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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
Go&nd said:
I see the mention of double-jumping returning; that's fine, and I would expect to see wall-dodging return as well. As much as I like dodge-jumping, however, I believe it forces level designers to compromise room and corridor scale too much. I believe UT gameplay would improve by eliminating dodge-jumping.
You would be correct.


Sheep happens!
Jan 21, 2004
Yay Krall!
I hope Epic is going to make a cool team out of them; every Unreal game needs a good alien team.
In UT2004 I played Gen Mo Kai, but they seem to be gone, along with the Skaarj... :(

Kifa said:
the Cannister Gun is looking pretty spooky to me ( :biorifle: + GL + ML = ?!) and it's a shame that there will be no minigun (stinger is not bad, but I have bad memories of it from U1... :rolleyes: ).

It's in UC2 too, although it doesn't fire mines there, only GES and grenades.
I suppose it makes some sense turning 3 different guns into 1.
Of course in UC2 you can only pick 1, meaning it's still effectively 2 different weapons programming-wise.
In the next UT there will probably (?) be weapon pickups and the ability to carry more different guns again, meaning it'll be different.

Radeon285 said:
dammit, I was hoping they would ditch the egyptians completely this time. They really are cliche and stupid as hell. Who REALLY does like them? That and the removal of the lighting gun. Otherwise everything else sounds very cool.

After the Anubans were renamed Nakthi they got quite a bit cooler though.
The're just another sci fi race, only with pyramids in their architecture and hieroglyphics.

I'm sure the list above, actually all the lists above aren't final, or complete.


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Actually, we don't think 2K4 was very successful [...] It wasn't a bad game... I just wish it could have been a better game than it was
Firstly, ending a sentence with was is just nasty. Secondly, and more importantly, UT2004 is one of the best games I have played. I would like to know of another game that offers more variety and depth as UT2004.


I can't wait for this game! :)
Unfortunatly, I'm going to have to wait. :(


Jan 6, 2003
Just wish they wont "noobify" it to much though, it's hard to tell what they intend to do with the movement and the other changes. Hope they wont make the sniper like it was in UT99 though, with even better netcode it will be even easier to hit the opponents and with that high damage and ROF that the old SR had the game will probably be even more hitscan dominated...

Hopefully they will put some effort into making TDM and CTF good as well and not put all their efforts into Conquest and Onslaught... If they intend to make UT2006 or whatever they are gonna call it they better focus on those gamemodes they are what made UT popular and they are gonna keep being popular as well. If they are done right that is ^^ So hire Soma to do all the DM-maps please ^^

Oh and a nerfing of the shockrifle would be nice, make combos harder to hit and lower the rof and damage from the primary fire. It's basicly the only weapon you need if you are good at this game.


Not biased
Oct 30, 2002
Planet Earth
They are already starting to mess up even before the game is getting released! :(

Jump boots = yes

double jump = no!

and... they replaced the minigun.... :(


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
bid said:
Actually, we don't think 2K4 was very successful [...] It wasn't a bad game... I just wish it could have been a better game than it was
Firstly, ending a sentence with was is just nasty. Secondly, and more importantly, UT2004 is one of the best games I have played. I would like to know of another game that offers more variety and depth as UT2004.
Those things don't make a game successful. As far as I'm concerned it was a great success, but the player numbers online show otherwise.

Mad Max RW

Road Warrior
Nov 13, 2003
Deapblade said:
I advise you to wait. Things are going change dramatically the coming year(s). FE the only card which enabels you to play U3 is atm the geforce 6800, and you can expect it won't run very good on it. The dualcoreprocessors from Intel should also bring processing speed up to a new level.

That's what I intend to do. I usually wait until the very end of a year/beginning of next to get any new computer parts. And I never just go right out and buy something when I feel like it. I'll be more than ready in a year or 2 when the new UT comes out. By that time my present computer which is amazing will be extremely outdated.


Suck my boomstick!
I was just wondering if they would include the original UT. I mean, just porting over the whole game so it would be the same exept that it is running on the latest engine...

Also, if they would include GOOD CTF maps I am satisfied!

OMG UT2004 nearly killed off UT CTF (wich for me is UT)


Jun 24, 2004
Remember when you were introduced to the Skaarj in Unreal 2? To me that was a jaw-dropping experience (and the best moment in the entire game)... the skaarj had never looked better.

Ever since the U3 engine was unveiled, I had looked forward to seeing the skaarj in their new rendition on this monster, but sadly that is not to be... (for now) :(

The Tarydium Stinger intrigues me somehow, mostly because I'm curious as to how they intend to implement it since it was basically like the Pulse/Link Gun... and what will the secondary fire be? Since it's replacing the Minigun I'd suspect it'd be something along the lines of increased rate of fire/less accuracy, but that'd be somewhat boring imo and I hope they come up with something more or less original.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
# Weapons

* Rocket Launcher
* Flak Cannon
* Redeemer
* Link Gun
* Shock Rifle
* Sniper Rifle
* Dual Enforcers
* Stinger (from Unreal 1 and Unreal Championship 2, replaces the Minigun)
* Canister Gun (houses Grenade Launcher, Mine Layer, Bio Rifle)

BOOOOOOOOORIIIIIING. Jesus, something new artillery-wise wouldn't kill them. We've had this crap for the last four games now. As much as I like the shock rifle, I really would love to see something NEW.

And replacing the minigun with the stinger is just such a bad idea I can't even believe they considered it much less approved it.

Weren't they going to change the arsenal for 2K3 and everyone bitched and whined about it? (and see what 2K3 turned into? Hope everyone was happy with that!)

I think they should tell everyone to just shut it and change it anyway. People WILL get over it (and they WILL mod the old weapons back in anyway.)


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Three years.......?

They announced this kinda early, didn't they?

jeez, that kinda changes a lot. :p


Nov 12, 1999
No, still isn't funny

Nosnos said:
Well if the can find new weapons that are as varied and still as balanced as the UT-weapons the please go right ahead and change them... But what should they replace them with?

The weaponset is one of the thing that makes the game what it is. Removing the UT weapons and it isn't UT. So Nem's so far off the mark it's not even funny.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Didn't you just say "ONE OF the things"?

So how is removing the weapons (which is "one" of the things) ruining UT?

It still has karma, vehicles, player physics...... or are those not coming back in UT2006?

Remove THOSE and it isn't UT.