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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
JaFO said:
Aren't the 'Krall' the mercs used by the Skaarj in Unreal ?


Eh, well the mercenaries are the space pirates who have crashlanded their vessel near Harobed Village.
They're the ones which can enable "godmode" (shield). And make all those funky sounds.

The Krall are those bastards who wield those staffs, which can fire electrical charges. They're the allies/SLAVES of the Skaarj.

Edit: Yes, let's hope they'll simply call it UT3..

That'll maybe stop the usage of the retarded UT99 term :O(
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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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Looks like I made a good move, upgrading RAM now and mobo/CPU later. It will put me in a better position to support this game when it comes out.


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
That is absolutely the Flak Cannon. That's obvious from the front view in the second image, it not only resembles the UC2 cannon, but also the barrel of the UT2004 version.

Also, the [ screenshot ] tag is your friend.


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
Mad Max RW said:
I guess I'm gonna have to get a new computer now. Been contemplating it for a while, but this put me over the edge.

I advise you to wait. Things are going change dramatically the coming year(s). FE the only card which enabels you to play U3 is atm the geforce 6800, and you can expect it won't run very good on it. The dualcoreprocessors from Intel should also bring processing speed up to a new level.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Well, if that'll be the new flack cannon....

It looks weird, though. I've always liked the looks of the Unreal/UT flack. The ut2003 fk was quite awkward. This one looks a little too complex... complex maybe isn't the word I'm looking for.

Not appealing maybe. But hey, it's still early.. and if it remains like this I won't kill myself.
Nice drawing though.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Apostle11 said:
Why is it a joke? This is confirmed in development right? So we will see another UT.
The date of the news is a little too close to 1-4-2005 ...
Combined with the 'news' that "Gears of War" was supposed to be their first UE3-game IIRC.

Then again ... maybe I am a little too paranoid. ;)


New Member
Mar 29, 2005
General - I hope the name would be UT3. It will give the game a feel of a big first-person shooter, instead of just a yearly tournament.

Vehicles - 18 vehicles... *drools*. Sounds ballistic. The vehicles I'd want to see back with the Scorpion and Goliath are the Raptor, Manta and Leviathan. If there are 9 'Axon' vehicles, that will leave room for the Hellbender, Cicada, SPMA (ick), and Paladin too.

Weapons - I'm happy to see the enforcers are back! Gonna be much better than the crappy AR. The Stinger and Canister Gun sound cool.
However, I'm a bit disappointed of the lack of the Minigun and the Bio-Rifle. The Mine Layer too, it gave some character to the onslaught gametype.
I also hoped they'd implement the old/new razorjack/ripper/ripjack.

Teams - You can see pretty clearly here that they've listened to the community. Many old teams make comebacks, and there's a nice conglomeration of races.
I'd like to see the Gen Mo'Kai and Skaarj too though. It seems as if they neglected UT03/04's races a bit. Including some robot-style (not cybernetic) characters in The Corrupt would be nice.

Overall, it seems like Epic is trying to make this game more similar to the old UT and implement the best elements of the latter games simultaneously. In my opinion, this is a recipe for success, and by far this game looks AMAZING.



New Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Netherlands
Waaaaaah :eek: *realises they left out the Gen Mo'Kai*
Bleh, they need in.

And no Nightmare ... How are they gonna bring teh bel0ved Mr. Crow into the game then? A necris-Crow? :eek:
OOH! *looks at the word ''Crow'' and reads ''cow''* ... No Warcow??! :(

The rest is superawesome ofcourse. :D
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Jul 3, 2002
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RaptoR said:
In UT2004 you miss the feeling you get from being in someone's face and fighting with them. - Jeff Morris
This is absolutely key to re-capturing the magic of the original UT. Don't get me wrong, I like UT2004, but the player scale severely lessens the crisp, visceral satisfaction of the gameplay.

In UT2003/4, confrontations that should be in-your-face melee battles are reduced to what I call "Sniper Melee."

Even when the level design appears to present a situation where the players should duel among multiple elevations while utilizing varied cover, the game is reduced to two players sniping away (no matter which weapons they're using) at each other from across a single over-scaled area.

I see the mention of double-jumping returning; that's fine, and I would expect to see wall-dodging return as well. As much as I like dodge-jumping, however, I believe it forces level designers to compromise room and corridor scale too much. I believe UT gameplay would be improved by eliminating dodge-jumping.

Huge thanks to BU for posting this information in such a timely and organized manner. :)
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New Member
Oct 2, 2004
My only problem with the game is that it looks way too damn realistic. I mean the whole reason I play video games is to play somehting that looks fake to get away from the world and what not. These graphics are too disgustingly realistic with my taste. If they had done somehting like UC2 cool but I dunno I probablly will get this next UT just because I have every one so far and it might be fun but wow UT has come a looong way.