L0cky said:
If it's anything like XMP, it should be a blast.
Tse, you're pretty much on the money about the popularity of gametypes, but I still feel Epic don't place much value into a longer learning curve. It'd be great if as you gained more experience with the game, you were still rewarded after a year of playing and more.
Look at the Quake games, or Tribes, or UT Assault (the original), people are still learning new things to this day. Yet with 2k4, you play it for a month and you've pretty much seen everything. There's a cap on the learning curve.
Incidentally, it's also why I think quake movies are still going strong, while ut movies tend to be all the same. [/2cents].
i agree, i hope we see something like large scale assault/xmp with conquest. in fact, i pray they really break away from UT tradition with this new game.
as for quake/learning curves and all the stuff the competitive community obsesses about...
look, quake/ut/tribes combined are a small and shrinking slice of the online pie. about 20 million active online fps players and less than 400k play old school ctf among these games.
heck, ctf itself has gone the route of tactical warfare. you have more people playing tactical warfare versions of ctf than quake, tribes and ut games combined. we need to get real about this.
Non-sporty, tactical CTF(i may have missed some games & mods in this classification)
SoF II CTF - 314,568
Call of Duty CTF - 202,041
BF42 CTF - 139,648
Halo CTF - 84,919
MoH CTF - 47,197
JA2 CTF- 13,685
Q3 UT CTF - 12,366
TOTAL: over 800,000 alliases seen in past 31 days
Sporty, old-school CTF
UT CTF - 138,289
Q3 CTF (combined base, osp) - ~80,000
UT2k4 CTF - 57,216 <-------------- new game
T1 CTF (base, renegades, etc) - 40,000
T2 CTF (base, classic, etc) - 20,000
Q2 CTF - 14,581
T:V CTF - 14,091 <-------------- new game
UT2k3 CTF - 10,072 <-------------- new game
TOTAL: under 400,000 aliases seen in the past 31 days
Of those 400,000 about 300,000 are playing games from 2001 or earlier.
i dont think it's a learning curve issue at all. i think folks in quake/ut/tribes keep talking about this design matter but kid themselves just like when they try to suggest bad marketing explains the sequels being flops.
5-10 million unreal/ut fans... and the vast majority KNOW how to and can play just fine... yet decide not to.
meanwhile, most gamers are perfectly happy playing the same 5 or so maps of counterstrike and enjoying the EMERGENT gameplay. repetition is the heart of video game enjoyment. the most popular games do not dramatically break from repetition in pubbing or comp play. the real fun isnt in the learning curve but in the nuances of emergent gameplay.
let's not exagerate the "new" gameplay dynamics in quake, tribes or UT. the new tribes game just brought a ton of amazing new physics and tricks... with a steep learning curve... but i think it has nothing to do with why folks do/dont play... or why folks continue to play.
a small # of people might CLAIM they continue to play quake cuz of this tiny new twists, but let's be mature & realistic about this.
that said, i totally agree with you in terms of the 'experience' dimension on another level. but remember what seems to be keeping games popular is being able to get onto your fav server (pub or not) and play a SIMPLE game that has lots of fun nuances.
even the most basic CS map and gameplay is slightly different every night. it BEING simple and full of humans... is the root of the emergent gameplay.
you cant force fun with neato design tricks...
similarly, i dont think ut2k4 is any different. to me, the reason folks mostly bailed on ut2k4 (after it broke all the online records excluding CS)... imo, is cuz they just simply got BORED even with onslaught.
why do they get bored?
as a game design matter i have some gut instincts, and i think it has to do with the utter lack of RISK in the gameplay and the fact that it's so unrealistic in physics (UT generally).
i think your average gamer (including millions of former ut fans) likes running/crouching as the primary player movement. i think they like the feel of being grounded and having every inch count. i think they do NOT like peter pan physics. i think they do NOT like splash damage being the primary source of death.
i think they do NOT like high respawn rates where suicide cowboy runs dominate gameplay mechanisms. i think they like NOT dying more than they like KILLING.
i think they increasingly like large scale battles, with limited use of vehicles.
i think they like objectives and/or rounds.
i think they knowing they can load the game and have fun, easily, without stress about cheaters, finding a decent server, and generally being completely outclassed by other players.
the peter pan physics, splash damage, high respawning rates, sporty gameplay we know and love as old-school quake/ut/tribes just doesnt resonate anymore.
ONS revived the brand name. hopefully conquest will run with those dynamics and perhaps ut can evolve into a defining warfare game.
id rather play a UT warfare game than Battlefield or whatever.