Warning: Sorry I try to keep my posts short, but it doesn't f**king work

No I do not have experience with G36, but I know how both eyes open feels.
Of course in fast CQB you have it shouldered (and shoot that way) and exactly that gives you the ability to aim fast and unaim, that works extreme fast, so in CQB you are able sometimes to fast aim shoot and unaim ( to place exact shots if you have the time), it is a matter of a second.
Sadly exactly this doesn´t work in INF (no critizise, just how things are), you are forced to aim, or to use it unaimed, but bringing sights up as fast as in real life (from shouldered) is not possible (at most only if you move the whole sight down, which is ineffective).
I saw many soldiers and other shooting reddot and reflex with both eyes open, sure you can close one eye if it is more comfortable for you, but in real life it is so fast that you can close the left eye, shoot, and open it, to aquire the next target and close it again and shoot.
It works similar with normal sights, but then you have to close the left eye.
The prob is, that using the g36 reddot is more effective in reallife. I posted some suggestions in my
'A diferent aiming system' thread, but I know that those are not the most perfect ideas and I still think about how to solve that stuff (from the theoretical side).
A possibility would be to make the sight (not the gun) transparent (pic attached), but I don´t like it so much, cuz it doesn´t really match real life.
But if I think about the ability to have the gun shouldered, which would give you the ability to bring up the sight in less than a second, the g36 sight problem would be solved to a degree. Cuz all sights would behave that way and cuz than IMO the sights would appear as big as the g36 sight (not that huge m16 peephole).
To summerize:
If they is a real shouldered weapon position which allows you to bring up the sight in near 0,5 seconds (no matter what sight) and if all the sights are realistically brought into line (size), that way the sights would be balanced out even if the G36 reddot sight is huge and nontransparent (one eye aiming).
I think that would be the best solution IMO.
The unbalance in INF is, that ironsight gunz are small, their sights block less and the peepholes, or similar, are huge. The g36 sight is realistically big (in relation to the hole you look through) and you cant have the advantage you have with other gunz, by moving the gun down.
Sure it is not the request to fix curent INF that way, but maybe something for the future. My hopes are high

Just a last example:
After I saw the REDDOT sight in AA:O, I was kinda shocked, cuz I dreamed of a 3D version of that sight, but after playing with it, I really loved it, it gives you a more of a realistic field of view and has no zoom (no technical zoom), it is pretty comfortable to use, I always aim and sneak behind corners, and everything is still visible and I have the dot to aim instantly. On inofficial servers I always use the reddot, not the acog, not the reflex.
So if INF would have good sized sights, the G36 sight would be even bigger and you would have good view through the sight and combined with the fast aiming I explained in the summerisation, it could kick ass (pic2 attached).
Derelan said:
but that would of course ruin game balance.
It depends on how it is made. If it is made not very well it could unbalance the whole thing, as it is the case in INF (sorry SS Team, no critizise, INF is still da greatest, but IMO I think it is the case
