AMmayhem said:Am I the only one who notices a contradiction here?
By oldschool I dont just mean UT99 players but players who prefer the old gametypes like DM/CTF.
And about the movement forcing the maps to be overscaled... That might be true in some cases but good UT2004 doesnt have to be overscaled in order to be good... look at the good 1on1-maps for example (Ironic, Roughinery, Rankin) They arent overscaled but they are still awesome for UT2004's movement. A lot of maps are overscaled though but that is because (I think) it's easier to make a map "playable" by making it overscaled, that way you are able to do all the fancy moves and people wont complain about the map being to cramped and about getting stuck everywhere... Making a tight map that still works in terms of movement will probably take a lot longer but it is possible...
But what if they "nerfed" the movement instead of removing it? Perhaps making it so that the jump on a dodgejump doesnt increase your distance by quite as much or that the second jump on a doublejump only takes you slightly higher than a normal jump... I personally like to have a lot of options and if they remove the dodgejump completly you wont be able to do the fancy slides on steep hills, walls and planks that we all know and love ^^