G36K sight is off.

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New Member
Aug 1, 2003
I live here, Really.
Almost said:
I use the G36 a lot and I find it far from useless. It's all in personal preference and what suits your own style of play best. It may be useless with your style of play, for me it isn't. But then again, you can't please everyone. If the G36 isn't your cup of tea, use something else.
Masterful. If you aren't a moderator, you should be one. Textbook example of defusing a situation.

However that doesn't change the fact that the G36 isn't "all that"

I'm going to take the useless stance of arguing by means of realism:
1.A G36 is an Assault Rifle.
2. Assault Rifle are general issue items.
3. General issue items\weapons are usually "all purpose" or as close to it as possible.

Do you think a German Soldier would go back to the depot and argue that the G36 doesn't fit his style?

I'm sorry, I'm probably coming of as an *******. Which isn't my purpose at all. I'll make no secret of the fact that I don't play all that much infiltration. I have played quite a bit with the G36, and the FAMAS before that (before 2.9) however. I'm very much in favour of the underdog. Something that is unfortunatly in my nature.

I just needed to get my thoughts in regards to the G36 out of my system.
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
If you guys continue talking rubish like that, then I guess it will be better to close this thread cause it goes nowhere for quite some time already and is brought up again regulary with comments like the one N'kEnNy made on the page before...

The way you quoted me there was not really nice, especially the way you presented my quote and placing it into a totally different surrounding.

The 'original' discussion was about the G36 fitting into the armoury of INF or not and what role it is designed for... then including its pros and cons in an INF type of view.
This doesn't count in any kind of community made additions like other weapons that do not belong to our official armoury at all and cannot be used for comparrison nor arguing in this matter.

From that point of view my points still stand, you N'kEnNy compare it to other things, maybe valid, but not the point of my post at all.
Compared to the only other Aimpoint weapon in our official armoury it HAS a higher caliber, it is the only weapon in our official armoury that has an AimPoint AND a scope, it IS very accurate on short to medium and even long ranges up to 400 meters and still accurate enough on 600 meters, its bulk is pretty low compared to the other assault rifles and it has a high firerate and very low recoil... again compared to the rest of our armoury. But still it is no uber weapon ... it has its cons too but to name non available attachments like suppressors is a bit off actually. It fits into its role and it fits a unique spot within the INF armoury and it does NOT render other weapons within the armoury useless by giving it the whole set of pros from a couple of other weapons all in one.

Oh and Vega-don ... I'm close to kicking your butt the hard way...
your posts here (the ones I have to read) are almost all pretty negative. You always show up to add your personal flaming to any topic you like... especially stuff you and I or our team do not agree on. It is one way to state that you and I and other team members do have different opinions but the way you do it is not really respectful in any manner nor do you try to accept that others like I and other team members do not agree to your opinions nor do we share the same opinions in several different occasions. You need to learn to show respect, even for those that do not agree and have other opinions like yourself. I still do have respect for you, but the more I have to read from your flaming stuff the lower this respect goes. Please make sure to not let it go down fully... else I'll be forced to act accordingly.
I have nothing against people to state their opinions here freely, but always respect the fact that others are allowed to disagree, period. And if they do, then act like a grown up and live with it.

And to the so called 'fix' ...
noone here has the permission to change the original G36k in the way it is presented in INF 2.9. There are enough weapons out there in the world that you guys can try to implement. And if you want to implement another G36k, then make sure to use your own material.
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Apr 21, 2003
Nah, let the thread open, some interessting posts may happen in the future.

That the red dot of the G36K is not working as it is meant in real life and that it give you a slight disadvantage can be called somewhat of a fact, I have no doubt.

But it is how it is. To explain whats wrong and what sucks is less a help I think, cuz most know that, but try to give suggestions is a good thing, especially because Crowze seems to try (or tried) a fix, which means the concearns about the G26K are not unheared.

The prob is the engine, with the actual engine, my only idea would be, to have the G36K rifle beeing at the same hipped position as the original M16A2. The aimed position looks, like the sight is close to the view, but moved to th right and a bit to the bottom, making the centre zone of the screen free.
In this zone you have the dot, without anything, just a red dot.
Since the sight still blocks something, you have to lower the sight to gain the fully free horizontall view, which causes the dot moving down. But in CQB it is easier to keep the dot on the target, due to the free center.

For those who complain about this idea beeing an insertion of a crosshair, thats how the sight works (crosshair system), but at the same time it is not the same as regular game crosshair, because you have to aim the sight with the right eye to see the 'crosshair', which means the right screen is blocked. To observe you have to lower this blocking sight via the mouse (I don't speak about hip), which means you do not always have the crosshair centered forward, you still will have the mouse aiming time as all other sights in INF.

So, more I can't try to give constructive solutions. Imo, this is the best to make the red dot as realistic as possible on this old engine, but just IMO.
About uber weapon... I don't think so, it's up to the shooter. I will still continue using my M16A2 primaly.


New Member
Aug 1, 2003
I live here, Really.
Let it be said that I have great respect for Sentrystudios and the community made packages. Infiltration is the only reason why I ever installed UT, and I did buy Ut2k4 in anticipation for Inf2. (fortunatly you made the sensible choice and moved to HL2)

I'm not trying to stir up the hornets nest, nor is this an attack at your person or Sentry Studios.

However please recognize that the reason why this topic continiously returns is because it is indeed the truth of the matter.

Face the Facts
Though it is with some reluctancy I'm going to make a mistake. The mistake being pushing the envelope. (issue)

I hope I didn't offend by utilizing your quote in that manner. For my argument, whom I'm actually quoting was inconsiquential. You point out that the quote originally stated the Pros and Cons list I quoted are the INF Team reasons why the G36 should be put into the Armoury.

My response is the following:
You did not achieve your intended goals. In addition to that. Wether or not a weapon features an aimpoint or not. Wether or not it is bullpup. These things are meaningless unless actually applied in the game.

Reasons being stated in my first post.

Comparisons to Community made projects
If were not allowed to compare the intended situation to the REALITY of our situation; what sort of happy fluffy bunny land are we supposed to live in? Most servers are running some of the community made weapon packs.

The reality of the situation as I see it. Is that the G36 needs something extra. Either in the form of easier target aquisition or simply more attachments.

Done and Done
This is probably my final post (in this thread) on this topic. I've stated my oppinions, and my arguments as clearly as possibly.

Beppo has represented the Inf team, almost has represented the sensible part of the community, and there have been some other comments aswell.

I understand that this was most likely a futile gesture, and in truth I didn't expect the earth to shake in the first place. :rolleyes:

Finally I recognize that Sentry Studios will most likely never change the G36(k). I can respect and emphasize this decision considering their next project. I'll use these last lines to ask Sentry Studios to reconsider their current stand, and help the G36 along. Keep in mind that most of the other weapons have had multiple versions to reach the balance you've achieved.
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Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Visit site
Beppo said:
The 'original' discussion was about the G36 fitting into the armoury of INF or not and what role it is designed for... then including its pros and cons in an INF type of view.

I'm not sure if I should mention that the original discussion was about how the G36K sight is off, as in misaligned, as in bullets don't go where you aim.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
For your information, I have fixed the misalignment in the latest version of IWE, which should be done fairly soon. Also, I have moved the sights further away from the viewpoint, simply to get around people using D3D intentionally to make it clip the rear sight and give a near 100% field of view. Forget balance issues, that is reason enough to change it.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Crowze said:
For your information, I have fixed the misalignment in the latest version of IWE, which should be done fairly soon. Also, I have moved the sights further away from the viewpoint, simply to get around people using D3D intentionally to make it clip the rear sight and give a near 100% field of view. Forget balance issues, that is reason enough to change it.
Yay! Can't wait :)


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Plz find another word for 'fix' cause the sights never were off nor needed 'fixing'.
Sure, the red dot wasn't dead center 'on' the surrounding circle... but this is irrelevant by design as you should know.

And if people still do not know that the 'stuff' around the red dot is irrelevant then please check out the numerous links to the AimPoint pages explaining how it works... :)

Oh and N'kEnNy... your opinion, my opinion... it differs. For me I /we archieved our intended goals. But these goals do differ from what some community members want to see.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Visit site
Beppo said:
Plz find another word for 'fix' cause the sights never were off nor needed 'fixing'.
Sure, the red dot wasn't dead center 'on' the surrounding circle... but this is irrelevant by design as you should know.

I know the bullets still went to the red dot, no matter where it was in the circle, but it was my intuitive instinct to aim from the center of the gun coarsely, and the red dot after, and the fact that it was uncentered bugged me.

You gotta admit though, it takes alot of nitpicking to find something wrong with this game.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Cleeus[JgKdo] said:
would that change anything?
yes, a 'change' is a totally different thing compared to a 'fix' ... and a word means a lot in todays world. So choosing the wrong or more incorrect one can lead to wrong assumptions and misunderstanding pretty easily.

Vega-don said:
i wont answer to your post ,because you dont need me to look foolish; but just that line. dont play that game here
I haven't started that 'game' you play here...

- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
Beppo said:
yes, a 'change' is a totally different thing compared to a 'fix' ... and a word means a lot in todays world. So choosing the wrong or more incorrect one can lead to wrong assumptions and misunderstanding pretty easily.

Well, he did it to fix the d3d clipping of the gun, so we can use it on all servers, and not in the meanwhile rare case it is not banned. Whats wrong with the word fix then?
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because respawns suck
Jun 8, 2002
well, in this case i'd more be a workaround then a fix

however, a red dot, thats supposed to be in the center, but that isn't in the center is a bug for me. If the developers say its a feature then it's like MS saying windows has an autocrash feature ;)
Apr 21, 2003
What about 'correction' instead of 'fix'?

Well as beppo said it dose not matter if the dot is centered. Becasue of the breath and movement, the dot should bob a bit (logically), but when you hold breath the dot should stop whereever it was during the previous bobbing process.
It could go a bit more centered, but not exactly centered (inside the sight circle), cuz they are no rearsight and frontsight to bring in line.

A completely centered dot would look artificial to me.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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In RL are there times when the dot is not centre and does not effect aiming? Is it something that is not a concern in RL? If that is the way it is in RL then it is not a bug and that is the way it is.

If it is a problem in RL and it never is like that then I would suggest a fix or something.

So someone with actual knowledge of this issue in RL care to comment.