What is needed is more dynamic maps. Its that simple. Many of the maps that have static spawns need more game area, and less linear play. If that is provided I dont see a problem with a maps fun factor. For instance, Riun. It has the same spawns, same objective, but since there are so many routes and ways, its always fun. Map makers need to take this into consideration for the future.
Gentleman, let us make one conclusion out of all this debate, and that is that EAS is now in its baby steps. We are learning NOW what works and what does not. Dont simply leave cause you dont like whats going on, help mold EAS into something better! We as map makers are doing this now. For instance, Fatmarrows new EAS maps are fun! Why? Same reason as ruin. Me and my brother are currently working on a awsome map, that will also take advantage of random spawns ala mostar. So sit tight, let us learn the earlier EAS mistakes and make better maps. Just hang in there people. Your loyalty and constructive input is whats needed now, not INF bashing.