Yay Krall!
I hope Epic is going to make a cool team out of them; every Unreal game needs a good alien team.
In UT2004 I played Gen Mo Kai, but they seem to be gone, along with the Skaarj...
Kifa said:
the Cannister Gun is looking pretty spooky to me (
+ GL + ML = ?!) and it's a shame that there will be no minigun (stinger is not bad, but I have bad memories of it from U1...
It's in UC2 too, although it doesn't fire mines there, only GES and grenades.
I suppose it makes some sense turning 3 different guns into 1.
Of course in UC2 you can only pick 1, meaning it's still effectively 2 different weapons programming-wise.
In the next UT there will probably (?) be weapon pickups and the ability to carry more different guns again, meaning it'll be different.
Radeon285 said:
dammit, I was hoping they would ditch the egyptians completely this time. They really are cliche and stupid as hell. Who REALLY does like them? That and the removal of the lighting gun. Otherwise everything else sounds very cool.
After the Anubans were renamed Nakthi they got quite a bit cooler though.
The're just another sci fi race, only with pyramids in their architecture and hieroglyphics.
I'm sure the list above, actually all the lists above aren't final, or complete.