, but she's just barely sane. Not a good combination"
Last edited:


The King Is Dead, Punk Rock Lives!
Nov 30, 1999
Tustin CA, USA
Visit site
TossMonkey said:
Graphics look good. Here's what I would like to see happen though -

No egyptians.
No krall.
Correct scale this time (ala UT)
No goddamn floating weapons
No floating armour/health etc
Hands! I want to see the characters hands!
Very rock & tech music, just like UT
Deck, Peak, Face, HiSpeed, GOTHIC etc
U Windows type interface please!
Give me some dual enforcer lovin!
Impact hammer!
Jump boots!

This is what UT is not, vehicles, ragdolls, bombing run, pint-sized players and no ****ing gothic clowns. To be honest I don't care that much if these are put in (except the pint sized players) but this isn't what got me into UT at all.
Egyptians are cool, but if they go out, I don;t care, but the Egyptian maps styles I love, they better stay. They go way back, since UT.


Jun 24, 2004
Retodon8 said:
It works well enough in UC2, and for the guy asking about it, alternate fire in that game lets you aim the shards a bit, somewhat similar to Half-Life's RPG.
The shards fly much faster than the Pulse/Link Gun, I don't get the equation.


Anyway, about the "equation", I was comparing in terms of style and not weapon effectivity. Yes, the Stinger in Unreal had faster flying projectiles, but the Pulse Gun was pretty much a balanced-out version of it with slower projectiles and higher damage dealt per hit.

But how has the UC2 version been altered compared to the old classic Unreal version in terms of damage, rate of fire etc.?


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
One little gripe I have. If this new UT is going to be a sequel to the other UTs, and assuming the time frame has it occuring after the previous UTs, then it'd make sense that the weapons would be upgraded wouldn't it? But looking at the concept art of the flak cannon it looks like a downgrade. You go from a small, light, compact, efficient flak cannon in UT to this one that is bulky, has exposed cables, and looks very "prototype-like". Is it really that hard to take advantage of the increased graphic capability without making the weapon look so much like a prototype?


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
TossMonkey said:
Graphics look good. Here's what I would like to see happen though -

No egyptians.
No krall.
Correct scale this time (ala UT)
No goddamn floating weapons
No floating armour/health etc
Hands! I want to see the characters hands!
Very rock & tech music, just like UT
Deck, Peak, Face, HiSpeed, GOTHIC etc
U Windows type interface please!
Give me some dual enforcer lovin!
Impact hammer!
Jump boots!

This is what UT is not, vehicles, ragdolls, bombing run, pint-sized players and no ****ing gothic clowns. To be honest I don't care that much if these are put in (except the pint sized players) but this isn't what got me into UT at all.

What's wrong with the Krall? They're just cousins of the Skaarj.
Assault type objectives will be in Conquest.
In order to see hands, they'd have to model hands for every race.
Darkmatch was overrated
Nali were peaceful... not so great in a multiplayer fighting game.
Dual enforcers are in.


Mr High Ping
Dec 20, 2004
I wonder if they will use the old enforcers alt fire mode or adopt the AR Grenade


Jun 24, 2004
hal said:
Well, seeing as how the Enforcers are pistols and not grenade-wielding Assault Rifles, I'd say they won't be able to launch projectile explosives. :lol:

Hmm, I wonder if they're considering re-adding the secondary fire grenade launcher on the rocket launcher seeing as the AR grenade was part of the reason why they removed it. I think it could potentially be useful to defending nodes in ONS.

But then again...they've added the grenade launcher/cannister gun.


New Member
May 6, 2002
Go&nd said:
In UT2003/4, confrontations that should be in-your-face melee battles are reduced to what I call "Sniper Melee."

Even when the level design appears to present a situation where the players should duel among multiple elevations while utilizing varied cover, the game is reduced to two players sniping away (no matter which weapons they're using) at each other from across a single over-scaled area.

Now where have I seen this behaviour before and completely ruined the game? hmm.... Counter Strike.. Yep.. Tactical Ops.. A Big Major Yep (Now everybody is running around with a sniperrifle)