Michael Capps Replies To Greg Costikyan's Accusations Of Overworking Employees

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Mar 20, 2002
Chica Go
Visit site
You're saying that as if it's either or.
I've reread my post a few times and I have no idea how I came across as that.

Actually, I'm not even sure what you mean.

Are you saying that my post indicated someone will either hire people passionate about the work or they don't hire them at all? As in there is no middle of the road?

I'm pretty certain I said that if a manager had a choice between one end of the spectrum or the other, he'd choose hard worker over weak sauce any day of the week. What owner/manager of a company wouldn't?

The only one's I could think of would be jobs on the lower income scale cause frankly that kind of work normally is hard to get passionate about and it's normally easy enough that finding the labor to do it is easy...in other words, not a whole lot of talent needed.

Different story when making a game, being a designer, graphics artist, etc...dang you better be pretty passionate about your work. That's why artists are artists. If an artist isn't excited about his work then how did he every become an artist? You really can't be an graphics artist if you aren't serious about wanting to make it awesome. (One example and slight tangent :p)

The only one's who can do that work on games for the wii. :lol: (Yeah, yeah, low blow and I'm j/k ;))

[EDIT: To sum it up, people are going to hire other people who will stick around when the going gets tough. Nuff said.]
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Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
we were on 12 hour days, five days a week for Gears 2 for, I don't know, maybe six weeks. Something like that.

Hell, I've done 12 hours 5 days a week, and 8 hours the other two for over a month.

From my experience, it's clear that crunch time is a planned part of the schedule.

I recall Cliff saying at some point that he thought anyone that didn't do crunch time, even if it wasn't needed, might not be giving the proeject all they can...

Part of it from a testing standpoint is that RC builds require a certain number of man-hours on them, which typically require 12 hour days at least, with a few 24-hours shifts thrown in.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Caring about the quality of your work is one thing, advertising a job as a 40hr a week salaried position for which you're expected to work an additional 50% unpaid overtime constantly is another thing entirely.

Not to point too many fingers at Epic, from all accounts the whole industry needs to shape up on its labor practices.

Yes, because people who generally apply for positions within the game industry aren't aware of occasional overtime. Big whoop if you work a few hours more a week to prevent soulcrushing crunch.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
I've reread my post a few times and I have no idea how I came across as that.

Actually, I'm not even sure what you mean.

Are you saying that my post indicated someone will either hire people passionate about the work or they don't hire them at all? As in there is no middle of the road?

I'm pretty certain I said that if a manager had a choice between one end of the spectrum or the other, he'd choose hard worker over weak sauce any day of the week. What owner/manager of a company wouldn't?

Either a hard worker or a stick-to-the-40hour-week person. They are not mutually exclusive.


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
I have seen people get laid off for not showing up for overtime a couple times, though, and typically when any kind of lay-offs need to happen, the poeple who miss OT are among the first to go. So, you can stick sharply to the hours, but you're reducing your chances of staying around.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Please indulge me and show me how that is poorly written. I don't get it.

Well it could be taken from recordings then typed so perhaps something got lost in the translation and he did actually state there isnt only a single platform. If he did though, thats the biggest **** up Ive seen come out of an Epic employee's mouth ever@!

Hey if he can be a grammar/spelling nazi, so can I! Hell I dont need a degree to make a mistake like that :lol:

But yeah I am alittle miffed okay, when the CEO of Epic (thats correct isnt it?) states something like that ignoring the existance of the game on other platforms. Referring to that platform as "the platform" well it really does make you wonder as to their commitment to other platforms. Sure it might be a mistake but if he wasnt a dickhead manager he might fess up and admit he made a mistake. What you think of that?
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Project Lead - Unreal Demolition
Jan 6, 2003
Bellevue, WA
Well it could be taken from recordings then typed so perhaps something got lost in the translation and he did actually state there isnt only a single platform. If he did though, thats the biggest **** up Ive seen come out of an Epic employee's mouth ever@!

Hey if he can be a grammar/spelling nazi, so can I! Hell I dont need a degree to make a mistake like that :lol:

But yeah I am alittle miffed okay, when the CEO of Epic (thats correct isnt it?) states something like that ignoring the existance of the game on other platforms. Referring to that platform as "the platform" well it really does make you wonder as to their commitment to other platforms. Sure it might be a mistake but if he wasnt a dickhead manager he might fess up and admit he made a mistake. What you think of that?

Considering he was talking about Gears, I'm pretty sure he was talking about "the platform" because Gears 2 is only on 360....aka, "the platform" for the game. :con:


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Yeah no mystery there! I just find it funny that none of you really care that epic have become so complacent that they refer to the 360 as 'the platform'. If he's talking about GoW it was also released on PC but as with UC2 maybe he just wants to shrug that off! Seriously if it wasnt for the marketing and the timing, well... We all know how long of a delay UT3 was, who was the manager there?

Personally I think Dr Capps has very little to do with Epic's current success. Sure you might not like that view but until I really start to hear and see otherwise I wont change my mind. A dickhead is someone who takes credit for other peoples hard work.
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Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
[GU]elmur_fud;2284387 said:
What is so odd about that? Probably around 90% of america uses standard time instead of a 24 hour military time scheme. I am a army brat so I can easily tell time by either but for most of america 14:00 doesn't mean 2:00 PM.
Most of the US doesn't work at Epic :p

Also, that remark I made was filled with sarcasm. I assumed that Capps, considering he has an army background, would use "army time".


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Actually thats what I was thinkin elm, thats why my first assumption was that the notes/voice was misinterpreted. Considering this is the first time Ive seen him since the Hawaiian shirt and drinks with umbrealla's and his little 'wine' about peoples reaction of gears on PC...

All we seem to hear from him is how good it is to hit dates for GoW, now dont get me wrong thats a good strategy and it seems to be paying off but it would be nice to see him blow sunshine up the rest of Epics arse once in awhile you know. I know he speaks for them all basically so they must feel atleast somewhat similar or he's just got em on such a tight 'rein' no one can think otherwise.
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Project Lead - Unreal Demolition
Jan 6, 2003
Bellevue, WA
Are you being completely sarcastic here? I'm really questioning whether or not you're serious and could use a </sarcasm> please.

It would seem to me that he isn't (note: Capps is the only one talking here, not the entire company) referring to "the platform" in a jackass tone. He's referring to "the platform" as in 'Gears 2 is one of the highest rated games on the platform it is on'. I just feel that you're completely misinterpreting something here as a way to please some personal vendetta against Epic.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Mwhahahaha! Well if this is just Dr Capps talking then if anything my comments are directed at him and him alone not Epic. You really think the dude with the UT3 sig, a long time modder of the engine has something against them? Well I spose I could but that would be alittle hypocritical of me. Then again this could be business (I dont get paid) in which case it wouldnt matter to me what the hell Epic do, think or say apart from the official.

I know what he's referring to, the thing of it is, who's to know what 'the platform' is if they dont know what GoW2 is etc? You know what Im saying. If we are to ever bring more gamers in we need to be aware of the fact not everyone is a gamer, owns a 360 and knows Epic as the studio that brought you CliffyB's Gears Of Badass!

Yes theres some sarcasm but what the hey, might as ****ing well right? I mean why take things so seriously. I mean hell Dickhead can be used as an affectionate term with the right tone cant it, he just seems to be getting his knickers in a twist and proving the very point he came to try and defend himself against.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Most of the US doesn't work at Epic :p

Also, that remark I made was filled with sarcasm. I assumed that Capps, considering he has an army background, would use "army time".
And elmuerte is wrong. ;)

Just because someone has an army background doesn't mean they can't use civilian scales. With few exceptions, in everyday life the US runs on 12-hour time. News comes on at 5 AM, Noon, 5 PM, 6, and 11, not 05:00, 12:00, 17:00, 18:00, and 23:00.


Aug 12, 2001
It is... for a while.

Indeed. It starts to wear on you after a few months :p

There might be some incentive for hourly people but for salaried and per-volume contractors the goal is to get it done right and as quickly as possible. 12+ hour days could mean the difference between weeks and months working on a project.


Registered Coder
Mar 12, 2004
The Netherlands


Necris Fan
Dec 13, 2008
He has to make shure everyone keeps that delicate balance between working hard and working to hard.

Also artists have the sort of temprement where they can work into the early hours of hte morning. Coders are just another type of artist.