Haha. Look at all the good times I am missing. Too me, 2.9 just wasn't what I expected. I just could not get into it. Seriously, I have put a lot of thought into why I don't like INF any more, but I can't figure it out. I just don't have any fun playing. Then again, I don't have the time to play anymore either. And I haven't tried any of these funky server settings I'm reading about. I think I would have liked 11 respawns. Because for some reason, 3 didn't seem to be enough. All I did was watch everybody else play. Somehow with 3 respawns on an EAS server, I played WAY less than 1 spawn on a TDM/DTAS server. If I had only one hour to play INF, I would only actually play for about 5 minutes. That's not an efficient use of my time, especially when I just want to play INF in the first place. So now I pretty much play BF excusively. That way, I actually play the game. It may not be as realistic as I want it to be, but I don't get stuck in the "penalty box" all night like I did in INF. And it is just nice to be able to load it up and find a server and play. One nice thing about INF now anyway, is the server admins. At least now server admins seem to listen to player advice, whether it is good or bad. Back in the 2.75 days when the only servers were SOB, you were stuck with the same server setting for months if not years. Wow did that suck. Have fun with your game guys. I'm outta here.