Time for my 2 cents.
- DM/TDM, CTF, Onslaught and Conquest
Sounds like a good thing, but I fear that the quality & quantity of maps for CTF will suffer at the expense of ONS / Conquest.
UT2kx had (IMHO) too many DM/TDM-maps and too few maps for the rest of the gametypes. One can only hope that the removal of BR & DDOM means we get more maps for CTF.
- Dont add to many mutators, add them with bonuspacks or something since they mostly just break the community apart into tiny tiny pieces.
mutators never broke the community ... players that were scared of having to adapt to mutated gametypes did.
- Please think about the oldschool players. We all realise you need Conquest to drawn in new players but once they are hooked on the game they are gonna see DM/TDM and CTF for what they really are, the gem of the UT-series ^^
I say : don't think about 'oldschool' players. They've already got their favourite games (UT99, UT2kx, Quake ... ).
I'd even say that they should *emphasize* that the 'classic' gametypes are mere traininggrounds for the spectacle that is 'Conquest'.
Onslaught already proves that a good new gametype can draw players and keep them.
So far Epic has done a pretty terrific job whenever new weapons were introduced. I just hope they try to make them feel like true Unreal-style weapons. That's why I like the minigun (boring, not really Unreal) being replaced by the Stinger (typically Unreal). The net-result may be identical, but the 'feel' of the weapon is what makes this game.
Oh ... and please bring back the Ripper-gun in some form. It was pure bloody goodness
The *excessive* use of acrobatics definitely needs to be fixed.
I personally would force them to use 'adrenaline'. A player without 'adrenaline' would simply have reduced distance/speed for those moves.
I've always liked how UT managed to offer both 'eyecandy' as well as 'arena'-style maps. The 'realistic'/eyecandy maps made you feel you were in a living environment. And the 'arena'-style still managed to look good and convincing enough to be fun.
If Gameplay > Eyecandy then no one would ever play a new game with better graphics. Fact is this new engine is build for eyecandy, so it should be used and not ignored.
I hope they can enforce a higher quality and manage to prevent the 'lego-style'-stupidity. It's an engine that can push millions of polygons and it should be doing so as fast as the hardware can handle it.
Perhaps even hardcoded restrictions that stop people with high-powered monstercards from removing "eyecandy" ... (ie : if you want you lego-looks then you got to use a lower-spec card/machine)
I wish for movie-style dynamic soundtracks.
The game 'Rez' would be the ultra-cool version, but I'd settle for somethig a little less slick
Also allow for custom-maps to feature their own tracks and make sure they're part of the download as well ...
I hope for a better set of skins, especially teamskins should be comparable brightness. No 'brightskins' and definitely not a client/server-side setting for those 'things'. Leave those things to the 'pro'/competitive players/servers, but make sure that ordinary on-line games aren't polluted by this stuff.
Please make sure custom-models, voices & skins get better support.
Don't turn anyone without the custom-content into a 'Gorge', but allow skinners/modellers to define the fall-back skin/model.
ie : if I don't have a custom-skin for a default model then I still want to see & hear that default-model.
Ditto ... this shouldn't be a pinball-game. The 'hitsounds' should add to the immersion. More painful pain-sounds would be appreciated.
Also the hit-sounds for a model should be part of the voicepack or at least be replaceable without the use of code.
Force default model
Eliminate this 'feature'. It should be a server-side setting that's strictly for 'competive' play.
No more matinee-movies, but true interactive lessons that teach every aspect of the game. Don't stop at showing 'dodges', but show their use.
Take cues from the training-levels in sportsgames like PES and fighting-games like Virtua Fighter 4.
It would be nice if we had an easy-to-use replay interface.
Levels could have static 'camera'-locations at could be accessed via this interface as well. And there'd definitely could be a few dynamic camera-views that depend on the gametype as well (think of the 'goal'-replay in football-games).
All of these views should be availablel for spectators as well.
custom downloads
Give people more choice when it comes to accepting server-side content.
Let them choose whether they want new custom content and still allow them to play if they don't want them (mutators/maps can't be avoided if you want to play for obvious reasons).
Let them set limits to the size of the downloads or at least restrict size based on the hardware (for example : no download larger than 10 Mb for modem-users).
Instead of telling people they're receiving 'superleet.utx' tell them they're receiving the 'superleet'-skin for the Gorge-model. So less technical info and more userfriendly feedback.
commands for teammates/bots
This interface should definitely be enhanced. Perhaps the context-sensitive interface from 'Brothers in Arms' can be copied. This bit is far more useful for bots as clans & humans can use the voIP-interface, but otoh it can break language-barriers !