Personally I don't think an experimental wepon not currently in service (AFAIK) has a place in inf yet. Besides, if you prefer the XM8, use the XM8.
Can only second that...Crowze said:Personally I don't think an experimental wepon not currently in service (AFAIK) has a place in inf yet. Besides, if you prefer the XM8, use the XM8.
Beppo said:really?
well, the pros:
- AimPoint
- Scope
- higher caliber, so still effective against armor (unlike the only other Aimpoint weapon, MP5)
- very accurate on short to medium and even long ranges up to 400 meters and still accurate enough on 600 meters
- bulk
- high firerate
- low recoil
and the only con:
- view is blocked partially while aimed
flamingknives said:Beppo.
I appreciate that I'm a newbie here, but I'm not entirely ignorant about aimpoint-style sights.
The point I'm making is that the red-dot always points in the same direction, (dead centre of the screen) even when the rifle is pointing somewhere else entirely. A sight like that is hardly worth the $100s that they cost, so something seems wrong. More to the point it is inconsistant in game, as the aimpoint on the MP5 dances all over the place.
Nope, it isn'tLord Belial said:... And the G36K sight is off, but woopty doo.
Psychomorph said:The G36 sight is used with both eyes, that changes things.
I do have experience with the G36 and you are supposed to keep both eyes opened when aiming with the aimpoint attachement. It's meant to be used when the enemy is in close range, too (at least when it's attached because then you don't have anything else to aim with apart from the scope because the attachement blocks the view of the iron(plastic in this caseBeppo said:Do you have experience with a G36K using the Aimpoint sight in CQB??
According to some folks I know the thing blocks your full view if you close one eye to actually aim. And noone told them to run around aiming with both eyes open. I don't think that you would aim thru the Aimpoint in a CQB situation... you would shoulder the weapon and this comes close to our hip mode.
CFA said:the XM8 sights are off too(long distance) when you zoom in, the sights fire all over the place instead of the where it should.if recoil is the cause, then why doesnt every other acog weapon shoot correctly and this one doesnt.if you must control breath for one shot , then why dont you for the rest of them